Mischief And Curiosity Killed The Chat

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Ah, night patrol. My favorite time of the day- er night I mean. Why? Because I get to spend time with My Lady of course.

I had been out scouting the city for an hour, I was early so LB wouldn't be around for awhile. I decided to take a stroll through the park to think. I was still deciding wether I loved her or just liked her...

"Hey! Wake up already!" Something tugged at my pigtails and yelled in my ear. I got up startled and then calmed.

"Oh it's just you Tikki" I said yawning and stretching. I opened my eyes and looked her way. I cocked my head when I saw the frown on her face. "What?"

"It's time for Night Patrol!" She said impatiently.

"Oh alright," I groaned but winked at her and smiled. She laughed and spun in circles in the air. We giggled. "Ok then, Tikki Spots On!"

(Cue LB transformation music ;) )
My earrings glowed and sparkled. Tikki spiraled into them. My hair glowed lighter and turned slightly blue. The ribbons in my hair extended. My normal school clothes glowed and sparkled in a wave. The wave moved through my arms, making them now red and spotted. Same to my legs and I stretched to feel comfortable in my hero suit. I put my hands on my face like I was wiping them and my spotted mask glittered into existence on my face. Lastly my purse was replaced by my handy and fashionable Ladybug yo-yo. (End music)

"Ah, now we can go," I said as I jumped onto my balcony and swung into the city with my yo-yo.
"Chat, Chat Noir, here kitty kitty kitty," I called. No answer. "Hmm...that's weird." Chat never misses Night Patrol. Maybe he was too tired to come. Hmmph...Well that's not very gentleman like, to leave a lady in waiting.

I thought hard. Where could he be at that hour? Then it hit me. The Park! Chat loved the park. Sometimes I would catch him climbing and scratching the trees.

"Ok then, to the park it is!" I said taking off.

"You should just tell her," I heard Plagg inside my head. He was referring to my love, Ladybug.

"Yes...no...uh?" I was scared. What should I do? I really really liked her a ton! I scratched my head in deep thought.

"Hey kitty cat" the voice startled me and I fell out of the tree I had been sitting in. I landed on my butt with a loud thump.

"Jeez, nice of you to drop by My Lady," I said getting up. I rubbed my probably bruised butt. I looked up at her. Ladybug hung upside down from the tree and smiled back at me. I frowned.

"What? Not happy to see me?" She asked, winking. She jumped out of the tree doing a flip and stuck the landing. I applauded and she curtsied like a young lady at a ball. "What's my score?"

"7.5," I said smiling. She looked at me surprised.

"Only a 7.5?" She pouted and I smirked, nodding. I was startled to see her right in front of me as I looked up. I stood straighter to full height and now she looked up at me. Her faces was inches from mine. My heartbeat quickened. My mouth got dry and I felt the fluttering butterflies in my stomach. I longed to close the distance but didn't.

Ladybug scratched my chin slowly, gently. I swallowed...not again! I held back the purr the best I could, I really did. However it proved harder to overcome than an Akumatized enemy. "Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrths." She laughed and smirked. I grabbed her hand. "Ok ok, a...9.5 then," I say quickly. Way to dominate Adrien...

"What? Only 9.5?" She looked annoyed. "Hiw do I get a perfect 10?" She crossed her arms. I thought and smiled greedily.

I liked my lips and leaned near her left ear. "A kiss." I pulled away and saw her blush hard. Haha it was so easy! She looked at me nervously. Then she leaned in! Oh my god! She was gonna do it! Yes!

I leant in slowly keeping my eyes on him the whole time. In the dim light of the night's moon I saw a light blush creep onto his slightly tan face. He bit his lip. We got closer and closer and closer....

"You know Chat?" I said merely a centimeter from his lips.

"Yeah?" He breathed. He started closing his eyes.

"On second thought...a perfect 10 isn't worth it" I put my hand on his face his lips on my palm. Not today chat ;)...

He groaned in defeat. And slumped. I started to turn around but stopped. His tail wrapped around my waist and Chat pulled me in.

"I don't appreciate being teased," He got close. I tried to pull back. Chat's hand went to my left hip. I gasped. Chat went for my yo-yo and clutched it. I was puzzled and nervous. He grinned.

In a quick movement Chat Noir unclipped my yo-yo. It was in his grasp and I panicked. "Hey! That's mine Chat!" I went to reach for it and when I moved forward he did too. The distance between us closed. And our lips met in an embrace. I didn't move, shocked, not knowing how to react. But my body did. My eyes fluttered closed and my arms relaxed on his shoulders. Then he pulled away and took my yo-yo with him. Chat Noir took off running on the rooftops of the city. Great...way to get off guard Marinette...how am I ever going to catch him now?

I thought for a second. Oh, I facepalmed. "Lucky Charm!" I couldn't believe I was wasting my powers on him...

Out of the sky came a red staff with polka dots on it. It was a copy of Chat's just Ladybug themed.

"Okay, Chat," I said to no one in particular. "Here i come and let the games begin..."

So ok guys :) hope u liked the chapter. I've never written a fanfic before so yah know feedback is appreciated! Vote and comment and stay lucky! Au revoir mes amis!

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