Brise (5/8)

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  "Have you guys seen Jongin?" – two weeks later, Kyungsoo walks in the classroom. He has checked Jongin wasn't at the basket course, the library or the cafeteria. Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Jongdae are playing cards in one desk, the teacher is absent.

"I haven't" – Jongdae says and the other two shake their heads, they keep playing and Kyungsoo sits by a side. He takes his phone in hands and ponders texting him or not.
Jongin was supposed to receive a letter from the Ballet School that afternoon.

"I don't think I saw him at recess." – Baekhyun says and takes a card out with an exaggerated movement – "Do you need something?"
Kyungsoo shakes his head and joins them in the game.

Jongin sits quietly in his bedroom. The house looks empty, no sounds are made. He's supposed to be in school, he has his uniform on, tie loosely falling in his chest and his sleeves are rolled up to his elbows. His hands tingle while playing with the edges of the envelope that reads his house address and his name – a big crest stares at him on the left corner: Universal Ballet School-Seoul. You're too coward to open it, huh.He closes his eyes and tries to focus his mind on nothing, the sweet and easy waves of blankness as his chest goes up and down, almost in an exaggerated manner. This was a quick exercises his second ballet instructor taught him that time he was too stressed because he couldn't get the perfect pirouette – he was lonely because Kyungsoo was out of town with his family, physics and chemistry were hard, and his father still refused to cross more than five words with him.

Jongin opens his eyes after what appears too long, white and shiny spots are coming from his sides, his head is numb. The letter is still between his hands and he can't open it. He's about to grab his bag pack and go to school again – with hopes of catching Kyungsoo – when he hears knocking on his front door.

Kyungsoo is waiting in the porch, his shirt is wrinkled and he doesn't have his tie on - Jongin can now breathe a little bit easier, he gives his best friend a soft smile and the other opens his eyes wider.

"Did you get it?" – he asks, showing the palm of his hands. Jongin nods and moves so Kyungsoo can come inside – "And?"

Kyungsoo's voice shakes with that last word as he walks three steps inside the living room. The light is poor and he can barely take Jongin's face in. He has no idea what is going on.

"I haven't opened it." – Jongin takes a hand from behind his back and shows Kyungsoo the pale envelope still sealed.

"Why not, dumbass?"

"I'm too scared, okay?" – Jongin raises his voice as he drops himself in the brown couch – "I tried but damn!"

Kyungsoo nods slowly and sits in the coffee table in front of Jongin; the latter has his eyes fixated on the letter. His heart beats furiously inside his chest and his palms are sweaty. With shaky hands he moves his fingers to open it, careful not to rip the piece of paper inside.

"I-" – Jongin stutters – "I'll...I'll be right back"

Kyungsoo watches as his best friend – and now boyfriend – moves slowly from the couch to the little wardrobe next to the living room, enters and closes the door behind him. Minutes pass, he's alone in the little living area that smells like humidity; the wall clock ticks and ticks, he has always thought it's annoying as hell. He can't hear Jongin inside the closet.

Minutes keep passing and the clock mocks him, ticking and ticking, Jongin doesn't come out.

Kyungsoo gets up and walks to it, he opens the door and Jongin is sitting on top of a huge box, looking petrified, like he just woke up from a nightmare.

"I got in" – he says quietly while looking at Kyungsoo, big orbs pointing to him, the letter wrinkled in between his hands.
Kyungsoo has never smiled harder in his life.


Autumn greets Jongin with grey skies and pretty leaves that paint his porch red and orange, winter comes in with white dust spraying his sun kissed skin. Septembre, October, November and December, fluffy knitted clothes, hot chocolate, slide races, Holidays and New Years – everything goes by with a blink, maybe because he hasn't been so happy in a long time, maybe because he didn't even know how true happiness felt like – January wakes him up with freezing toes, accumulated homework and as always these past months, soft lips that touch his each day.

Kyungsoo and he have been inseparable since that night in a foreign hotel room; they don't really talk about it, but is not necessary. Everything has been the same as before, just add those things friends are not allowed to do – but couples are. They can easily spend eighteen hours a day together – he wishes they could spend all twenty four all the time. Each week they have a "sleepover", and incidentally, neither of their parents suspects a thing – not even when Jongin stays for dinner and he can't take his eyes off of Kyungsoo, not even when Kyungsoo forgets he's not supposed to sit on a friend's lap, not even when they sleep cuddled up every weekend.

Maybe they are too naïve.

Sleepovers completely changed its meaning, though; from long afternoons filled with warm kisses and intertwined fingers, to endless awoken nights where moans are muffled under the covers – Jongin teases Kyungsoo's lips with his own, by October he knows it drives him to madness, Kyungsoo likes to caress Jongin's belly, because he knows he's extra sensitive between his hip bones. Jongin will never forget November 3rd, when he gets to experiment each part of Kyungsoo's body once again but this time, he finally gets what loving someone means.

"Hey...since when don't you play the piano?" – Jongin points once they are inside Kyungsoo's wide and quiet living room that day, nobody appears to be at home, they have just had dinner on a local ramen shop. Kyungsoo looks oblivious as he turns his face to check to the west wall, where a wooden piano rests closed, a few pictures stand on top.

"I don't know..." – he starts saying – "I practice maybe, once every few months, but I guess I've lost interest..." – he declares while shrugging. Jongin frowns, his memory waves back to a thirteen year old Kyungsoo, a kind of chubby kid with big glasses practices after school, Jongin studies for his biology test next to feels warm.

"Can you play something real quick?" – Jongin asks, releasing his stuff on the couch. Kyungsoo raises an eyebrow.


"Why not?"


"Come on, just one little thing... I haven't seen you play in years" – Jongin practically begs, after all the times Kyungsoo pushed him to dance, he feels a bit betrayed.

