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Author: timefortea

Kyungsoo lies in the centre of an unmade bed staring at the ceiling. The plain sheets are tangled around his sweaty limbs and Kyungsoo is already starting to feel the ache in his ass. He traces a crack in the plasterwork with his eye and sighs deeply. Another failed attempt.

Kyungsoo can hear the guy—Junmyeon is it?—in the shower, and he's been in there for some time already. It's clear what his intentions are and Kyungsoo's aren't any different. Kyungsoo grimaces lightly as he gets up and scurries round the room picking his clothes up and dragging them on to his damp body. He'll shower when he gets home.

It takes all of 10 minutes until Kyungsoo is shrugging on his coat and stepping out of Junmyeon's apartment block, the night doorman greeting him as he passes. He hasn't bothered to leave his phone number.

It's raining again over Seoul and Kyungsoo huffs in annoyance as he begins to stride his way through the streets with his chin tucked into the collar of his coat. It's about half one in the morning if the clock on one of the buildings is to be believed so Kyungsoo deems Baekhyun is still awake and sends him a text, a simple Nope.

Baekhyun's reply pings back not a minute later, a sympathetic Aish. Better luck next time? Meet you for coffee tomorrow to discuss ;)

Kyungsoo rather unwillingly agrees and turns the last corner until he's reached his own apartment block, relieved to be home.

I'm fucking tired of this, Kyungsoo grumps to himself as he climbs the stairs and barrages his way into his apartment, heading straight for the bathroom and turning on a scalding hot shower.

Kyungsoo closes his eyes as the hot water rains down on him, letting it caress his aching shoulders. He frowns a little as the remnants of dried cum (the Junmyeon guy's, not his own) wash down the drain until Kyungsoo at last starts to feel clean.

Kyungsoo's problem is this: he's never had an orgasm. Well, that's not entirely true. When he was about sixteen Kyungsoo had had a vague, not particularly pleasurable climax (at least he thinks it was) thanks to his own hand, but since then, nothing. Hence, Kyungsoo scours the bars and clubs of Seoul every Friday night in hopes of finding a guy who can make him come.

Junmyeon was attempt twenty something, and still no luck. Short, tall, fat, thin, Kyungsoo feels like he's tried them all. They're simply not good enough.

Kyungsoo blows his hair off his forehead as he tumbles into bed, lips set into an irritated pout. No doubt coffee with Baekhyun will just pull up the same questions it always does and Kyungsoo doesn't really feel like having the history of his sex life and dick analysed anymore.

The problem with Kyungsoo is that he still has a primal craving for a peak, so getting riled up every Friday to no avail is really rather disappointing. It takes a while for the thrumming under Kyungsoo's skin to dissipate, but when the need for release finally goes Kyungsoo slips into an uneasy sleep.


Baekhyun licks his lips as he observes Kyungsoo over the rim of his coffee cup. "You seriously don't think you should see a doctor?" He questions.

Kyungsoo rolls his eyes. "No. Why would I?"

"No offence Soo, but it's kinda weird. I mean, you're a twenty year old man, not some wilting ahjusshi. You should at least be able to get it up!"

"Baekhyun!" Kyungsoo hisses sharply, startling Chanyeol who's sleeping with his head on Baekhyun's lap.

"What? A little touchy don't you think? It's not my fault you never give me the full details of your little problem." He pouts in a way Kyungsoo thinks is supposed to be adorable but is actually kind of gross and only Chanyeol would fall for it. "You love Luhan more than me."

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