Chapter 5, Docking in Arendelle

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Queen Elsa of Arrendelle was a graceful and kind woman. Her powers to control ice and snow made her a very special person and gave her the nickname of "The Snow Queen"

But today, she was scared, Princess Anna who was her sister was due to have returned from a business trip to Corona but her ship "Spirit of Arrendelle" was late, very late. Elsa thought about setting out herself to find Anna but who would keep an eye on Arrendelle? As she was thinking about this, she heard cannon fire! Leaping up from her desk chair, Elsa strode quickly towards the balcony and looked out over the Fjord to see that a very badly damaged Spirit was limping its way into Arrendelle's harbour after firing a standard gun salute. Elsa knew that Wesleton was increasing its attacks on Arrendelle merchant shipping but no attacks had ever happened on an Arrendelle warship! But then she saw a much larger ship following the Spirit of Arrendelle at high speed! It was painted grey, sported huge masts from which no sails hung, huge mounted guns in turrets were located on both the bow and stern and finally two large pipes lay on the ship's back and they were producing a large amount of smoke which quickly dissipated to almost no smoke production as the ship swung around to make room for other ships in Arrendelle's harbour. A sudden rush of fear rushed through the young queen as she watched the smoking ship follow the Spirit of Arrendelle with extreme grace. Thinking quickly she ordered her guards to take stations in the port and be ready to fight. Elsa prepared herself too, transforming her current mint green dress into her "Snow Queen" Attire. Elsa would only do this for celebrations or special circumstances. This counted as a special circumstance.

As she strode towards the docks where the Spirit and the Smoking ship were docked, Elsa's heart began to race. Arrendelle's citizens were gathered on the dock and they were all staring at the Smoking ship!

Elsa could see Anna and Kristoff disembarking the Spirit of Arrendelle now, Elsa's hands were crackling with icy magic, ready to attack the smoking ship.

"Everyone, stay back!" Elsa warned the Arrendelle citizens.

Anna was confused for just a moment before she realised what Elsa was about to do.

"NO ELSA!" Anna yelled as she raced across to her sister and planted herself in-between Elsa and the Smoking ship.

"What are you doing Anna?" Elsa asked trying to get a clear shot at the Norway but Anna kept getting in the way of Elsa's icy magic.

"You can't attack it! That ship saved us!" Anna said concern in her face.

"What?" Elsa asked in confusion.

Just as Elsa asked this, Alexander was sailing across the gap between the Norway and the dock where Elsa and Anna were standing on the Norway's motor launch. The sound of the tiny diesel engine filled the air and several citizens of Arrendelle spotted him but he ignored them as the Boat was moored alongside the quay and Alexander climbed up onto the Quayside behind Anna.

Davies stood watching Alexander on the Norway's bridge wing. Watching for anything that might threaten Alexander. Not that anyone would, with the presence of the Norway and if anything did happen, all eight 15 inch turreted guns would be raining hell on Arrendelle before you could say "Frozen Fractals all around"

Everyone muttered in confusion and shock as Alexander climbed up onto the quay behind Anna and stepped forwards. Anna saw him and said "This is Lieutenant Commander Alexander McDonald, he is the commanding officer of the Battle Cruiser Norway" whilst gesturing to the Norway which was anchored in the harbour.

Elsa just stared at Alexander. To be honest, he was the most handsome man the Queen of Arrendelle had ever seen in her 21 years of life.

But she snapped out of her daydream and resumed her composure.

"You must be Queen Elsa, I've heard all about you from Princess Anna here" Alexander said calmly and with a smile.

Elsa nodded and held out a hand which Alexander shook warmly. Elsa nearly blushed at the touch, Alexander's skin was warm and with a slight tingly sensation. Well Elsa's skin was cold because of her powers so everyone felt warm to her but Alexander was an entirely different type of warm.

Fighting to conceal a blush she said "Why were you following my sister's ship?"

Alexander, who was fighting a blush also smiled and said "Your sister's vessel was in difficulties with three Weasels and we managed to slay two but the other got away"

Anna had told Alexander about the code words she and Elsa used when discussing highly confidential topics in public so if Alexander needed to say anything secret, he could and no-one would know what he was going on about.

Elsa was surprised with Alexander's use of the code words but that surprise was wiped away when she realised what Alexander was saying.

"Anna's ship was under attack by three Wesleton Ships. The Norway sank two ships but the other got away"

"It seems we all have a lot to learn about each other" Elsa said warily.

"Indeed" Alexander agreed. Elsa took a look at the Norway with a confused and a wondrous expression on her face.

"She is a beautiful ship isn't she?" Alexander said with a smile, noticing Elsa's stare.

"Indeed" Elsa agreed.

Just then, the Norway's whistle blew loudly making everyone look at the Norway.

"Ah, it's the crew. They need me back on-board" Alexander said with a chuckle.

As he leapt back onto the motor launch, he called up to Elsa "If you want to, I would be delighted if you, Princess Anna and Prince Kristoff would join the officers and I for dinner tonight"

Elsa smiled and said "We would be honoured, but we will need a few hours to get ready"

Alexander just smiled, saluted and drove the motor launch back to the waiting HMS Norway.

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