.thirty eight.

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|Sarah's P.O.V|

"Chad. Happened. I think he has been stalking me."


And I continued on with what happened in the past 48 hours. How I ran out and went to the bar, then ran into Chad. I told my mom I was afraid to say no which led me to a dangerous situation. Skipping over my scandalous plan, I told her that I punched him good... knocking the wind out of him.

She cried, I comforted her. I would of cried too, but I had no tears left in me.

My mom was seconds away from contacting the police again, but I told her they would send me papers in the mail... most likely to press charges. I was all up for that and my mom told me I had to. No questions asked.

But then we kept on talking, how after I left, Chad would make surprised visits to see my mother. He'd ask how I was doing and my mom would tell him just fine... then make up an excuse for him to leave. Sadly, do too my evil, wench sister, she told him on 'accident' where I was attending college.

Supposedly he bought an apartment in New York right away once he found out.

So I got to thinking, how could one person know where I was at every single second? He obviously had something on me...

And that's when it came to me.

"Chad may be dumb mom, but he knows everything about computers." After I said this, this fact opened up twenty new doors. Possible doors to what Chad had on me.

My moms eyes widened as she stood up to pace back and forth. Her hands rubbed small circles on her temples. She must of knew something that I didn't.

"No, no, no this isn't good," She said, now standing still and looking at me. My eyes pleaded for her to tell me what she knew. "He could of tapped your phone." Once those words came out of her mouth my stomach dropped. What if Chad tapped my phone? Would that be the reason to all of these 'coincidences'.

"Mom!" I wailed, flinging my body to hers. Shaking out of control wasn't the beginning. I was slowly feeling my chest cave in, the air getting tighter. My head was spinning and the lights were a killer to my head.

"Hunny, Sarah, calm down." My mom commanded while rubbing my back with gentleness. I could barley hear her due too my heavy breathing.

"Sarah, take deep long breaths." She was so calm about this. I remember the first time I had a panic attack, she almost had one with me.

Trying to processes her words, I did what I was told. As hard as it was to calm down, I slowly did. Finally my breathing was back to normal, the familiar dizzy feeling falling over my head.

"I'm going to have you lay down." she led me to her bed, helping me bring my feet up onto the mattress. I noticed she kept looking over by the door, so naturally I did as well.

There stood Niall, a worried look on his face. He must of heard me freaking out, or just decided to stop by. Either way he saw me basically die.

"Niall, is there something I can help you with?" My mom asked kindly, probably wondering why he was standing here with his phone to his ear.

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