Chapter 12, Kicking butt, HMS Norway style

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The moon shone brightly down on the sea, making it glow in a soft white light. In the Southern Isles main port, the mighty Wesleton Battle fleet pounded away at the city. Little did the enemy fleet know was that HMS Norway and Force 10 from Arrendelle were getting into position to attack. HMS Norway and the Pride of Arrendelle were blocking off one of two entry points whilst the rest of the fleet blocked off the other. Norway's guns were loaded and it was decided that Norway would open fire first and clear out as many targets as possible since she had radar and could use it to control her gunfire. The gunners on the Pride of Arrendelle and the rest of the fleet would use the fires that would inevitably be generated by the Norway's attacks to guide their own attacks. Elsa was readying her magic as well in case something went wrong.

The plan of the battle was for the main Fleet to take out as many Wesleton ships as possible and then the supply and troop transport ships would go in and relieve the besieged Southern Isles.

Tension mounted on-board the Norway and all the other ships as they awaited the order to fire from Alexander and Elsa. Elsa's main job was to translate for Alexander so his orders could be sent to the Arrendelle fleet which couldn't understand English very well but they could understand Old Norse. Elsa would also lead the foot soldiers once they got onto the land.

Alexander held a steaming mug of tea in his hands while he waited for the Rest of the Fleet to get into position. Once they did they were to send up a green flare, that was the signal to the Norway that everyone was ready to go. Elsa stood next to Alexander and together they waited. Davies took multiple deep breaths as he watched for the flare too. Just then as everyone was beginning to doubt that the fleet would ever get into position, a loud POP was heard and a large, green flare flew high into the air.

"That's the signal!" Davies said to Alexander who smiled.

"Ready?" he asked Elsa.

Elsa grinned, showing her snowy white teeth.

"I was born ready!" she replied.

Alexander then reached for the microphone that connected the Bridge to the guns and said "You are cleared to open fire. Make every shot count"

At that, HMS Norway's eight 15 inch guns opened fire with a loud BOOM! The Guns spat out tongues of flame and smoke at the enemy ships which splintered to nothing right in front of the Besieged Southern Isles.

The Pride of Arrendelle and the rest of the fleet began to move in, their smaller muzzle loading guns and the Pride's breech loading guns making short work of the enemy fleet. Several Wesleton ships managed to get underway and attempt to defend the ships that couldn't move yet but they were frozen in place by Elsa's ice magic and were sunk by Norway's powerful salvoes.

As the two fleets duelled, the southern isles defenders saw this and renewed their fight with renewed morale. A single undamaged ship in the Harbour joined in the assault, its crew shouting out battle cries.

A huge Wesleton ship, possibly a command ship began to turn sharply around as it charged towards a supply ship which was unloading.

Norway leapt forwards to intercept, smoke billowing from her funnels and water turning white around her steel hull as the Battle-Cruiser raced towards the enemy. The captain of the Wesleton ship saw this and knew that the Norway wouldn't be able to do anything to stop him since the Norway's main guns were already engaging targets. But he was very wrong indeed.

Instead of turning a gun turret to face the Wesleton ship, a series of small tubes turned to reveal themselves from the Norway's side. As soon as the Norway was in range, a bright flash followed by hissing and splashing erupted from one of the tubes. The Captain of the Wesleton ship didn't know what the Norway was doing but if he did, he wouldn't have been able to do anything about it. For the bright flash was a torpedo impulse charge!

The 21 inch Mk IV torpedo sped through the water, leaving behind a trail of bubbles but it was the 515lb TNT warhead that was to be feared. The Mk IV was a weapon of huge destructive power and reliability designed to break the heavily armoured backs of Battleships like the German Bismarck or the Japanese Yamato class. So the Torpedo had no problem when it slammed into the Wesleton ship's side and detonated with a huge BOOM and a fountain of spray high in the air. But as the torpedo detonated a shockwave filled the water and the middle of the Wesleton ship was lifted out of the air and the whole ship broke in two! Fires leapt across the wooden ship's deck as it slowly sank, both halves pointing high in the air before the icy sea claimed the ship and dragged it under.

Elsa just stood on the Norway's bridge and watched, wide eyed as the Enemy ship sank rapidly from view.

"That torpedo, it just tore it apart" Elsa said in shock.

Alexander stood close to the young queen and said "I know, War is terrible but soon it will all be over. I promise" in a soothing tone.

"I hope you are right Alex" Elsa replied.

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