Chapter 13, the aftermath

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Smoke still hung in the air from the Naval Battle of the Southern Isles. The citizens were starting the enormous task of rebuilding the kingdom, HMS Norway and Force 10 from Arrendelle were docked in the harbour and their crews assisted wherever they could. The Swordfish Recon plane had been sent up just after the battle finished and it had found the Two Missing Tribal Class Destroyers HMS Sami and HMS Inuit and the Liberty ship SS Ocean Star. A few of the Wildcat fighters she had been carrying as cargo were wrapped in tarpaulin on deck. The Spirit of Arrendelle had been dispatched to refuel the three ships and Medical Officer Harper went along to command the mission.

Elsa however wasn't feeling so good. She had experienced her first military action on the Norway and right after she had witnessed the effects of a 21 inch MK IV torpedo on a Wesleton Ship, she had been sick on the floor at the sight of the wounded that were brought on-board from the Wesleton ship. Alexander had taken her back to her room and had fallen asleep on a chair next to the bed. Elsa knew one new thing about Alexander now and that was that he snored louder than Norway's guns when they fired! Groaning loudly as she woke up, Elsa watched Alexander for a long moment, taking in how handsome he was. A blush came to her cheeks but as she tried to calm herself down, Alexander jolted awake!

Elsa squealed loudly and Alexander swore loudly in surprise as he banged his head on one of the water pipes.

"Are you alright Alex?" Elsa asked with concern in her voice as she conjured up a small patch of snow and placed it where Alexander banged his head.

Alexander winced and said "Yeah I'm alright Elsa"

Elsa just smiled at the young Naval Officer. Alexander smiled at her again and said "I think Breakfast might be on right about now"

"Ok, but I need to change first" Elsa replied, gesturing to the Naval uniform she had slept in which was very badly creased.

Alexander nodded and stepped outside to wait. Davies was waiting outside with a childish grin on his face.

"What have you been doing in there mate? You've been in there for hours!" He said jokingly.

"Nothing" Alexander replied, trying to stop Davies pestering him.

"That's not what the Officers have been saying" Davies said, not knowing he was about to make Alexander do something he never would do normally.

Alexander looked at Davies Angrily and said in a furious tone "I have not been doing anything with her! I'm just a Naval Officer and she is a Queen! We could never be together even if we tried! I may have feelings for her but one day she will find a prince and forget all about me! That's what Queens are supposed to do! Hell, I don't even think she loves me!"

Davies stepped back in shock, his eyes wide in shock at Alexander's outburst. But he wasn't looking at Alexander; he was looking past him at Elsa's bedroom door. It was open slightly and Elsa slipped out, her eyes wide and tears beginning to form at the edge of them.

"Uh, Alex" Davies said carefully whilst gesturing behind him.

Alexander turned around to see Elsa looking at him, she was almost about to cry now.

"I thought I would have a chance but evidently not" Elsa said before she sprinted off, the cape of her 'Snow Queen' Dress flying out behind her, a trail of frost forming behind her.

Davies and Alexander watched the young queen sprint off and just as the sounds of Elsa's sobs dissipated, Davies turned on Alexander, his loud London Accent filling the air and threatening to give Alexander a heart attack.

"Why the Bloody Hell did you have to go and do that?" He roared.

"How the hell was I supposed to know that she was behind me?" Alexander protested but Davies would have none of it.

"All of us have seen the way that Elsa looks at you, it's obvious that she is extremely fond of you and now you have just sent her off running to god knows where!" Davies snapped, his eyes blazing with fury.

Alexander immediately snapped back to full reality and said "I'll go and find her."

"Don't think she will want to talk to you!" Davies snarled at Alexander as he sprinted off to find Elsa.

Elsa sprinted through the corridors and climbed up the forward mast of the Norway, when she got up to the top of the Crow's nest and fire control station, she looked to see if there were any of the crew there, when she was satisfied there wasn't any, she collapsed to the floor and cried. Alexander had just said that she didn't love him and they could never be together! That had made her heart shatter into a million pieces. Elsa had no idea of how long she was up there in the lookout tower but eventually she heard the noise of leather shoes on metal as someone climbed the rungs of the ladder. Elsa dared to look up and saw Alexander standing there, an apologetic expression on his face.

"Haven't you done enough?" She said in a saddened tone, tears still threatening to spill.

Alexander knelt down next to Elsa and said in a careful tone "I'm really sorry for what I said. I really shouldn't have said those horrible things."

Elsa looked into Alexander's warm brown eyes and she couldn't detect any dishonesty, but she had learned to be careful when it came to these situations.

"You're right; you shouldn't have said those things." Elsa said, trying to compose herself.

"Indeed, I know this is a bit too soon but will you forgive me?" Alexander asked whilst standing up and offering his hand out for Elsa. Elsa stood up and when Alexander turned to climb back down the ladder, she threw a snowball which hit him in the shoulder, making Alexander gasp in surprise!

"Yes, I do forgive you." Elsa replied with a grin.

"What was the snowball for?" Alexander gasped as he tried to get the remainder of the snowball off of him.

All Elsa said was "Don't mess with me" and at that, she climbed down the ladder, back to the main deck. Alexander just watched her with a smile but then a thought caught his mind "Could this Beautiful, Kind, Magical and Intelligent Queen really be the one for me?"

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