Chapter 20, Revenge plans

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5 days after the battle of Corona

Alexander paced back and forth across the polished wooden floor of Arrendelle's castle. A sense of anger boiling away at his senses. Elsa stood nearby, a mask of concern on her face. Even though he loved Elsa, Alexander couldn't look at her for the moment; Elsa's face had a scar that cut across her left eyelid, leaving the eye intact somehow. It was still fresh and red and it only served to Remind Alexander of his best friend's death. Davies's body had been flown back on-board the Sunderland and had a grand funeral during which Alexander and several officers from the Norway read out small speeches honouring Davies.

Alexander was planning to speak to members of the alliance to plot his next moves against Wesleton. In retaliation for the attack on Corona the raids on the enemy's merchant shipping had been stepped up and constant air raids on Wesleton's cities had been set up, the Wildcats being fitted with two modified 15 inch Battle Cruiser shells for this purpose.

As Elsa was beginning to think that Alexander was going to wear a groove into the floor, the doors opened and Kai, the head servant said "Everyone is ready"

Alexander stopped walking and said "Thank you" before he took Elsa's hand and the two of them walked out into the meeting room. All the heads of the military forces of the alliance were gathered; all of them looked very sombre. Alexander and Elsa took their seats and Alexander began his speech.

"Thank you for coming ladies and Gentlemen. As you all very well know, Corona was suddenly and brutally attacked by a large detachment of German Soldiers and Wesleton Soldiers supplied by the Germans. This attack resulted in the near total destruction of Corona with near to 500 people dead. This attack also led to the death of my Executive officer and best friend Lieutenant Davies and has scarred Queen Elsa for life! This cowardly attack shows the true evil that our enemy possesses, so now I say enough! We will not stand and let these evil Barstards take away our freedom and everything we stand for! We must end this war before Weasel Town and their German Allies can begin an offensive! We must force them to surrender. No matter what happens we will stand defiant!" Alexander said and when he finished his speech, everyone in the council chamber looked at him with shock, fear and the utmost respect.

Eugene who was still upset from the attack on Corona stood up and asked "What do you propose we do?"

Alexander looked straight at Eugene and said "it's quite simple really. We sink the Berlin"

The council members started murmuring amongst themselves at the mere suggestion of going up against the Wesleton/Nazi German Alliance flagship.

"Alexander has a point" Elsa said, interrupting the council's discussion "The Berlin is the enemy flagship. She is their pride and joy, the very symbol of their resistance. They have a bigger navy than we do but our ships are much better individually than three Wesleton ships. If the Berlin is sunk, the enemy will possibly lose the will to fight and our victory will be a lot swifter"

The council all murmured in agreement. They all knew about the Berlin since HMS Norway had been fighting it when it first came into their world in the first place.

"We have all fought well as allies and now this war will end! You have suffered too much at their hands and no more of your blood will be spilled. So that is why the Norway will sail and defeat the Berlin alone" Alexander said, and as he said that, Elsa dropped a glass of water she was drinking, smashing it across the floor.

"You will do no such thing!" Elsa snapped her eyes wide with shock.

"Elsa, the Norway is the only ship we have that has a chance of sending the Berlin to the bottom. It is only logical and it is too risky to bring the whole fleet when it will be slaughtered!" Alexander replied, trying to reason with the Young Snow Queen but to no avail.

"Alexander, as the Queen of Arrendelle and your soul mate. I order you to wait and take the fleet with you!" Elsa said angrily, the temperature of the room dropping so drastically, everything began frosting over.

"Alright Elsa, I'll wait." Alexander said, calming Elsa down and the room returned to normal.

She smiled at Alexander and after he excused himself, he left the room. An idea already forming in his mind and the heart wrenching thought that that might be the last time Alexander ever saw the face of his love ever again.

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