Chapter 7

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The rest of the day was less exciting, with no more surprises or punch ups. However for Callen, it was still very emotional. He'd spent most of his life building walls around him, managing to keep his emotions guarded,unless he was alone. Yet today, finding out he had a brother and meeting his father, had those walls crashing around him. It left him in unchartered waters, allowing other people to see his soul. Nell and Kensi would look at each other with concern in their eyes, as neither of them had ever seen their team leader, friend and lover, like this before. Even Sam would have been shocked if he had been there, seeing his partner right now. Nell had asked Callen if he had contacted Sam—-Callen had told her that he'd tried.

Nell and Kensi were shocked to find out that Hetty was Callen's Aunt, which meant she was Kevin's Aunt too—-making Kensi feeling a little uneasy dating one of her nephews. She and Nell were in the same boat, and feared about their fearless Operations Manager finding out. Yet Hetty's relationship with Callen, which they had all looked on with fondness, and wonderment at the two unlikely pair, now made perfect sense. It explained her guilt over Clara's death, and burden to ensure her children were kept safe—-although she was too late to save Amy all those years ago. But she proved it when she went into the lioness' den and tried to convince Alexa Comescu that G. Callen had been killed. She did it to protect him, to save his life. But Callen couldn't let her do it, and Sam, Kensi and Deeks followed him, to rescue her. They had all been prepped by Hetty before she had left, to ensure Callen didn't go to rescue her alone. All her wise words had made sense when she disappeared, and then when Director Vance finally told them what was going on. But there was still much about Hetty that puzzled them, and now they found this was another piece to her puzzle to click in place. Kensi was curious to find out more about her, so she found herself asking John questions about his sister.

Nell listened to John, while trying to ensure Callen didn't suddenly run away from them all. He concerned her greatly, usually he was good at hiding how he felt, but seeing him so racked with emotion, she worried that he was cracking under the strain, although she understood why today had this effect on him. She analysed everything in her head, trying to put herself in his position, and found that it was amazing that Callen was emotionally healthy at all. And that he had his huge heart of gold, putting his life on the line daily, in the line of duty for his fellow countrymen and for his friends. That was one of the many traits of G. Callen that Nell had fallen in love with some time ago. His selflessness. He didn't ask for much, hell he didn't own much of anything. But the one thing he desired more than anything in all his forty-two years was his family. And today he met two of them. Of course this would rock him to the core.

Suddenly Callen found his inner strength and calmed down. Then he spoke for the first time in a few hours. "Can you please not say anything to Hetty." Callen looked at his father. He found it awkward saying dad, as he used to call him Tatar; and now after all those years of abandonment, he didn't think his father deserved it. Well not yet anyway.

"Why do you request that, son." John was trying his hardest to show George he still loved him, by calling him son.

"I would like to speak to her when the time is right."

"Okay, I won't," John agreed, seeing it was the least he could do for him.


Callen turned to Nell. "We should be going, it's getting late." He and Nell stood to leave, when John interrupted their departure.

"Why don't I book a room here at the Halekulani Hotel for you and Nell, that way we can be closer and get to know each other more."

Callen shook his head. "No thanks. We've already paid for our room."

"Son." John held his hand out to hold Callen's arm. "Please stay here. I've let you go before, when I shouldn't have. I don't want to make that mistake again."

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