.twenty seven.

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|Sarah's P.O.V|

As my heart started to race more and more throughout the night, I knew something inside of me changed. It wasn't just my attitude towards Niall, it was my whole tone in voice, flirty like sayings, and feelings about him.

It wasn't like I was falling in love with Niall Horan, I just found myself developing a small crush on him. When I say small crush, I mean a stomach full of butterflies, huge smiles with all teeth, and a slight growth in attraction. I don't know where this came from or why it started brewing, it just popped out of nowhere and now I'm here. I'm here at a fancy restaurant, laughing my ass off with my enemy from grade school.

"You and Chad were gay for each other, I swear!" My voice was rather louder than I intended it to be. I of course didn't know because I was filled up with to many drinks of champagnes to count. Niall on the other hand wasn't, which surprised me. He was the bigger drinker, I hardly got smashed.

Niall's eyes widened, trying to keep in a laugh from my statement. "Sarah! Jesus, Chad and I weren't gay for each other," He took another sip of his champagne before staring directly at me.

I had to give him shit, I just couldn't let this one go.

"So you don't remember the time I found Chad and you both naked--" He cut me off short by waving his hand in front of my face.

Niall began to lean in closer and lower his voice. "We were doing a dare! You promised the both of us you would never mention that again!" His facial expressions looked angry, but I let it slide.

This time I took a sip of my drink and leant back in my chair with a smirk. "Not that time Niall, not that time." Once I said that, Niall leant back also, clearly embarrassed. It would be way to hard to hide the redness of his cheeks which I found completely adorable.

Shaking his head, he stood up from his seat. I found this weird since I had no idea what he was doing. Giving Niall a confused look, he ignored it and walked over to me, which wasn't far. Once he rested his hand upon the back of my chair, I knew something was going to happen.

"I wish I didn't have to do this, but," Niall stopped mid-sentence and quickly caught me off guard by digging his fingers into my sides fiercely. It didn't even take me a second to process what he was doing because a loud scream left my lips followed by loud laughs.

"NIALL! STOP!" I yelled while wiggling in my chair. Niall didn't stop though, he continued to laugh himself while tickling me hard. Now, I'm not one of those girls who freak out for attention when a boy tickles them. I, Sarah Lynn O'Riley am naturally ticklish and will willingly pee my pants if someone tickles me too hard.

"NIALL! I SWEAR!" Breathing loudly and laughing, I suddenly felt a urge to pee. It was either the tickling, the champagne, or both. All I knew if he continued to tickle me I'd piss all over.


Niall slowed down his tickling when our waiter tapped him on the shoulder. The dark haired, not attractive male stared at both of us angry. I wasn't sure if I should be glad, or scared of what was going to happen next.

"Excuse me, I am going to have to escort you to the exit. You two have made such a distraction. The bill will be waiting by the front desk," The mystery waiter who never seemed to stop by when we were eating said. I felt very embarrassed, but at the same time I wanted to laugh so hard.

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