Chapter 2, first sights

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The air in the bridge was tense ever since the Norway sailed through the snow storm. The crew had secured from Battle Stations but had gone to condition three, this meant that even though there was no battle expected half of the weapons were to be manned at all times.

Most of the repairs were complete now and Alexander was speaking to the commander of each station on the Norway to see if there were any areas of concern.

"So you are saying that we don't have any radio contact whatsoever?" Alexander asked Petty Officer Collins, the commander of the radio room.

"None whatsoever sir. We only have our Emergency wireless and Morse Lamps" Collins replied.

"But we do have all of our weapons so we can still kick the enemy's backside" Gunnery officer Richardson added.

"Supplies will hold up for the time being sir but we will need to find a port within 2 weeks or we will have to severely ration the food that is given out" Supply Officer Sampson added.

"Well, at the very least we can still function as a Battle Cruiser of His Majesty's Navy for the time being" Alexander thought to himself.

"Very Well, you are all dismissed" He said to the officers and they all left without a word.

Davies passed the officers as they left the bridge. He looked at Alexander with concern.

"You alright sir?" He asked.

Alexander turned to look at Davies and Davies could see that Alexander was stressed.

"Something's up Davies, I can feel it" Alexander said.

Davies had little time to reply before the lookout started yelling down his voice pipe down to the bridge.

"Surface Contact bearing 227, just on the horizon sir!"

Davies ran over to the voice pipe and said "Any specifics?"

"Uh, not much but from what I can see, it has sails sir and lots of them!" The Lookout replied.

"There aren't supposed to be any sailing ships in this vicinity" Alexander said in confusion.

"What should we do sir?" Davies asked.

Alexander smiled before he said "We're gonna have to check it out"

Davies nodded before he barked commands to the helmsman.

"Helm, 20 degree left rudder, heading 227, increase speed to two thirds"

"Aye sir" The Helmsman replied.

Little did Alexander or any of the crew knows, was that that ship they were heading for would change things forever.

Arrendelle Royal Navy Transport Vessel Spirit of Arrendelle.

Princess Anna and her husband Prince Kristoff on board.

5 days out from Arrendelle.

Princess Anna of Arrendelle was bored. Even with her husband on-board with her, the voyage on the Spirit of Arrendelle to Corona had been a very boring one. Yeah sure, meeting Princess Rapunzel and her husband Eugene Fitzherbert had been fun but that had been overshadowed by one thing. Anna and Kristoff had been sent by Anna's sister, Queen Elsa of Arrendelle as a Diplomatic journey to their closest Allies. The reason, Wesleton had been at war with Arrendelle for at least 6 months now and casualties were running high on both sides. Anna and Kristoff had set out to Corona to negotiate the amount of Military and Economic Aid to be sent to Arrendelle. The Spirit of Arrendelle might not have been the best choice for this journey but the Pride of Arrendelle, the Spirit's much faster sister ship was undergoing repairs.

Anna strolled along the deck, casually throwing brief glances out at the bright blue sea. When all of a sudden, she saw a patch of smoke on the horizon. Her eyes narrowed as she tried to make out what it was.

"Kristoff, come have a look at this!" Anna called out.

Kristoff walked over to where Anna was standing and looked where the Princess was pointing.

"What is that thing?" Anna asked aloud.

"I have no idea, but it is coming this way" Kristoff replied.

"Can you see anything in the direction of that smoke?" Anna yelled to the lookout on the top mast.

The lookout peered at the smoke and what he said, shocked everyone.

"I think it is a ship, but it doesn't look like any ship I have ever seen!"

The Smoke came closer and closer and the outline of a ship much bigger than the Spirit of Arrendelle came into focus.

As it drew closer, Anna, Kristoff and all of the Spirit's crew gasped. The smoking ship was huge, bigger than the spires on Elsa's ice castle, grey metal covered every inch of the hull and it bristled with huge weapons. Two large pipes lay on the Smoking ship's back and they were pouring out smoke. The Number '52' was painted in small, white letters on the Ship's bow.

"Now that is huge!" Anna exclaimed before she could stop herself.

"Could it be one of ours?" one of the Crew asked another.

"Nah, it ain't one of ours or our Allies'."

"But it can't be the enemy or it would have attacked us by now!"

Several figures on the smoking ship now looked at the Spirit. One was dressed in what looked like the Naval Uniform of a ship's Commanding officer. Anna couldn't see much of him, but he did look around Elsa's age.

But then, before anyone could try and send a message to the strange ship, the Commanding officer turned and said something to someone hidden inside the ship and just like magic, the Smoking ship charged off!

"What was that?" Kristoff said in confusion.

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