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Thank you to @Sauce_of_5 who did this awesome ass fan art for this story BC I love it a lot and there's another one that I'll post next chapter


When Ashton woke up, he was alone in the large bed, the covers over his shoulders. He heard the front door suddenly slam close and sat up. Where the hell was everyone? Luke was taking food to Michael but it wouldn't take this long unless Michael and Luke wanted to get frisky or something. Calum was suppose to be sleeping right beside Ashton, but he wasn't.

Ashton swung his legs out of bed, grabbing a shirt and slipping it on before grabbing some sweat pants. He left the bedroom, not hearing or finding anyone in the apartment.

He was alone.

"The fuck are they?" Ashton muttered.

Ashton frowned and got his phone before he left the apartment. It was past midnight now as he left it, going down to the lobby. He left the lift, going towards the car park, he looked out the front doors of the building, seeing their car was still in the usual place.

Ashton furrowed his brows and went towards the front desk, he leant across seeing no one was there but the lights were on. He went back towards the lift before seeing a lm employee door was cracked open. Ashton stepped closer, hearing talking from the other side.

He heard the voices of his three boyfriends before his eyes caught the sight of black bin bags and Luke, in a black apron, goggles hanging around his neck, black gloves on his hands as he picked up a black bag.

He saw Michael then, put a black bag down before he kissed Luke. Then Calum came over and Ashton heard him giggle. Ashton watched as Cal kissed the blond boy. "Why was that oddly satisfying?"

Luke laughed. "It just is." Luke grinned, before he kissed both the boys on the lips. "It was your first time too."

Ashton was confused as he stepped away from the door, first time doing what? Ashton moved suddenly as the door opened, and he watched his boyfriends take handfuls of bin bags out the doors and towards the car park. When Luke shut the door, locking it with a key, and left Ashton was left standing behind a plastic plant in utter confusion. What were in those bin bags?

Ashton went back to his apartment, climbing in to bed. He stayed awake as he waited for his boys to come back home, when they did it was two am and Ashton was half asleep. Luke walked in to the bedroom, taking off his shirt as he sat on the edge of his bed. He undid his shoelaces, slipping them off and throwing them to the floor. "Luke?" Ashton mumbled.

Luke turned around to his older boyfriend of nine days. "Why you still awake baby boy?"

Ashton shrugged, "I woke up when Cal left, where were you?" He asked tiredly, wiping his eyes as he sat up and crawled over in to Luke's lap.

"I stayed with Mike and Cal came down to meet us, but we needed to head to the shop for some milk for your cereal tomorrow morning." Luke easily lied, before running his hand through Ashton's curls. "Go to sleep baby, we'll be here soon."

Ashton nodded and got under the covers again, snuggling in to the pillows.

After a few minutes the three boys climbed in to bed beside Ashton, Luke pulling the brunette boy on top of him, watching him snuggle in to Luke's chest. As Michael ran his hand over Luke's waist, leaning forward and kissing Luke's neck, making the blond look at him. "He's suspicious." Michael whispered.

"I know." Luke whispered back. "I'll tell him soon."

"Good, he should know." Calum whispered, cuddling up close to Luke and Ashton, hand on Ash's lower back, as his face nuzzled in to Luke's shoulder. Michael did the same on the other side, before they all whispered I love you's and sweet dreams.



How is everyone?

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