"What's the big deal?" I asked, shifting the blanket off me and standing up, Instantly pulling up my pants. Before anyone could answer, I felt a bubble coming up and suddenly I burped.

Really damn loud.

The first person to laugh was Niall and I ended up losing my shit after that. The two other boys joined in, which made me smile. Today wasn't bad. I could do this again.

"We need a belching competition the next time we hang out," I suggested, not even realizing It meant I wanted to chill again. All of them agreed, even Niall. This surprised me, maybe he has gotten over the fact I was here?

"Definitely, but that brings us to a different conversation. Well a question," Liam said seriously. I felt my stomach twist by not knowing what he meant. What could it be? By Raising my eyebrow, it gave him a cue to ask the question.

Liam looked directly at me and clapped his hands together. "Well, it is completely up to you Sarah, but we'd all like Aspen and you to come on tour with us. We figured it would work out since you guys go on summer vacation. Before you say anything, I know it's weird. We all just met, but since you and Niall know each other, might as well get to know the rest of us right?"

I figured I shouldn't interrupt. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't. Honestly, I didn't know what to think. I know this is real, I would have woken up by now. Do they actually want us to go on tour with them? What does that even mean? Is it possible?

"No," I said. "Um, I need to study for school," Before anyone could stop me, I ran out of the door. To be honest, I had no idea what I was doing or what I just said, but I knew I couldn't go on tour with them.

This, this whole concert thing was only supposed to be for Aspen. We'd see the boys in concert, leave without any irruptions and go on with our lives. I wasn't supposed to talk to Harry Styles or Liam Payne. Aspen wasn't supposed to go on a date with Louis Tomlinson. And lastly, I wasn't supposed to see Niall Horan. The guy who made my life a living hell.

Storming down the hall, and too the elevator I pushed on the down button fiercely. I needed to get out of here, but before I could a voice stopped me.


Thank gosh the elevator opened at that exact same time, some people filed out but I didn't wait for them. I pushed my way through, and faced my back towards the wall so I watched him Come At me. I felt like I was in a scary movie, like Niall was the murderer trying to kill me. If this was actually a scary movie, I would of died because Niall made it in. Leaving him and I together. Alone.

My eyes studied the ground, not wanting to make eye contact with him. Why did he even follow me anyways? Niall must be a mind reader since he basically answered my question.

"I need to tell you something," he sighed, leaning against the wall to my left. In the corner of my eye I saw him brush a hand through his hair. He's stressing? Well ha ha, I'm the one stressing.

Before he could tell me something the doors opened and I was out... And so was he.

"Sarah, it was my idea."  Once those words left his mouth I stopped right in my tracks. We were located in the hallway where I came in. By now my heart was racing once more, and I couldn't control it.

"Did I just hear you right?" I ask, turning around to face him. This time our eyes were locked. The same eyes I've stared into for years.

"Yes, God," he said running his hands through his hair again. " I, fuck."

Niall's being nice.

"Who are you and what have you done with Niall," I answered, moving my feet back and forth nervously. I would try to stop them, but I couldn't.

"Sarah, will you?" His baby blue eyes were irresistible.

What am I doing.

"Fine, we'll  come."


"I ship it so hard," Aspen squealed packing her bags. She sat on the floor with her leg in front of her. The boys were gone, and we weren't leaving for a week. But she is so excited, she needed to pack now.

"Please, I never want those words to come out of your mouth again," I gagged, pushing my reading glasses up. I had my last final tomorrow morning for English, and I didn't want to fail it. Well, obviously.

"He wants you to come, and well I'm your best friend so yeah. It's obvious, he wants to fix things up," Aspen said not even looking up from her phone. She must of been blogging again.

"I don't know, let's not talk about it. I need to get some rest," It was true, but the thing is, she will never know how much I wanted to talk about it.

Waking up was easy, considering Aspen got me iced coffee. It was kind of crazy since she cruched her way down to the cafe. But I was fine with it because I was all hyped up and ready to go. Today was Monday, yes I hate Monday's but for some reason I felt like it was going to be a good day. I don't have to worry about Niall, or the other boys. Just school work.

I decided to wear gray NYU sweatpants and a maroon Ireland sweatshirt. Might as well be comfortable when I'm testing right? I slipped on moccasins and put my hair up in a messy bun. Well, I tried and epically failed.

My hair ended up being in a low ponytail, and the only makeup I had applied to my face was mascara. This day shall be perfect.

"Wish me good luck," I said to Aspen walking out of the bathroom. Aspen finished her finals Friday, what a lucky duck.

"Good luck! You'll do amazing!" She answered while I grabbed my books.

Thank you was the last thing I said before I headed out.


I wanted to be a teacher. An English teacher to be exact. This is why I took English class seriously. After the big test, I gathered my books and handed it in. Smiling at Mrs. Green, I left the room.

The hallway was mostly empty, not a lot of people roaming around. Not wanting to look like a loser, I pulled out my phone. I was just going to pretend text, but thankfully I actually had one.

Okay no thank you.


Hey, it's me Niall...




-Authors Note-

Same. I wanna text like this.

Thanks for reading like thank you thank you thank you!!!


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