Chapter 18

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Dallas — the next day

Callen was up before the crack of dawn, washed and dressed, ready to find his brother's body—-to give his family and Kensi, some form of closure and to say goodbye. He gulped down a coffee as he collected the car hire keys off the kitchen bench and left Jackson and Charlie's house. He started the engine and typed in the Dallas County Morgue's address into the GPS following its directions. As he pulled up out front, he could see staff arriving for the next shift. He followed a woman with long dark hair in through the front door and approached the desk. The woman looked up and seemed surprised to see someone visiting so early in the morning.

"Good morning sir, can I help you?"

Callen cleared his throat before he spoke. "Hi. Yes. I am looking for my brother, Kevin Manning. He was transported from Los Angeles yesterday to this location."

The woman realised he was talking about his brother's body, and quickly gave him a sympathetic smile. "I'll have a look in our system and see what I can find for you. Please take a seat."

"I'll stand, thank you." He'd sat too much the previous day, between the hospital and the flight down.

He watched the woman type on her keyboard and made a phone call. "Dr Belling." She began. "I have the brother of Kevin Manning out in reception wishing to see him." She nodded and looked away from Callen as she listened to the person on the other end speak. She hung up the phone and turned to face him. He didn't like the look she gave him, it was an awkward one to say the least. "Mr Manning." Callen raised his eyebrows as he waited for her to continue. "Your brother has been sent to the funeral home late last night after his autopsy was completed."

Callen's temperature began to rise, at the frustration of being led on a cat and mouse game. "Where is he? No one in my family has organised for his funeral. I want to speak to the person who organised his transfer." He stood where he was and glared at the woman. She quickly picked up the phone and made a call. Before she had even hung up the phone, a man in his fifties, who was balding heavily on top, walked through the doors towards him. He turned and watched the man carefully, determining before he spoke as to what type of man he was.

"Mr Manning. I'm Dr Belling. I am so sorry for the misunderstandings regarding your brother. We had authorisation from your brother's lawyer to transfer his body to a local funeral home. Here is the paperwork."

Callen took the paperwork and read the information. He took notice of his brother's lawyer's name and address as well as the funeral home Kevin had been transferred to.

"Can you tell me the results of his autopsy?" he asked the doctor.

"No, I am sorry, I can not. It was sent to LAPD last night." The doctor flinched as Callen fisted his hands.

"No. My brother's death occurred during an NCIS operation in Los Angeles. Who told you to send it to LAPD? It should have been sent to NCIS." He'd had enough of this mess.

"We had information from the hospital in Los Angeles to send it to LAPD."

"You must have another copy of the autopsy report, doctor." He glared at the older man, whose hand shook from the stress Callen was putting on him.

"Normally we do, Mr Manning, but it was sent to LAPD before it was copied. I'm very sorry, Mr Manning."

Callen was furious. "I've obviously heard false reports about this fine institution you have here, doctor. Because nothing you have said makes any sense. I will report you to the head of NCIS for this cock up."

He turned and left the building, eager to find his brother and to contact Deeks. He still had his brother's lawyer to see. "Deeks." He said into his phone as he exited the building.

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