Start from the beginning

She nodded in reply, then I headed out of the room. I headed down to the cafeteria to check for something to eat.

"Good evening ma'am." I greeted the cafeteria lady. She flashed a smile.

"Good evening... What will you have?" She asked pointing to the food choices in front of us.

"Something delicious and healthy. My girlfriend got her stomach pumped." I whispered the last sentence.

She chuckled and took out something from behind the counter. "Here's something special. I cook this every month for someone who deserves it. And you sir, deserve it." She handed me the covered plate. "Take the lid off when your inside the room. Also, keep this a secret between us." She winked.

I nodded and thanked her silently. Afterwards, I made it back up to our room.

"Oooohhh... What's that?" [YN] straightened up as she eyed the covered plate.

"Don't know... The cafeteria lady gave it to me." I replied and placed the plate on her lap. "She says it's special though."

[YN] flashed me a playful smile. "Are you lying?"

"WHAT?! YOU THUNK I'M LYING?!" I replied, my cheeks heating up.

"Alright... If you say so..." She replied then happily took off the lid.

"A phone? How am I supposed to eat that?" [YN] spoke irritated and intrigue at the same time.

Suddenly, it started ringing. [YN] jumped from her sitting position while I just stared at the phone blankly. I then grabbed hold of the phone and answered it, putting it on loudspeaker before I said anything.

"Hello?" I spoke softly like I was talking to someone asleep.

"Greyson..." It was Richard. His voice was in pain, his breathing was shallow. "I'm sorry man... The old geezer knows the difference between self inflicted gun shot wounds to someone-else-fired wounds."

[YN] gasped when she found out who I was talking to. "Richard?!"

"Hey [YN]... I'm sorry about not telling you all of my past..." He coughed then continued. "You see my father is the leader of The Family... I was forced to become their leader but I ran away..."

"Oh..." Was all she could say till a tear ran down her face. I hesitated to wipe it for she was in a very fragile state at the moment.

"I know... I'm a douchebag for being afraid to tell my past to anyone..." He let out a humourless chuckle. "But don't worry about me anymore--"

"That's enough! Your ten minutes are over." A voice in the background yelled.

"Goodbye [YN]..." Those were Richard's last words before hearing a gun shot. Noises came from the phone before hearing that familiar creepy voice again.

"That is the fate of all members if you want The Family dead, Greyson." Steven spoke sounding pissed. No more veil to cover his true character. "Here's the deal, I have YOUR and [YN]'s families as hostage. In order to let them go, Greyson has to die."

"How will we know that what you are saying is true?" I asked. Steven isn't the man you can negotiate easily with.

"Before you die I'll flash a white light before your eyes signifying that I have let them go. But hurry up, you have till midnight to die." He replied. I could tell he was smirking maniacally.

"And how do I die?"

He was silent at first then answered with, "Tonight's the Grammy's. Sneak in and show yourself to the world. Afterwards, shoot yourself. I have someone inside who'll be doing the flashy-something."

"Greyson... Don't." [YN] whispered still in tears.

"[YN], sometimes it's better that only one person will die than many." I cupped her cheeks with my cold, sweaty hands.

"Is that so?" She sniffled. "Then maybe..." I didn't hear the last part of what she was saying for it was like she was just mouthing the words.

"What'd you say, [YN]?" I asked curiously.

"Goodbye, Greyson..." In a second of a heartbeat, she took the bread knife from the tray and stabbed it at her chest.

Blood was pouring out of her chest rapidly. I slowly remove the knife and threw it at the ground. I scooted to her side and made her lay her head on my chest.

"[YN]?! W-why you d-do t-that?!" My words trembling.

She flashed a sad smile. "Like you said, maybe only one person has to die..." Blood dripped from her mouth, I wiped it with the back of my hands. "But before I die, I just want to feel your lips on mine for the first and last time..."

Slowly she inched her face towards me. Our lips crashed together - I was practically frozen on the spot, but I deepened the kiss for this was our first and last kiss we'll ever share. I felt my hormones tingling with excitement but reality had a tighter grip on me.

"Promise me Grey you won't tell anyone I killed myself..." Those were her last words. I pulled back as [YN] fell lifelessly on top of my chest again.

"I promise..."

I slowly stood up from my position and laid her gently on the bed. There was blood everywhere even on me. Still, even it looked like a scene from a horror movie, her face was serene.

"I promise I'll avenge your suicide, sweetie. I won't break this promise like those before." I kissed her forehead, grabbed the phone, and ran out.

I placed the phone near my ears. "Why not, Steven, but you'll die with me..."

"I'd like to see you try..."

I hung up and slid the bloody phone into my pocket. Nurses charged towards me but I pushed them all back. I got into my car and drove away.

"Someday we'll meet together... Not in this wretched world but in paradise..."


Didn't see that one coming, eh? Sorry about killing you off there, remember not all lead characters survive...

Anyways, the next chapter is the last chapter. IT'S THE EPIC CHAPTER?! You're going to love it! I think...

Vote if it's okay and comment if I missed somethings here.

Big hugs & huge kisses,


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