⊱Chapter 31 🗡A Mother' guidance and a King Revealed⊰

Start from the beginning

I flipped through the pages looking for any indication or sign that a new piece of the book had materialized. I had almost skipped over it when I saw a map surfacing between two of the pages.

It didn't show much except for the sea and a large forest connecting with a vast expanse of danger filled mountains. Along the coastline were names of villages I recognized.

In fact some of them were ones that we had recently visited. A path was clearly marked out, the title of the page read 'Map to the Kingdom of Dragons'. Looking at the familiar name of the forest I come to realize it is the same one we are camping in. We had to head deeper into what is known as the Forbidden forest, a place not many are willing to venture in.

"So we found what we were looking for after all. Something to point us in the right direction." Serina hummed in content.

"We did it Serina!" I whooped. "We just have to follow this map and we can get to the Kingdom of Dragons in no time. For now we shall rest and resume our journey first thing in the morning."

"Sounds good to me." Serina purred as she went back to her feast. Deciding to join her in eating dinner I checked on my food to find that it well done.

I fell asleep that night snuggled underneath Serina's wing with a full belly and hope springing up from my chest.

True to our promise we started out a little after first light. Serina didn't feel like flying as she curled up in front of me in the saddle after she had shrunk down in size with her head resting on my thigh. Taking the path shown to me by the book we headed deeper into the woods.

Over the next few days we traveled further into the seemingly endless forest. The longer we were in there the more it felt as if we were being watched which increased my agitation.

Today I felt like something significant was going to happen so I kept my bow at the ready. Serina was gliding through the tree tops so not to be spotted, per my request. If we were to find trouble then she could come to my rescue at a moment's notice.

Spotting a stream ahead I decided to give Zimra a break. Dismounting from the saddle and walking her over to the stream. Though I kept a watchful eye out.

"Be at the ready. There are a total of fifteen men surrounding you. They look as though they mean business." Serina warned, I could feel a growl growing in her throat.

"Be careful Serina. Do not give yourself away. We may need the element of surprise." I lightly scolded. The soft sound of twigs snapping to my left had me ducking as an arrow went soaring over the spot I had been. It wasn't a head shot but it would have sunk deep into my right shoulder if I had not moved. Taking extra precautions I slam my hand onto the ground and bring it back up as I stand. A wall of sturdy rock circling around Zimra and me, threatening to impale any who dared get close to the vortex around us.

"Impressive." A familiar voice called out from the surrounding foliage. "It is rare to see a Blade with such talents. Of course you aren't just any King's Blade. I was already quite impressed with the way you managed to escape your cage with your companions. It isn't just anyone who can escape those you know." Alex emerged from his hiding place stepping out of the thick bushes nearby.

"I didn't escape to impress you, Alex. I escaped to save my family." I wanted to snarl out. Just barely keeping myself in check. Thirteen men stepped out from their hiding places, their weapons at the ready as they watched me as though I were an enemy. It seemed as though they didn't appreciate the way I was talking to Alex.

"Well I am still impressed. But I wonder what you are doing back out here. Especially so far inside the forest." He cocked his head to the side as he studied me.

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