Chapter 18, HMS Snow Queen's first battle

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The smoke of battle was so thick in the air that everyone could hardly breathe! For the three combatants, the British Destroyer HMS Inuit, the brand new Arrendellian destroyer HMS Snow Queen and the German Battleship DKM Berlin, it was some of the thickest fighting they had ever come across. On the Snow Queen's bridge, Elsa and Alexander directed the battle as best as they could. Elsa used her powers to defend the Snow Queen and the Inuit and also repair the two destroyers. Alexander was currently on the machine gun platform on top of the bridge, directing the Snow Queen's movements from there. As Elsa froze another hole in the Snow Queen's side, she saw another flag flying above the Berlin's Nazi flag. It was the flag of Wesleton! Seething in fury, she sent out a concentrated icy blast at one of the Berlin's Secondary guns, freezing it so quickly it exploded with enormous force!

Lt Blackburn was shouting down the radio for help at the top of his voice. All Elsa caught from what Blackburn said was that the nearest ship, SS Ocean Star which had been converted into an armed Merchant Cruiser was too far away to get to the scene of the battle in time. She heard a loud whoosh as the torpedoes on the starboard tubes launched and sped off towards the Berlin's side where they detonated with a loud BOOM, sending columns of water high into the air. Using her magic, Elsa turned the spray thrown up by the torpedoes into a powerful blizzard which attacked the Berlin, freezing everything in its path. This she knew was the only chance the Snow Queen and the Inuit had of escaping intact. So she ordered Blackburn to send the message to the Inuit, ordering it to retreat.

The Morse lamp flashed out and the Inuit began to turn sharply around. Smoke billowing from her funnels as the battered tribal class destroyer accelerated. The Snow Queen's deck lurched as it turned as well. Elsa heard Alexander shouting at the top of his voice as he grabbed the hand rail to avoid falling over the side. The Berlin fought on, trying to get a hit with her main guns but the Snow Queen and the Inuit were faster and more agile than the German Battleship. Finally, after several hours of turning sharply left and right, accelerating and stopping then accelerating again under a smoke screen and one of Elsa's small snow storms. The two destroyers finally escaped by the bare skin of their teeth.

Alexander slid down the ladder after making sure everything was secure and pulled Elsa into a tight embrace.

"It's ok Elsa, we're safe now" he said comfortingly.

"Alex, there's something you should know. I saw the Wesleton flag on the Berlin" Elsa replied, when she finished, Alexander's eyes went wide with worry.

He strode off back towards his cabin with Elsa following him, a trail of frost emanating behind her.

"If the Berlin is in the hands of Weasel Town, we are all in serious trouble! The Norway is the only ship with a vague hope of taking the Berlin down and she is currently in dry dock having her hull scraped clean" Alexander said to himself.

Elsa had never seen Alexander this worried before and she knew she had to do something to calm him down. So she stamped her foot down and a layer of ice appeared under Alex's feet causing him to slip, luckily he held onto the handrail tight enough to stop him falling over in time. This gave Elsa enough time to catch up to Alexander and when she caught up; she pulled Alexander close to her and kissed him. The Ice thawed and Alexander finally calmed down. As she pulled back, Alexander took a deep breath.

"Thanks Elsa, I needed that" He said with a smile.

Elsa grinned back at the young naval officer and said in a determined tone of voice. "Don't worry about a thing! You understand me? We will end this war and sink the Berlin before you know it! I promise"

"Of course Snowflake" Alexander replied, using the nickname he gave Elsa which she rather liked.

"Oh shush you" Elsa said in a joking tone.

And they both walked off, down the corridors of HMS Snow Queen, planning for the final few battles of the war ahead. One of which would eventually be what they hoped was Berlin's doom.

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