Chapter 8

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Los Angeles – 3 weeks later

Callen woke early in his bed before the sun was up. He looked next to him and watched the woman he loved sleep peacefully. It was the end of their holidays, and time to return to work, solving crimes and arresting the bad guys—-or killing them if their life depended on it. Callen reflected on the four weeks he'd just experienced. To say they were full of surprises would be an understatement. His holidays had started out just with him, alone, like he was used to, but it was filled ever so quickly with friends, a lover, more friends and finally, family. If Callen had planned to find his family over the past four weeks, he knew he would have failed. Well it had in the past, so why would this time been any different? But his luck had changed, and it was his friends and work colleagues who had changed all of that, and brought his brother and father to him. He smirked that trademark smirk, just thinking about it. And although he now could smile and think fondly of the time he spent with Nell, Kensi, Kevin, John and other family members he met down in Dallas—-it had also been a tiring time emotionally. He was glad it had happened when they were all on vacation, so now he could return to work refreshed and focused on his job at hand.

Callen, Nell and Kensi had flown back to LA the night before, making the most of their time in Dallas. Kensi wanted to spend every moment she could with Kevin—-which included meeting and getting to know his kids, and she had hit it off with them really well. Which surprised her, as she didn't think she would be good with kids, unlike her partner. Thinking about her partner, Kensi admitted she trusted him with her life, but sometimes she wished he was more serious. Like Kevin, she mused. And with that reflection, she realised why she had been drawn to Kevin instantly.

Flashback to Dallas

Callen was overwrought with emotions as he got to know his brother and his family more—-his father and his wife Beth, and all the extended family down in Dallas. To go from being alone most of your life, to being surrounded by numerous relations all of a sudden, was a lot for the seasoned agent to take in. But he was good at adapting, as his job required it. Callen found he suddenly liked all the attention and having family around. He couldn't get over the warm reception he received from Beth either, who he could see was very apologetic for her part in Callen's unfortunate life on his own. He decided before leaving Hawaii, not to give Beth any grief when he met her, after all, he understood why she reacted that way, although he never liked it. He couldn't reverse the clock and change his past, so why get angry over it? But really, he felt it was his father who really was at fault for deserting his children, and he couldn't really blame Beth for that. And of course, the Comescues, who killed his mother in front of him on the beach.

He had been glad to have had Nell by his side, although she was petite in stature, she made up for it in heart and strength. And having Kensi there was a bonus—-another friend on his side. He was amused at watching Kensi with his brother. Kevin looked so much like him, yet his personality was very different, and he could see he complimented Kensi, and was the kind of man she needed—-more mature man than her partner. Callen had always seen Kensi like a little sister, ensuring she was safe and happy. He did after all spoil her with donuts on most work days, so she dating his brother didn't bother him at all. In fact, if he had to admit it to anyone, he would have to say he was glad she was with Kevin.

Then there was the family reunion. Walking into that room filled with family had really hit Callen to his core. He had finally found them, and they all welcomed him into their fold like he had always belonged. Out of all of the people there though, there was a cousin who caught his eye—-Charlotte. She was a brunette, unlike all of their other blond relatives, and she was beautiful. Her eyes sparkled and she smiled like there was never a care in the world. She was married to a man named Jackson, with three children: Beckett, Louise and Max.

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