Chapter 5

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Nell saw a text from Kensi and her eyes nearly bobbled out of their sockets when she read, "coming to Hawaii with Kevin for two weeks. DNA results in from Abby—-they're a match to Callen. See you soon. K"

Nell pondered over Kensi's message and was glad Callen was in the shower. How was she going to explain this to Callen? She had been here a week with him, and yet she still hadn't said a word to him about Kevin. She also noticed Kensi signed off with K and not R. What does this mean? she pondered.

"Thanks for the heads up, see you both soon. N." Nell hoped using N would trigger something with Kensi using K in her last text.

Then a second text arrived. "Don't mention anything to Callen, let's make them meet. We're staying at the Halekulani Hotel so you can pop in for a visit and bump into each other. What do you think? Tomorrow afternoon okay? K"

Nell worried a little about keeping this a secret from Callen. He was after all a well seasoned Federal Agent who could sniff a lie a mile away. "Not sure if I can keep it a secret, but will try. You know Callen, he doesn't miss a beat. N."

Nell decided to delete her text messages instantly, to ensure Callen never saw them. Wow, the Halekulani Hotel. She knew it was pure luxury, and wondered how loaded Kevin was. And if Kevin was as loaded as it appeared, then maybe Callen's family could be too?

"What are you thinking, Nell?" Callen surprised her from behind. "Oh, um." Quick Nell, think of something good or he'll see through it. "I was thinking that it would be really nice to visit the Halekulani Hotel for a massage" She tried to sound convincing.

Callen laughed at Nell and shook his head. "You surprise me, Nell. Wow, the Halekulani? Now that's luxury. Have you seen the prices of just the drinks in that place? And you want us to go for a massage? Hmm!" He was curious as to why she chose that hotel for a massage, when there were plenty of nice places around that were less expensive. He raised his eyebrows to question her reasoning.

Crap! Nell thought. He's not buying it. She tilted her head to the side and stared into his ocean blue eyes. "What if I told you I had a surprise there for you, you know, like a gift already organised?" She hoped he would buy this.

She still hadn't revealed anything. She's good, he thought. But I will find out what's going on soon enough. "Okay! When?"

"Tomorrow afternoon." Nell hoped their plan worked.

Callen smiled and surprised Nell when he scooped her up in his arms and led her over to the bed. "Now it's my turn to surprise you, Miss Jones." Nell giggled and felt nervous again as his eyes deepened with desire. She still wasn't used to him wanting and feeling this way about her.

Honolulu Airport — the next day

Kensi and Kevin landed in Honolulu after their five and a half hour flight from Los Angeles. They were tired and needed to stretch their legs. As they walked out of the airport, they were greeted with a man dressed in a suit holding a sign with 'Kevin Manning' written on it. Kensi was surprised as she thought they would just catch a taxi to the hotel—-but Kevin, who has grown up with money, had surprised her with the luxury. Not only were they staying at the five star Halekulani hotel on Waikiki Beach, Kevin had booked the Orchid Suite. As part of the hotel's premier suites, it was separate from the main building and private. Kevin greeted the man who took their luggage and led them over to the limousine. He noted how quiet Kensi had become and he enjoyed watching her reactions—-although she tried hard to hide her surprise and enjoyment of being treated like a princess.

Deeks would tease me if he could see me now, being treated like a princess. Wasn't that one of his pet names for me? She smiled at the thought, knowing she was thousands of miles away from him for two weeks, as that is how long she and Kevin were there in Hawaii.

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