Chapter seven: acceptance

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 Jim knocks on the door to the vice principal’s office. We open the door and walk in. “Hi I’m Jim Daley, I’m the new principal here and this is my step-daughter Jayden Ivory.” Jim shakes the vice principals hand, “it’s a pleasure meeting you, I’m Dr. Oswald, your going to enjoy attending this high school, if you please follow me we can begin the tour.” He showed me to the Science lab, “this is the ninth and tenth grade lab, that’s where you will be resigning and right now the student who are using the lab are the students in the academic gifted program. The students in this program share a schedule with some of the seniors and normally graduate a year or two ahead of time.”

          In the gifted program was Agnus Lee, a student who comes from a strict chinesse background. Her expectation are set high, She is known for being an over achiver and does not have time for a social life. With her only being fifteen, it can be tempting when there are distractions around especially from her best friend Sussanah. She dreams of one day attending MIT (Massachusetts institute of Technology) to study chemical engerning. As jayden walks by the lockers ,she passes by a few girls, one being Sussanah Williams, she is sweet, but also a bit dizty, her long golden blonde hair grabs peoples attention. She is out going, wealthy, popular and  currently in a relationship with her boyfriend Jeorgie Montello, who is in Connecticut for two semesters tranning at a Hockey camp.

                We go into the library where the tour continues, and she notices a picture of a girl who went to school here in the sixties. The letters were engraved “you will always be a star even in heaven”. “Who was this girl?” I asked in curiosity, “that’s heather Fuller, she was a cross country star, back in 1967, she lead our school to the semi finals, but a horrific accident occurred when she was traning out in the woods. She was missing for days and the cops tried searching for her body. Then the day before the semi-finals her body was found near a creek and she was buried a month later, she was only sixteen years when she died.”

                When I looked at her picture I noticed that there was something familiar about her. She had long brown hair but it was lighter than mine and she had brown eyes, her skin tone was whiter than me and her eyes were a bit widen. I didn’t want to admit it out loud but she looked almost like me. I asked if I could check the library on my own and it was okay with them, they wanted me to meet them at the house I was going to live on campus. Jim and Dr. Oswald left and I was looking around the library.

                Nelson, Wyatt and Christian sat in the top level of the library where they were studying for a history test. Christian ask “okay so number one which country begin with the letter a and ands with the letter a.” Wyatt glances at the bottom level and noticed the new girl that Nelson was checking out, Wyatt said, “ Nelson’s mystery girl down below.” Nelson thought it was them teasing him . Nelson says “ damn it do you ever shut up.” Wyatt teases him again “that’s not so Christian like boy.” Nelson says, “ whatever.” Seriously it’s obvious that you like her why don’t you go down stairs and talk to her before she leaves.” Nelson says, “ How is it obvious I don’t even know her, I just got out of a bad relationship with Tabithya im not going to hop into a new one.” Christian jumps in and says, “Look we have a test tomorrow so all of you can stop playing romeo and cupid and just get back to studying.”

                “ I think the terms romeo and Juliet”. Nelson replied, Wyatt says,  “either you go down there and talk to her or I will.” Nelson says, “ I thought you liked Sussanah?” Wyatt replied, “ She’s with rico suavy does it look like im gettin' wit her?” He gets up and force Nelson to get up as well… “go”! Nelson goes downstairs and walks around the library acting natural. Jayden walks out the door and outside, and the walks down the brick road. Nelson follows her and decides to take a short cut around the brick road and sees her at the bench he decides to walk up to her.

                “Hi, I don’t mean to sound noisy but do you go to school here?”Jayden looks at him and replies to him, “that depends are you a cop?” Nelson looked confused and said, “no” Jayden ask, “seriously? Do you just go up to random people like that and ask them questions?” Nelson replied again, “sorry…I didn’t mean to offend you I should go…” Jayden started to laugh “hey dude…I’m just messing with you, it’s just the way I meet new people I wasn’t trying to make you feel bad.” Nelson chuckled, “don’t you just say hi.” Jayden rolled her eyes, “well if you want to be bland with it fine, hi…I’m Jayden” Nelson replies and shakes her hand, “ I’m Nelson” Jayden says, I’m from Chicago and we do things a lot different there so if I do something that might be werid don’t get offended.”    

        “I’ve never been to Chicago before” he said. “well… it’s a great city” Said Jayden. “Listen I’m suppose to live on campus and the house is called The Maple House do you know where it might be…?” said Jayden. His eyes widen of excitement, “ as a matter of fact I do… follow me”. Jayden followed Nelson to where the house is. Nelson knocked on the door. The dorm advisor opened the door, “Hey Nelson, and you must be Jayden.” I shooked her hand. “ please come in I’m Stacy and I pretty much manage the house, I’m practically the house mother.” Stacy was perky and had a large smile on her face, It werid when someone is smiling that big at you because you don’t know if you do the same back or there’s some psycho  standing behind them with a gun. 

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