Chapter 16

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Deeks pulled into Kensi's driveway and stopped the engine. He looked over at his partner and saw she was fast asleep. He thought it was a good thing, seeing the emotional turmoil she had gone through that day. He climbed out of her car and unlocked her front door, using his own set of keys she had given him, in case of an emergency. He walked into her apartment and noticed the red roses in a vase on the kitchen bench. He realised Kensi had seen Kevin the day before, when she had popped home. He entered her bedroom and pulled the bedding down, scanning the room, he spotted the expensive travel bag in the corner of the room. He didn't want Kensi getting upset seeing it when she woke, prompting him to move it into the spare bedroom. He would deal with it later. Then he wondered if he had left his toiletries in her bathroom, he went searching to be sure. He sighed when he saw his shaver and toiletry bag on the bench. He quickly picked it up and placed it with Kevin's luggage. Satisfied that all evidence of Kevin's belongings had been put out of sight, he walked back out to the car to carry Kensi to bed. Quietly he opened the door and unclipped her seatbelt, placing his right arm under both of her legs and his left around her back, lifting her gently, as he didn't want to wake her. He noticed her stir, but she kept her eyes closed and snuggled in closer to him. He wondered if she thought he was Kevin, or if she really did know it was him carrying her. He continued through her living room, into the bedroom and lowered her onto the bed. He unzipped her boots and gently removed them, before placing the sheet and quilt over her. She looked peaceful and was tempted to kiss her on her temple, but he resisted.

"Sweet dreams, princess," he whispered to her and left her alone to sleep.

Marty Deeks made a list of what he needed to buy at the supermarket, before Kensi woke from her sleep. He needed to drop by home and pick up Monty as well, because he knew he needed to stay with her. He checked his watch and saw it was just after two in the afternoon. He wrote a note telling her where he was going, and that he would be back soon. He grabbed her car keys and locked the front door, before starting the engine to drive the five minute journey to her local grocers. He looked at his list a second time then climbed out of the car. Chocolate glazed donuts, beer, and ingredients to make burritos. All being some of Kensi's favourite food. He grabbed a basket as he entered the store and walked the isles as he collected his items.

After he had placed the shopping in the boot, he drove another five minutes to his place to pick up Monty and dog food. Deeks opened the door to his apartment and was nearly bowled over by his best friend. "Hey fella, did you miss me? Of course you did and I missed you too." He rubbed the mutt behind the ears and scratched the back of his head before going to the kitchen. "You and I have to take care of Kensi."

Monty looked at his owner and turned his head as he listened to him. He knew who Kensi was, and liked her a lot. His tail wagged furiously, as he became excited.

"We've got to be on our best behaviour, Mont, Kensi is very sad." Deeks looked down at his dog and bent lower to whisper in his ear.

Monty's ears pricked up as he listened and barked a little bark. Deeks knew he could rely on Monty for the task at hand. Dogs were alway good at helping people deal with stress, and heal from pain. If Kensi couldn't talk to him about how she was feeling, then at least she had Monty to talk to. He smiled at his little friend, then continued to gather his things into a bag and headed out the door, ensuring it was secure before he left.

Los Angeles County General

Callen stayed in Nell's room as he watched her drift in and out of sleep. His partner, the ever faithful, Sam, sat out in the corridor with concern etched in his face. Too many people in their team had been greatly effected by this case. He stayed to support his partner, who not only lost his brother that day, but nearly lost his girlfriend. Only Callen, Charlie and Nell knew about her pregnancy so far.

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