twnty : lav th bbn n th shlf (+)

Start from the beginning

Luke got his stuff and met Michael at the car, the blue haired man driving. They arrived at the crime scene to see people waiting outside of the shop to see what was going on, a line of police tape in front of them so they couldn't pass.

Luke and Michael showed their badges to the cops before being let in. Once in the back room of the shop, the boys saw the body, Michaels dad looking down at it.

Luke took out his camera and knelt down to the corpse. The girl looked to be nineteen, her stomach and chest ripped open. "It looks like her heart is missing." Luke mumbled, pulling some gloves on quickly and grabbing a swab at the blood, it may have also been someone else's. Luke put the tube in to his bag for later and snapped some photos of the bruising on the girls neck, along with her wrists. "There was definitely a struggle."

Michael leant against the desk in the back room and looked down at the body. The girl had such a long life ahead of her, and it was ripped from her, literally, as her heart was ripped out.

"Her intestines and liver and kidneys are still intact, even though the person ripped open her stomach too." Luke said, his hand inside of the girl. He moved her skin slightly and sighed, "May want to make Carlos look for signs of her being pregnant before this, looks like internal bleeding with what ever happened here."

"She was pregnant?" Michael asked, making Luke glance at him.

"Maybe, because her organs are still here, but not her heart? They wouldn't just leave those organs, they can cost a lot on the black market." Luke looked cross the girls body, down to her legs, where she was only wearing some short shorts, Australia was hot in the summer.

Luke sighed and took out another swab, "There is semen on her thigh also. I suspect she was raped." Luke said, looking up at Michael, who nodded.

Evidence was bagged up and the two headed towards the station where they went to Luke's small office, where he could run his tests. Luke sat at his chair and took out the swab of the semen and gave it to Michael, "Go run this for me honey."

Michael rolled his eyes at the pet name but did as told and turned to behind him and started doing it, Luke ran the blood he collected and put his photographs on to his computer.

Once the test on the semen came through Luke took it and saw a name, Jared Schskaski. Michael stood beside Luke as they looked at his criminal record. The guy was huge, muscles and all, from Romania, with previous charges of rape and arson. He was released a few months ago from prison.

"What do I do?" Luke asked Michael, "He has a probation officer and an address?"

"Sure you can take a guy that big?" Michael chuckled, "You're all noodle and he's all muscle."

Luke looked up at Michael, "Who's the one who fucks you in to the mattress every other night? Me, not Cal or Ash, I'll be fine." Luke smirked. Michael glared at him and dipped down to kiss his neck. "That's what I thought, princess."

"Get him." Michael said. "I think you should try at least, the element of surprise is your best bet." Luke nodded, "Then when he's gone, hand over the evidence and he'll be down as missing if we can't find him."

Luke spun around in his chair, grabbing Michaels hips and pulling him close. Michael smiled and wrapped his arms around Luke's neck, attaching their lips. Luke let a hand wander down to Michaels bum, the other on his neck, holding him tight to him. Their lips moved messily together with heavy breaths. "Shit--" Michael grinded down on to Luke, making the blond moan. "When we get home I'm gonna ruin you."

"Please do." Michael giggled, pecking Luke.

The door of the office suddenly opened and Michael pulled away from Luke, "Oh hey Dad." Michael smiled.

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