Chapter eleven: Haunting

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     It was Monday and I was attending school,  Jayden was struggling to open my locker. Nelson walked behind me and says, “Boo” I was startled and turned around and yelled at him. “ Don’t do that!” She yelled. Nelson was surprised at her out burst, “ is that another way people in Chicago greet each other?” I felt bad and apologized to him.

      “ I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to snap at you I just haven’t been sleeping well this weekend.” My eyes were red and puffy and my skin was pale. Nelson noticed I looked horrible but he ignored it and continued to change the topic. “so happened to you last week, you disappeared.” The bell rang and I walked into my English class. I handed the slip to the teacher to let her know that I enrolled. Then I sat in the far back of the class. My English teacher Mr. Gallagher walked over and handed me my text book and announced to the class that I was a new student. “Hello everyone, said Mr.Gallagher, I wanted us to talk more about shakespeares stories but before I continue, everyone we have a new student Jayden Ivory from Chicago.” Everyone clapped and Mr. Gallagher insisted on having me talk more about myself.

            I stood up from my desk and spoke, “ I like to dance and skate board, and that’s it.” A few students snickered and Mr.Gallagher said, “Thank you for that please take your seat.” I got out my note book and began copying notes from the board. When I looked down on the desk it was written, “don’t come back” I shouted out loud in class and drew attention to myself. Mr. G asked, “are you okay Jayden…” Everyone’s head was turned to me and I walked to the front of the class and grabbed the hall pass and left the classroom.

            As I walked in the hallway, I saw Izzy giving me the evil eye and I turned the opposite direction. Izzy threw gum in her mouth and watched Jayden walk down the hall. As Jayden walked away black smoke began to wrap around Izzy’s legs. Izzy looked down, “ what the faa…” she was dragged from her locker and went threw the floor of the school. She was then in the basement as she was screaming for help. “ Help me some body…” Izzy cried for help and was then put under a spell to loose her voice. Her lips were vanished and there was just a nose and eyes on her face. She was then dragged further into the basement and then strapped to a table. Izzy muffled her voice and Ioh muted Izzy so she won’t be able to make a sound. His spirt was then entered into Izzy’s body and Izzy’ clothes began to turn black, the Iris on her eyes vanished and her eyes were full white, her ears began to point up, she foamed in the mouth, her nails were getting longer, her skin was turning green, her hair became more flaming, her teeth became sharper, she started growning a tail, and wings. Izzy was turned into a physical form of Ioh. “yessssss… I’m alive!”

            After school, Jayden was at her locker trying to grab her books and as she was doing that, Sussanah spotted her. “ Jayden!”  Sussanah waved to her but when she saw her, she walked away, and she began to speed walk. “Jayden stop! I want to talk to you.” Jayden then stopped, and decided to give her the benefit of the doubt. Sussanah stopped infront of her. “Hi…can we talk” Jayden, looked at her and wondered what she wanted. “  I felt horrible about how I spoke to you last week and I apologize.”

            I looked at her and told her, “it was not a big deal, so don’t feel bad.” I kept walking and she followed me and continued to speak, “you know, we can go the spa if you want, get a facial, are nails done, that would be fun right?” She was trying hard to become my friend, but all I needed was piece of mind. “I’m not big on girly stuff, going to the spa is not my thing.” I told her. She looked me and said, “okay, then maybe you and I can watch a movie or go to the park?” I looked at her and agreed, and then turned around and walked out.

            Later, Nelson was in the library typing a research paper for history on the computer and his ex-girlfriend Tabithya walked over to talk to him. She walks over to him and taps him on the shoulder. “miss me…” Nelson faced Tabithya and asked her, “what’s up..” by the tone of his voice, he was not excited to see her. Tabithya continued to speak, “well I’m hosting a party during spring break and it would mean the world to me if you came.” Nelson spoke up and said, “Tabithya…its October spring break isn’t for another six months.” She was pushing herself emotionally on Tabithya because even though she and Nelson broke up, she still wants a part of him. “I know but it doesn’t hurt to prepare.” He was skeptical by Tabithya’s actions.

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