Secrets That I Have Held in My Heart (Are Harder to Hide Than I Thought)

5.5K 111 83

Author: MelonAloe

Rating: N/A

Genre: Bandverse!Kaisoo (in POV of EXO members, OT12), Kind of crack, kind of humor, kind of fluff

Word Count: 9525~

Originally found on:

The first to realize is Junmyeon.

As newly appointed leader, it's as if he's grown a third eye specifically for keeping watch on s. Not in a particularly bad light, but also to make sure they weren't being modest when saying they didn't need a break. He's grown to be naturally perceptive of his surroundings; it's unlikely anyone would have noticed before he did.

Junmyeon is present when Jongin and Kyungsoo first meet officially. The only thing he is worrying about at the time (concerning the two of them, anyway) is the fact that the younger hides behind Junmyeon like a child in fear. Do Kyungsoo did have that effect on people, what with those wide, unsettling eyes. Junmyeon hopes for only one thing, just one simple thing God could maybe grant him?

Please, just please let s get along.

The way Kim Jongin is behaving, hiding from his new members, made Junmyeon purse his lips.

Do Kyungsoo too is going to be a problem, Junmyeon thought. When he wasn't standing there stiff as a board and looking like a scared little deer caught in the headlights, he was quiet and unapproachable, those defined eyebrows screaming at you to leave him alone.

Junmyeon took the initiative, loosening Jongin's grip on his t-shirt, pulling on his hand as they headed towards Kyungsoo. Junmyeon makes a mental reminder to laugh later about the fact that Kyungsoo now looks like a fearful little meerkat trying to find a hiding place.

"Kyungsoo-ssi," Junmyeon greets amiably, "this is Kim Jongin. He'll be our co-member."

The shorter parts his mouth like he wants to say something, but it shuts once more, and the little sliver of hope Junmyeon had fades away. Kyungsoo settles with putting his hand out for a handshake.

Jongin remains unmoving, so Junmyeon pulls his hand and places it into Kyungsoo's grip. They shake, but afterwards, they don't let go.

"Hello, Kyungsoo-ssi," Jongin says politely. Junmyeon's head shoots up when he realizes Jongin is speaking. On his own accord. To a new member.

"I'm looking forward to working with you," Jongin continues. Junmyeon cautiously turns his attention to Kyungsoo to await his reaction, but he doesn't expect much, because he can't have everything now, can he?

Kyungsoo smiles. Bright and wide and toothy.

"I'm looking forward to working with you too, Jongin," he says.

The corner of Jongin's lips flicks upwards, but Junmyeon is more preoccupied by the flash of something else entirely indeterminable in the younger's eyes. His gaze drifts to their hands, which still hold each other even after their handshake has long ended.

He suddenly thinks that Jongin's prior anxiousness was not due to meeting a new member, but because of something else. Something that has to do with their combined hands, the pink tinge in both of their cheeks, the lingering smiles.

Junmyeon did not want to go there.

However, over the next few months, Junmyeon thinks that Jongin's found a very deep attachment to Kyungsoo. It becomes a normality within their group - Jongin and Kyungsoo. Jongin and Kyungsoo, who always sit besides each other at lunch dates even if there's twelve of them (and if a member notices that they're not sitting together, they immediately question it and offer to switch seats to make it happen). Jongin and Kyungsoo, who seek each other out after practice sessions to spend time with the other (even if it is not talking, they enjoy each other's company, and the silence is never uncomfortable). Jongin and Kyungsoo, who huddle up with each other under the same blanket in the living room during late night conversations with the twelve members, bonding about how everyone misses their families.

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