Chapter Three: Imbalanced

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 I sat in the Vice principal’s office as he told me my punishment, “Jayden…I’m highly disappointed on your behavior, what you did to the restroom was complete destruction to school property and this is the first time I ever since you acted up in school, you’re a straight A and B student and your trying out for Emerald’s, this kind of thing is not tolerated here. Is everything okay at home?” In reality everything was not but I wanted him of get off my back so I lied to him, “yes, everything is perfect fine”. But I can tell he wasn’t convinced. He just kept asking me, “ why did you do that?” and I just told him,” trying to let out demons I guess”. It sounded more stupid when it came out like that. He nodded in disappointment and told me, “ Jayden, you’re gonna have to serve in- house suspension today and you’re going to attend community service this Saturday  to clean the damage you done and as for the Emerald’s I’m terminating your nomination, I’m sorry, you can try out again next year”. I finished his sentence, “ but there’s no guarantee that I will be on the team right?” He told me, “That is up to the Chicago director of the performing arts program”. All I kept saying to myself was, this is a nightmare, that I will never wake up from. Everything I had in my hand instantly slipped through my fingers like sand. I walked out to the locker because I needed to get my books but when I saw the decorations I tore it up, popped the balloons and just stood in front it. Now it was just a plain grey locker just like everyone else’s. When I found out about my termination I felt I was disappointing my dad. I grabbed my books and was on my way to in house. When I saw Nicki talking to her friends in the corner I tried to walk past her but she called me out. “ Jayden!” she was motioning me to come. I slowly walked towards her. “ what…?” Just when she was about to speak, the principal walked out and told me, “Jayden in-house is that way”. He points at the left side of the hallway. “ this is not the time for socializing, and ladies you must do the same thing.” Nicki turn around and gives me a weird look. “Um…okay what did he mean by that?” I had no choice but to tell her the truth, I figured she was going to figure it out anyway, so what difference did it make if I hid it. “The principal terminated my nomination, which meant that I was no longer allowed to try-out for the emerald’s”. The girls were shocked, including Nicki but I knew that she was celebrating triumph inside. She has been waiting to see me fail and it looked like the person who was getting the middle finger here was me. I continued to deliver my bad news, “ He found out that I vandalized the girls bathroom and felt this was an appropriate punishment.” Nicki, just stood there and laughed, “Oh my god, so let me get this straight, you risked, being part of something so important that determines your future, just to vandalize the bathroom? I heard of stupidity but that’s pushing it to a whole new level”. The girls then walked away, another girl said, “This is why they only let upperclassmen on this team, while another one had to finish the comment with “stupid freshman”. I may have took stupidity to a whole new level but they took bitch to a new level as well. I continued to walk to in-house in frustration.

                I walked to the bus stop to wait for the bus. Just to make my day perfect an ignorant elderly woman had to enter the bus stop as if it were her personal “butt hut” and smoke like a chimney. I had to voice out, “ um…excuse me!” The lady turned her head and I continued to say, “Hi, I’m trying to wait for the bus and your smoking can you do that outside?” She was not going to listen to me, so she said to me, “Little girl, shut up! It’s a free country if I want to light it up I will”. I decided to wait outside because the last thing I needed was controversy. That lady was probably going to die of lung cancer anyway so I rather not try and fight her. It started to sprinkle and eventually down poured. The lady behind me was still smoking. “Don’t like rain huh…” she laughed and I rolled my eyes. Five minutes later the bus finally came.               

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