Chapter 38

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Callen had returned to the mission earlier and hugged Nell, much to Eric's awkwardness. Their Technical Operator was still coming to terms with not only their relationship, but also the expansion to their family. Once Callen had confirmed that nothing was going to happen to Nell or their baby, he refocused on their operation, only to be told that another team were taking it over. He hadn't been told who, which made him more frustrated with Owen Granger. He just wished the older man would trust them and open up to them more. He had been so helpful down in Dallas. Callen had stopped in his tracks, once he realised another piece of the puzzle of his memory had returned. Owen Granger was surprised to see Callen suddenly stop arguing with him. He asked Callen what was wrong. Callen only shook his head and apologised to the third in command of their Agency, leaving Granger baffled.

Callen and Sam left the mission, and headed to the hospital. They exited the elevator on the top floor, to where Kensi had been moved to. It had been two hours since Hetty had updated them on their younger agent and friend. He had been relieved, when he had heard that the doctor had managed to stop the contractions and that she was on bed rest for the rest of her pregnancy.

Callen could hear chatter from what sounded like a girl. He looked over to his partner, who only shrugged his shoulders in return.

Sam was in no wise, going to be the one who told Callen about Kensi's daughter. He hid the smile that wanted to leap to his lips, as he heard the little girl read a story.

Callen hitched in his breath and frowned in confusion, as he saw a girl sit on the side of Kensi's bed, having the younger members of their team enthralled in her story. He knew Deeks loved children, but Kensi—-she had always made out how awkward she felt around them. But then again, she did manage to get on well with Kevin's children down in Dallas. 'Who was this girl? Was she another patient, who was bored?'

Kensi and Deeks saw Sam and Callen enter the room. "Hey, Sam." Kensi's face brightened up at the former Navy SEAL.

The girl turned and jumped into Sam's arms. "Hi, Sam. Where's Kamran?"

Sam hugged the girl before setting her feet back down on the floor. "Hi, Piper. She's at home. Has Kensi and Marty been good listeners?"

Piper nodded. "They always are." She smiled and turned to look at Callen. "Hi!"

Callen had watched the interaction between his partner and this little girl, and was taken aback. He knew there was still some memory loss, but he was confused over who this girl was. He quickly hid his reaction and gave her a small smile. "Hi." He felt awkward. But what got him rattled, was how much like Kensi the girl was. He looked over to her, in question.

Piper watched the blue eyed man look over towards her mother. She knew there was another member of the team her mom worked with, who she hadn't met yet, due to being badly hurt. But this man looked fine. "Are you Sam's partner?" Piper finally asked.

"Ah, yes I am," Callen admitted. "But I don't know who you are."

"I'm Piper." The girl answered him simply. "You must be Callen."

"Yes. Pleased to meet you, Piper." Callen's mind was racing a mile a minute, trying to piece things together.

Before he could get another word out, the girl came towards him and hugged him. "Kensi told me you and Nell are having a baby too."

Callen tried hard to keep his jaw from dropping. He remained quiet, as this girl continued.

"Kensi's baby is going to be my new brother or sister. My parents are going to adopt him or her, like they did me. They have so much love to give, I need a brother or sister to share their love with." Piper grabbed Callen's hand and drew her closer to Kensi. She turned and asked him to bend down. "Kensi is my real mom, but when Jack left her, I was adopted by my parents. She and Marty are going to have a family of their own one day. They are so great together. I am lucky, because I now have two families," Piper whispered into Callen's ear. Callen stood and looked over at Kensi. He was speechless. He looked from the girl to Kensi again, with a raised brow.

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