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Aspen as Alexa Losey (I recommend watching her YouTube videos. She is so down to earth and perfect)

|Sarah's P.O.V|

I bit my fingernails, nervous, as my eyes wondered around the waiting room. Aspen has been in there for quite some time, and I just wanted to make sure she was fine. Then soon after that I am gonna bitch at her about these dumb ass One Direction tickets. Who did she think she was? And why were they addressed to me?

To be honest I hate hospitals. Since a young age they have freaked me out. People come in those front doors with weird diseases or sicknesses. Does it look like I want to catch what they have? No. Hospitals claim they are clean, but for real... Are they?

The waiting room had multiple different kinds of seats to sit on, all of them the same shade of blue. The sun from the windows shown in ever so brightly that I could actually be able to wear sunglasses right now. It seemed that the sun was only shinning in my direction. Everyone else around me didn't have to shade their eyes.

My legs staid cross. If they weren't then both of them would be bouncing off the walls. Due to Aspen and just my fear of hospitals.

I swore to myself that this day couldn't get anymore screwed up, but it definitely has. I'd rather get probed by those aliens right now. Fuck my life.

Setting down my hand from my mouth, I cursed under my breath. Being a germ a phobe was one thing, but having a habbit to bite nails also sucks.

I'll probably get sick now. Great, just what I wanted.

To keep my mind off things, I went to bend over to the coffee table and look through the magazines. As soon as I grabbed one, in the corner of my eye I saw Aspen getting rolled up in a black wheelchair. The first thing I did notice was her smiling face and her hand in the form of a thumbs up. Obviously the smile was fake. She was only making that smile so I wouldn't be as pissed at her. Honestly though, thumbs up or thumbs down I was ready to bitch.

As you can see I didn't care for One Direction at all.

Let me rephrase that; I didn't care for Niall.

I gave Aspen a look, but the second thing I did notice was a cast. One that went from her knee down to her foot. How could someone break there leg just by falling down the stairs?

Standing up I pulled down my knitted sweater and walked right to her. She waved at me, but the doctor began speaking to the both of us before I got to say anything to her.

"You must be Sarah," The middle aged man with a balled head shook my hand as I nodded to him. "Throughout the whole process Aspen here said that you were going to kill her," we all laughed. Especially me because Aspen was completely right.

"Anyways, I spoke to Aspen about everything that needs to be done, and I do expect you to help her around. If that wouldn't be a problem?" He stared at me, as I licked my lips before speaking.

"Yeah that wouldn't be a problem... I mean we are roommates," I chuckled down at her. Both of us knew that over exaggerated chuckle was fake. She looked up at me like a little kid who was getting yelled at. Surprised she is still alive to be honest.

"Okay, great. Well, I would explain to you, but I have a patient waiting. If you have any questions Aspen, please call," He handed some papers to her, must of been her X-rays I thought. Meeting eye contact with her, she smiled and patted the handles on the back of the wheelchair.

"What?" I asked. My arms crossed over my chest, giving her a stern look. As much as I didn't want to start a scene in the middle of the waiting room, she deserved this.

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