.twenty eight.

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This chapter is all about Chad.

|Sarah's P.O.V|


{End of 8th year}

Chad Billington was, and always has been the best looking, best athlete, best flirt, and best heartbreaker of our grade. The only area he struggled in was school and grades, other than that he was great at everything.

To be completely honest, since Chad moved here in the third grade, I've had the biggest, most fattest crush on him. Which sounds pathetic since he has never given me a chance to take up his time. Not once has he flirted, complimented me, talked to me without force, or acknowledge my existence. It's really sad, but it's true and I can't do anything about it.

Chad has also been the most popular which kind of sucks for the other guys since all the girls are in love with Chad. The day he first showed up, all the boys thought  he was so cool and basically put him on a pedestal. It didn't bother me, but it sure did bother Niall. It's weird because now Niall and Chad are best friends and can't get enough of each other.

It's always been Niall and Chad and it will continue to be Niall and Chad for a long time.

Being a thirteen year old girl, going on fourteen, the only relationship I've had was back in fifth grade with a boy named Mingus. Yes, his name was Mingus and he was from England and I was absolutely in love with him. We dated for about a month before he randomly disappeared and nobody knew where he went. I cried for days, but then realized how hot Chad was and I was fine again.

Not to be snotty, but I've had a lot of guys ask me out... well since I am liked by most people. But I've turned all of them down because I believe my heart belongs to one person, Chad Billington. Call me stupid, but god I need that boy.

Sitting in history class, bored, I watched the clock tick down ever so slowly that I thought it was going to stop. This class has always been my least favorite and I'm so glad we only have two weeks of school left before this class is over and I'll never have this teacher again.

Three more ticks went by and finally the loud and annoying bell kicked in and I quickly jumped out of my seat and made a beeline to the door. Our lockers were right outside the doors, so I stopped right at my locker, ignoring everyone around me. None of my friends were in that class so I had nobody to walk with.

Quickly opening my locker and taking out books for my next class, I bent over to place useless notebooks away. Staying in this position for a little longer than I intended too, I heard a bunch of laughing and "ohhhh's" coming from the only immature guys I know, Chad's group. Not wanting to know what was going on, I stayed bent over, but suddenly I felt an extreme stinging pain on my bum followed by more laughing.

Without hesitation, I stood up so quickly that I almost dropped my books. My heart was beating so heavily that I thought I was going into cardiac arrest. Who in the right mind just slapped my ass?

Not even having to turn around, my question was answered by a hand squeezing my side and a mouth close to my ear.

"Slap ass Friday babe."

Chad Billington.


"Violet I'm freaking the fuck out, say that one more time."

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