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|Niall's P.O.V|

It was the second to last concert of the On The Road Again Tour. Holding in is harder than it looks. All I can think about is Sarah, all I can see is Sarah, and all I want to do is be in New York with Sarah. But I can't and it kills me inside that I can't make it right, right this second.

Texting her would be dumb, she wouldn't even answer me if she barley answers Aspen. Calling her would also be useless because who wants an apology over the phone? What would I even be apologizing for? I don't fucking know. Everyone's been saying this isn't my fault and I know In the back of my head it isn't, but for some reason it feels like it is. It's Sarah and I's past that's in the way. Our past is blocking our future. I'm willing to push it to the side because I know I would never hurt her like that again, but for some reason she doesn't trust me.

Sarah hates the idea of her and me only because she thinks I'll leave her. She thinks since I'm famous I'll find someone new just like that. I don't want someone new, I only want her. Maybe I am busy, but after these last concerts One Direction is taking a break. We are taking a break because we deserve it. Sarah doesn't know we are, I wasn't sure until today if it was official. It is and I want to tell her it will be fine. That her and I can have the relationship we want.

It might be hard, but we can make it work.

Walking down the stage with my guitar, I began to strum the familiar tune I've been playing for the past concerts. This song that was written for Sarah has only turned into my least favorite. I found her, I got her, she left. Her broken heart isn't officially fixed and I need it to be.

The song ended quickly, almost too quickly. And then the concert was over. There's been articles online questioning if I'm depressed or not, then there's articles asking if Sarah and I are dating still. We were never dating in the first place, how can we still be dating? I hate rumors, and I hate the paparazzi. All I want is to keep my personal life down to me and a few other people. The whole world knowing makes it even worse.

I whipped the sweat off my forehead as I walked down the cemented walk way. The boys were dancing around like crazy. They've tried to cheer me up, but I've been just a buzz kill that they are just trying to be happy for me. We made it to the dressing rooms where Aspen was waiting with Lou. Aspen and I made eye contact for a second before I broke it. But in that second I noticed something was wrong because her face was in a frown.

This made me instantly think of Sarah and immediately I gave all my attention to her.  The boys didn't think nothing of it, it was just like we were the only two people in the room.

"I need to speak with you," she said in a voice I couldn't read. "Now." Adding the word 'now' made my stomach drop. What if something happened to Sarah? Is she okay? Why is Aspen acting like this? All of these questions popped up into my head as Aspen and I walked to the corner where she pulled up her phone.

On the screen where text messages from Sarah which read,

S- Hey, there's literally nobody here and I'm scared.

A- I can fly back if you want me to, I don't want you to be alone.

S- No it's okay, I don't want to be a burden. Only lonely and afraid that Chad will show up.

A- He isn't. You sent the restraining order out the other day. If he came by you he'd instantly go to jail.

S- true, I'm gonna do some laundry.

A- okay! Hurry up and text me!

(Sent 8:45 p.m.)

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