
1.9K 34 15

Author: vaxylia

Rating: nc-17

Genre: RomCom, Fluff, Smut

Word Count: n/a

Originally found on:

"For this one...which formula should I use?"

"Which one? Ah, you use the Pythagorean Theorem; if you look at the equation..." He was close, so close that he could count the individual hairs of midnight lashes, while a light, wafting scent of vanilla permeated his senses. "X plus Y...therefore you get ten...and if you calculate the area..."

Time to make his move. He laid a tentative hand on the exposed skin just above the stiff, tidy collar of a neatly-pressed uniform, and slid the pads of his fingers to and fro until he could feel slight tremors.

"K-Kim-ssi, are you listening?" Oh, but he was pretty cute with that light blush suffusing his cheeks as he shied away from the caress, eyes wide with confusion.

He sidled closer, pushing away the cluster of books and scribbled equations before skimming the backs of his fingers against one soft cheek. Those wide eyes got even wider, frame completely stiff and frozen in place – his prey was well and truly caught in the trap.

This was much too easy.

"Sunbae," he purred, rubbing the pad of his thumb on the rosy bottom lip. No – he had to make it more personal. "Kyungsoo." Aw, he was blushing again.

"Kim-ssi, I-I—"

Personal, make it personal. "Jongin. Call me Jongin," and he tilted the small, delicate face, staring into large orbs containing a good mixture of bewilderment and shyness. For a moment, he felt guilty, but Kim Jongin had never lost a bet before, and he was not about to lose one now. A pity too, because Do Kyungsoo was actually pretty cute; he'd probably hate Jongin after all this was over, though.

But whatever. That ₩200,000 was his...

"So, how did it go? Did you do anything?"

Oh, this was pretty nice; the lips, albeit tightly closed as a clam, were soft and pink, and the frame in his arms, albeit completely stiff (with shock, no doubt), was small and fit in his arms perfectly. Well, there were plenty of ways to loosen all those muscles up, and Jongin was a patient man – he was just getting started.

He made a path from the pink lips, planting soft kisses and nibbles along the way until he reached the smooth expanse of skin on the neck. He really did smell like vanilla – Jongin inhaled the scent greedily, feeling the stirrings of lust slowly coursing through him. He didn't think he'd be this aroused by a guy, and Do Kyungsoo to boot, but that just made the whole scenario hell of a lot more exciting.

He nipped tentatively on a spot of pale skin, laved it and sucked on it; it bloomed into a rosy shade, and he was rewarded with the sweet sound of a moan torn from the quivering throat.

"Hello? Earth to Kim Jongin?"

"Don't bother, hyung – he's been like that since first lesson."

Kyungsoo didn't seem to have any experience, and he was probably a virgin, but that was fine because Jongin knew exactly what he was doing. Technically he could stop here – no need to count all his eggs before they'd hatched, but he'd accomplished more today than he thought possible – but there was also no harm in experimenting a little, and to be honest, Jongin was pretty much enjoying himself.

He'd moved on from the neck to one small, pink ear, lightly grazing his teeth on the earlobe; delicious shivers were his response, and he progressed to lightly nibbling the tip – it was obviously a weak spot, judging from the soft moans turning into tiny mewls.

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