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|Sarah's P.O.V.|

Sometimes I wonder what goes through Niall's head. He is so hard to read because one minute he is being mean and insulting, but then other times he acts like he loves me. I don't understand stand him and his games. If he really is sorry for everything he has done, he will have to really show me.

But here we sit in his hotel room, about to call Ava Kelly.

I swear I am only here for the prank calling. If he just wanted to hangout, I would of said no. But since we are messing with Ava, I couldn't resist his offer.

Both of us sat on Niall's bed, which I think is awkward, but he insisted. He sat against the head board while I laid a crossed from him. My phone was located in between us, Ava's number already typed. We figured it be a better idea to use my phone so Ava wouldn't track it back and expose Niall's number out to other people.

"So, whose going to speak?" I ask, pushing a strain of hair behind my ear. Since it was only Niall and I in here, we could basically say anything we wanted without getting judged. Louis wouldn't judge us, Harry might, Liam probably would, but I feel like Niall and I get each other in that Irish way.

Right after I said that though I wanted to slap myself across the face. "Never mind, you will start laughing before you even say anything," I looked up at Niall who was nodding his head while smiling. "So I will do all the talking."

"Good idea, I'll cover my mouth," I watch as Niall grabs a white fluffy pillow and covers his mouth with it. I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. He's too cute.

Sarah, are you dumb? Niall isn't cute, he is disgusting. Okay, his apperance is cute, but I still have hateful feelings against him. Of course I do, he's hurt me bad. Thinking back to that very day, I sighed deeply. This was not the time to remember and get emotional.

"Good, okay here it goes," I say while pushing the call button and turning it on speaker. Suddenly my heart began to pick up, trying to think of what to say. The feeling I had inside of me was weird. I've done prank calls before, but I always seem to get nervous. Don't mess this up Sarah, don't start laughing.

The phone rang three times, long and drawn out. Once I heard that squeaky "Hello?" I knew there was no going back. Before I said anything, I looked at Niall who was almost laughing. There's something special about that boy.

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes to keep out of all distractions.

"Hello? Is this Ava?" I said in a very thick Irish accent, I tried to make my voice sound deeper than it was. Waiting for her reply, I barley heard a 'mhm'.

"Well Ava, you came in this month for a check up. Is that correct?" This better work. If it doesn't this will be embarrassing.

"Yes, Doctor Sherri? Is this you?" No fucking way. My head snapped at Niall, both our eyes widening. I watched him grip the pillow even tighter.

"Yes, it is. Well the results came back in today," My voice changed to a more professional one in seconds. This only made Niall grip the pillow harder.

"What results? I just came in for a check up," Ava said more concerned. My heart skipped a beat. I wanted this pank call to work so badly and now it's ruined. Looking around I found Niall's eyes which were wide open. All I could see was his eyes and his hair, but it wasn't hard to notice his red face.

Coughing, I began to regain myself. "Yes, I know that. I'm talking about your HPV Test." I'm probably screwed, but maybe I'll get lucky.

"What about it?" Oh my gosh, I'm the real fuck bitches get money. I'm the real OG, I feel invincible. Once again, Niall and I stare wide eyed at each other. His hands gripped the pillow harder than before while a muffle laugh escaped his lips. As much as I wanted to laugh, I continued.

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