chapter 10, a request is made

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Chapter 10, a request is made

"So let me get this straight, you have magical snow powers!" Alexander said as Elsa, Anna, Kristoff and Himself rode back to Arrendelle after the wolf incident.

"Pretty much" Elsa replied, honestly she was rather surprised at Alexander's reaction when she told him about her magic and her alternate identity of "The Snow Queen"

On the way back, Elsa, Anna and Kristoff explained everything they knew about Elsa's magic and the origins of the Wesleton-Arrendelle war. The Eternal winter incident had happened several months ago which made Alexander stop and think for a moment. Around then the Liberty ship SS Ocean Star carrying a highly important shipment of American F4F wildcat fighters for the new fleet of Escort Carriers being built by the Royal Navy and escorted by 2 tribal class Destroyers HMS Sami and HMS Inuit had disappeared, HMS Norway had been one of the ships dispatched as part of the search efforts which included HMS Hood, that was the last time the two sisters ever went to sea together before the Bismarck mission that claimed the Norway's elder sister.

"Could they be here now?" Alexander thought to himself, but he knew that it was a very remote possibility.

Just as the sled rose over the top of the cliff overlooking Arrendelle before it entered the city, they all saw a small, fast sailing ship that looked suspiciously like the Wesleton Frigates that HMS Norway and the Spirit of Arrendelle fought together. Kristoff immediately urged Sven to go faster and the powerful reindeer charged forwards.

The sled pulled up next to the Norway and everyone got off. Davies called from the Bridge "IT ISN'T AN ENEMY! IT IS IDENTIFYING ITSELF AS THE INTREPID. A FRIGATE OF THE SOUTHERN ISLES!"

"The Southern Isles, they are supposed to be neutral in this war" Elsa whispered to Alexander.

"This is making me suspicious" Alexander whispered back.

Elsa couldn't agree more with Alexander's statement. But as She, Alexander, Anna and Kristoff raced up to the bridge thoughts began racing in her mind about what the heck a southern isles vessel was doing in Arrendelle.

Slowly the Frigate turned around and a small rowing boat launched from its side as soon as the larger ship stopped and lowered its anchor. Elsa grabbed Alexander's hand without noticing it until Alexander squeezed Elsa's hand gently in a gesture of friendship. Elsa smiled at Alexander briefly as the rowing boat drew alongside the Norway and a very dishevelled young man dragged himself onto the Norway's deck. Several of the deck division aimed their rifles at the man to be on the safe side until Alexander waved them off.

"I have a message for the Queen" The man said, obviously he was very tired and very scared.

Elsa stepped forwards and said "What message?"

"I have a feeling that this would best be done in private" Alexander added. Elsa and the man agreed and they walked towards Alexander's cabin.

Once inside the cabin, Alexander locked the door and went over to the small kitchenette and made a hot mug of tea for Elsa, the man and himself. The man drank from his cup gratefully before Elsa said "What message?"

The man set down his cup and said "The Southern Isles as we all know is neutral in the war but just a few days ago a large Wesleton Fleet arrived in the harbour and is currently laying siege right now. There are three smoking ships anchored nearby the harbour but their crew's say that they don't have fuel otherwise they would come and fight."

Alexander's ears perked up at this.

"Three smoking ships you say? What are their names?" He asked.

The man looked at Alexander quizzically for a moment before he said "I don't know all of their names but I think one is called Inuit"

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