Aimer Tueur smirked, "Well done, my pet." She patted Nino on the head. He smiled at her and kissed her hand.

"Of course," he grinned wickedly.

Aimer Tueur examined Chat's face closely. He had plump pink lips and if he was awake, he probably had a starving smile. She had seen a flash of green when his eyes had been open. She found him alluring and she bit her lip. Aimer Tueur would enjoy this kiss.

As she leant in, the villain heard a voice in her head once more;
'Aimer Tueur, bring him to me. I want to be his controller, I want to see through his eyes as he disposes of that wretched beetle! Ladybug will come for him, that I am certain of. And then, I will have both of their powers!' Hawkmoth laughed diabolically.

Aimer Tueur nodded, understanding her order. She released her hold on her followers, except for Nino, she had grown attached to him.

*Moments Later*

Ladybug and Alya came to the scene. There wasn't anyone there. Everyone from the dance was gone. Aimer Tueur was gone as well and there was no sign of the boys. Ladybug tried to call Chat Noir on his baton phone. Ringing was heard not too far off. The heroine headed towards the sound. It came from some bushes. Ladybug parted them and reached down. Hidden in them was his weapon. She gripped it tightly in her left hand.

"W-where-?" Alya started but couldn't finish. She didn't know what to say. Ladybug was speechless as well.

"They couldn't have just disappeared. They have to be around, somewhere," Ladybug said this only to comfort her friend. However, she didn't even believe her own words.

"What are we going to do?" Alya looked at Ladybug for an answer, but for once, she had none.

She shook her head. "Honestly, Alya, I don't know." Ladybug's grip in Chat's stick tighten and she bit back the tears.

He was her partner, her companion, the two of them a team chosen by destiny. They had grown close over those four years. Ladybug thought back to the day they first met.

*More flashback (3rd person of course) *

A young girl sprang from atop her house. The twelve year old landed neatly on another building. She sat there and breathed. The girl looked back at her home. She couldn't believe she had jumped so far. She smiled loving the feeling, as she leapt she had imagined being in flight, she had felt weightless. The raven haired girl lifted her head, her eyes centered on the full moon over head. Hello moon, she thought.

Not far off a blonde haired boy set out on his first night as well. He stared at his claw-gloved hands. The boy's cat like shadow, cast by the moon's light, swept over the street beneath him. The tentative kitten waved at it. Yup, that's me alright. He grinned and backed up on the roof. I'm gonna do it, he thought, I'm going to jump.

The boy charged on all fours and flew. He spread out his arms and legs wide, his shadow splayed out like a star. A star with cat ears. The feline reached out for the nearest building, his paw mere inches from it.

The smile on his face shifted into a horrified expression. No, he thought with sudden panic. His small claws nearly scraped the roof, but they missed. He yowled as he fell.

His yellow-green eyes wide with terror. He quickly shut them as the ground grew frighteningly closer...and closer...and-

"Gotcha!" The twelve year old kitten's body swayed as he was lifted. He opened his eyes hesitantly. The first thing he noticed was her eyes. He gasped.

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