Chapter 27, Proposal

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6 months after the awards ceremony

All was well in Arrendelle for the first time in Forever. People were once again full of happiness and joy. It had been 6 months since the war ended and things were slowly getting back to normal. The Alliance's military forces were fully modernised by now. Most soldiers now had Bolt Action Rifles like the Lee Enfield to replace their crossbows and Navy was full of newly built ironclads and Snow Queen Class Destroyers which were copies of HMS Snow Queen which was based on the American Clemson Class Four Stacker Destroyer. Production of Wildcat fighter planes for the new fleet of Aircraft Carriers and the Alliance's armies and Sunderland Flying Boats in both military and civilian forms were being built as well but at a much slower pace. HMS Norway, HMS Sami, HMS Inuit and SS Ocean Star had been kept busy with anti-piracy patrols. Anna and Kristoff were expecting their first baby which made everyone excited, but for Elsa and Alexander everything was perfect. Their relationship had been on the increase for quite some time and the whole kingdom was happy for them. It was common to see the two going everywhere together. Of course they didn't sleep in the same bed together, that would wait until they were married. Alexander did sleep in a chair which was next to Elsa's bed occasionally and that was enough for the both of them until they were married.

One particular morning, Alexander was sleeping in his bed in the castle, across the hall from Elsa's bedroom when someone knocked noisily on the door!

Groaning loudly Alexander said "Just leave me alone! I'm trying to get some bloody sleep here!"

There was a pause before Anna's voice said "Alex you do know what day it is don't you?"

"No?" Alexander replied as he tried to wake himself up.

The door opened and a very Pregnant and Annoyed Anna looked at a barely woken Alexander.

"It's Elsa's birthday you idiot!" Anna hissed.

Alexander's eyes widened and he swore under his breath. He immediately rushed into his closet and got changed into one of his more casual naval uniforms. He raced outside the room, panic in his eyes and slid down the hall, Anna was close behind.

"Have you got Elsa's present yet?" Anna asked.

Alexander stopped sliding and said with a smirk on his face "You'll see what it is at the ball tonight"

And at that, Alexander strode out of the castle, making sure to buy a pastry for breakfast on the way. Carefully Alexander wove his way through the crowd; his destination was a small shop on the edge of town.

Making sure that no-one was watching, Alexander carefully opened the door and strode over to the counter. The man behind it nodded at him as Alexander came closer.

"Is it ready?" he asked.

Meanwhile in the castle, Elsa was having a nightmare, well almost. Her birthday ball was tonight and she had no idea which dress to wear!

She was originally going to wear one of her coronation style dresses but she wanted to surprise Alexander. She even considered wearing one of her standard ice dresses but they wouldn't be enough.

That was when her eyes caught the sight of one of Alexander's sketch books just lying there on top of Elsa's jewellery cabinet. Alexander had drawn several sketches of Elsa in the past; most were of her in her "Snow Queen" persona, conjuring up various wintry creations. As Elsa flicked through the book, smiling at each of the drawings until she found one that got her interest.

"Now this is perfect" Elsa said to herself before she started to make the final preparations for her birthday ball.

Several hours later

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