Chapter 34

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It had been a tiring day for the team when they had finished for the day. Deeks joked about the bushwhackers they had taken down earlier that afternoon, hoping to lighten everyone's mood.

Kensi snorted at Deeks' use of words. "Bushwhackers? Where did you find that word, Deeks?" she asked amused.

Satisfied his joking had at least one team member happy, he explained he had come across it on the internet. "It's another word for assailant," he explained. "I found it amusing the word existed. I was waiting for the right moment to use it." He gave her his cheeky grin.

"And you call me Wikipedia!" she retorted. She returned his grin with one of her own that sparkled in her eyes. Their time together over the past few weeks had brought them closer, and she in turn had almost returned to her normal cheery self. Also spending time with Piper had helped her heal as well. When the three of them were together, she felt like they were a family. She had found it weird at first, to even think of it, but it pleased her just the same. She realised Deeks thoroughly enjoyed his time with them just as much, if not more. She began to look at her partner in a new light, with each time they were out with Piper, he would surprise her with something she never knew about him. Like, for instance, he had always played the jokester, like he was now. Yet she realised it was to hide his true feelings. Such as when he was sad or hurt. But she also came to the conclusion that he used it to help others feel better about themselves too. It was a quality she treasured in him.

"That was Ray who called you Wikipedia, not me." Deeks spoke to his own defence on the matter. But his cheeky grin never wavered. He was happy to see his partner's sparkle return. "Are you ready to head home?" he asked her, changing the subject. He had achieved his goal of making her feel better. When they had returned from the boat shed, after dealing with the two bushwhackers who they hadn't killed, he had found those in the office were in a somber mood. He had no idea what had caused it, however, he noted that Callen was no where to be found. When he had tried to talk to Nell, she shook her head and continued to focus on her tablet. He concluded something had happened with Callen, but wasn't sure what. He hoped he would find out soon enough from Kensi.

Deeks drummed his fingers on the steering wheel as he listened to 'I will steal you back,' by Jimmy Eat World. It was fitting, Deeks decided, as he sung the words to the song. Kevin had taken his partner away, broke her, but he stole her back. And slowly, but surely, he was helping her heal.

Kensi sat entertained as she watched Deeks sing to his heart's content. He had admitted to her a while ago, that he had been the lead singer in a band, during his teenage years. The name, 'Touching Wood,' sounded immature, but they had been teenagers after all. It had amused her, and she remembered so well his uncomfortableness, as she pretty much blackmailed him into singing for her. His effort had been shocking, with the small attempt he had given. But then again, he had been rescued by Eric, with a call up into Ops. But now, as she listened to him sing along to Jimmy Eat World, she observed that he was actually a pretty good singer. He was in tune and knew all the words off by heart. There was something about him as he sang, that was different. It was like he was free, to be whoever he wanted to be. Then it dawned on her the words he sang. 'I will steal you back.' Was he singing about her? He had stolen her back from Kevin, when he had his team kidnap her. However, she would have preferred the word rescued than steal, to describe her situation. But that was the name of the song that played on the radio. She tilted her head as he continued to the end of the song.

"You don't like my singing?" Deeks finally asked, once he pulled up to a set of lights. He turned and faced her. With her head still tilted, she wore a questioning expression on her face.

"Actually, you were pretty good. Much better than your last attempt." She gave him a reassuring smile.

"Really?" Deeks was surprised she had liked his signing. He thought he was pretty average.

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