nntn : ths rvr s wld

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longer update yay


A few months later the four boys were officially moved in to their house, Calum was seven months pregnant and people at college now obviously knew of his baby bump and they would come and feel his bump and ask him questions and the other boys were proud to have an arm around Calum as he gushed about their future baby. College was ending soon, in about a week or so, for the boys and they were all revising for their final exams.

The boys' house was being decorated, mainly by Luke and Ashton. Calum wasn't allowed near the paint fumes and Michael was working hard on a case with his dad. Luke had free time as he quit his job, after college he was planning on working at the police station with Michael, but as a forensics tech, working mainly with blood. Ash only had college on his hands so between revising and painting he pampered Calum.

The boys bedroom was the first room to be done, the walls being a white colour, one being a pale green that matched the bed side tables, a large bed taking up a lot of the room for the four of them. They had a walk in wardrobe that was mainly full of band shirts and jeans along with lazy clothes and Michaels ties for when he had an important day at work. Their room had a balcony that looked out across their back garden and the patio, Ashton was planning on putting together (well, making Luke do it for him) a flower bed to plant pretty tulips along with a vegetable patch that one day he could make the kids help out with.

Their babies room was still empty, boxes of things ready to put together, a small closet was already there for a wardrobe and all they had to do was put up the changing table, do the crib, put together a mobile and paint the walls. Calum wanted the baby to have a nice open room with the large window and pale green walls to match their own room--honestly, he just didn't want to buy more paint.

Calum and Luke were home alone and once Luke came home from college he put his bag down and found Calum sitting on the living room floor with his revision notes at his feet. "Hey baby." Luke smiled, leaning down and kissing Calum's forehead. "I'm going to go see my family, wanna come sweetie?" Luke asked.

Calum looked up and nodded, he pouted his lips and smiled when Luke kissed him softly. "Okay, help me up though please." Luke stood up and helped Calum stand before Luke helped Cal put on his shoes and jacket.

They left and drove towards Luke's parents house. When they knocked on the door Calum had his hand entwined with Luke's, and then Liz answered. Liz smiled and hugged Luke before hugging Calum and she pulled away wide eyed. "You're pregnant?"

Calum gave Luke a look and nodded, "I'm seven months Liz, Luke hasn't said?"

"No he hasn't." She frowned. "Come on in, boys."

Liz let them in and Calum went ahead, Liz holding Luke back. "Why haven't you told us Luke?"

"I've been busy." Luke sighed.

"Too busy to call your mother and tell her your boyfriend is pregnant?" Mum scowled at Luke, they went in to the living room where Luke's dad was hugging Calum, cooing over the baby bump.

Calum saw Luke enter the room and sat down, huffing, he was surprised Luke hadn't told his family because they were all quite close knit but Calum assumed since the fact Luke killed people, he'd changed. Maybe he didn't talk to them as much anymore. Luke hugged his dad and his brother, Jack, who was sitting on the other sofa. Luke sat beside Calum on the sofa and threw an arm around his shoulders as Calum unzipped his coat and his bump was beneath his light blue sweater.

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