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|Sarah's P.O.V|

"Do you really have to go?" My sister Logan whined as she helped me pack my bag. Both of us just shoving my dirty clothes in randomly. A weak smile formed acrossed my lips remembering that Logan wanted to see me smile at all times.

"You'll see me in two weeks. Graduation is literally around the corner." It's true, Aspen and I will be graduating, house hunting, and job finding all at the same time. At least I think we will if she still wants to live with me. These past couple days I haven't really spoken to her. We've texted- her more than me, but I just haven't been up for a good talk.

Shoving the last bit of clothing into my suitcase, Logan proceeded to zip it up. As she made it around the case, she let a big huff escape her lips. I looked over at her not expecting tears to be in her eyes, but there were. And before I could comment about it, she let out a whimper, letting all her emotions come out at full throttle. Instantly I wrapped my arms around her, confused to why she was crying.

"Two weeks isn't that long, we've gone longer." I said, figuring she was crying about me leaving. My hands rubbed her back gently, wanting to calm her down before she spoke.

"It's not that, it's just I'm so proud of you." She choked out, leaving my heart filled with joy. Hearing my sister say this made my eyes start to water. Hugging her tighter, I laughed.

"Stop you're going to make me cry." It was true. Whenever someone got emotional, I was bound to get emotional with them. Slowly letting go of her, I looked Logan in the eyes. They were watery with black smears around her lids. She shot me a sad smile before whipping her face with the back of her hands.

"I wish I was more like you Sarah," Logan confessed, walking over to my bed and sitting down. She looked over at a frame I had of myself and our dad. The picture was at the park we went to in London. It was me on the swing and he was pushing me. Back then it was my favorite picture and I can still say it is my favorite now. Logan picked it up so she could study it more closely. She was silent for a couple seconds before she let out a chuckle. "More smart and actually want something in life. I think that's why Dad was so proud of you. He knew you were in for a bright future." My sister looked over at me for a second before setting down the picture frame gently on my nightstand.

Standing there with my arms crossed, I felt my heart starting to speed up at the thought of our father. He always told me as a little girl that I had potential. I never knew what it meant, but he was right. To be honest, I think I've been living a life I wanted to live.

Moving my suitcase onto the ground, I took a few steps so I could sit right next to my sister. As I felt my butt hit the mattress, I rested my right hand against her left one. Studying her long and skinny fingers, I looked at mike that looked exactly like hers. I really didn't know what to say to her. A 'thank you' would be stupid and crying would be pathetic. So I simply decided on mentioning a positive thing Dad said about Logan. (Shocker, right?)

"One time I was listening in on him and mom's conversation because I was a snoop," I had no shame of admitting I was a snoop. If I said I wasn't, I'd be lying. Logan nodded while giggling. She knew it was true. Letting out a little laugh, I continued on with what I was saying. "Anyways, Dad was like 'Logan could be in the Olympics if she keeps practicing'." Logan has always been great at sports and even I was jealous of her at times.

Looking over at her, wanting to know how she was going to take this, I waited for Logan to look at me. She never did, only sat there with a blank expression on her face. And it wasn't too soon before a stray tear rolled down her cheek and into her lap.

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