"Fine." – the older sighs, dragging his feet until he reaches the piano – "I don't play as I used to, Jongin...or maybe I do, that's the thing, I never improved." – the smaller male says while getting shy, sitting on the dark stool, opening a little book that was already in there.

His slim fingers dance on top of two, four, and then six keys. Jongin's heart takes a jump as he recognizes the melody...his memory trails back years, to a clinic, where he clearly sees and hears his mother hum those same notes. He watches carefully as his boyfriend continues playing, slowly and delicately, maybe afraid of screwing the song up...he is mesmerized. Is not that he feels sad or melancholic, is not that he is in pain anymore – more like the opposite, he is contented. Like that time on the train for their trip to Seoul, or each afternoon they had walked from school to his dance academy - he revives how Kyungsoo has made him feel since the day they met, how Kyungsoo always makes him feel.

After maybe a minute, the older picks up the pace in the song, has his hands moving up and down the piano, the sound is like a cascade – Jongin is smiling by now, his eyes trail from his fingers to his eyes, from his wrists to his lips – his heart and his stomach are playing with him, making him feel nauseous and in the clouds, all at the same time. Kyungsoo messes up once, making him blink, smirk and stop on his tracks.

"See?" – he deadpans – "I'm really rusty"

Jongin takes Kyungsoo's right hand and rushes to his room, tripping with all the furniture they can find on their way. The kisses start mid hallway, Jongin pulls on Kyungsoo's collar, lusting for his skin even before they have pushed the door to his room open. The blinds are closed, sunlight barely illuminates the space, his bed covers are set neat, they crumble down on top of them. They envelope their lips, filling each other with their tongues, you can hear them moan softly after a few seconds, Jongin trails his hands to remove Kyungsoo's shirt, he does the same.

Jongin is decided to take things slow once he sees Kyungsoo's bare chest - is not the first time he has seen it, but he always automatically thinks on a Hershey's bar when his moles display in front of him – he takes his time to start from his neck, dropping pecks on each birth mark he spots, caressing every inch of Kyungsoo's flesh. The older plays with Jongin's smooth brown hair, looking down how he works his mouth close to his bellybutton – the younger struggles while unbuckling the other's pants, Kyungsoo just giggles.

Jongin plants kisses dangerously close to Kyungsoo's hard on, almost transparent through his underwear – already dirty with his precum. The younger gets on his knees, comfortably ready to remove his boyfriends grey boxers, Kyungsoo just contemplates him, running shaky fingers through his hair. Jongin wets his lips once he has a clear view of what he's about to do, takes a hand to envelope Kyungsoo's dick, caressing his skin once or twice before taking it inside his mouth, the older snaps his head back, releasing a loud moan he didn't know he had been holding.

Jongin teases the tip, because he believes that's what feels good – to be honest he has no idea of what he's doing, but by Kyungsoo's response, he continues. He teases for a while, having his own member ache, hearing his boyfriend's groaning and moaning increase by the second; he speeds up, getting Kyungsoo's dick deeper in his mouth, tasting him, exactly as he looks up and finds the other's eyes on him. Kyungsoo's body vibrates after a few seconds and Jongin simply knows.
"I'm about to-" – the older says with closed eyes, his lips tremble once Jongin releases him and gets up, plating a soft kiss on his mouth. Kyungsoo groans as his dick throbs when Jongin comes close to him, resting his hands on his neck – the taller leads him to the bed, feeling soft fabric behind his back as he watches Jongin remove his pants and underwear, Kyungsoo smirks while he plays with himself.

The air is chilly and they should have considered turning on the heat, but it just maximizes everything. Jongin crawls to the center of the bed and kisses Kyungsoo's neck, the latter wrapping him with his arms – Jongin says nothing more than "I love you's" to Kyungsoo, his whispers send electricity down his spine; the smaller male knees and gains dominance, pushing through his lips and tongue, fisting his member as he leans on top of him on the pillows – Jongin moans with every stroke, Kyungsoo smirks and lets go.

"I'm trying to be romantic, Kyung, don't tease like that" – the older giggles and shrugs, leaning to give a soft kiss to his boyfriend as he runs a finger by the middle of his torso, feeling his defined stomach, clenched and hard by the position he's in. They share lips and time seems to stop, it's a lie to say they hear anything outside those four walls; they don't even pay attention to the falling sun, casting a beautiful pinkish light inside the room.

"Touch me" – Kyungsoo commands, his whisper making Jongin's dick throb and swallow thick. He corresponds by placing each hand on the other's waist, picking him up and gently laying him down near the pillows. His hair is messy and his lips are puffier than usual, Jongin loves it – he delicately opens Kyungsoo's legs to find his position in the middle, he rests on his knees and leaves an invisible path on the other's pale skin – he travels his eyes around Kyungsoo's body, feeling his chest lighter and lighter with each glance. He can't tell Kyungsoo has a gentle smile on his face at the same time he caresses Jongin's forearms – time passes, rain starts to fall, wind makes branches slowly swing back and forth.

Jongin smiles back at Kyungsoo when their eyes meet; the other blushes and stares at the ceiling.

"Kyung, I want to..." – Jongin moves forward to whisper on his boyfriend's ear, pecking his neck in the middle of the sentence – "I want to be inside of you"

He believes he hears Kyungsoo swallow.

Kyungsoo opens more space for Jongin to devour his neck, he arches his back to feel Jongin's member next to his, he thinks that's a good enough answer. Jongin rolls his hips slowly and Kyungsoo groans, he loves that sound more than anything.

"I need my bag" – the younger states, detaching from his boyfriend for just a second.


"I have lube there-"

"I have everything here...let me just-" – Kyungsoo gets up and speed walks to his bathroom, coming back not after 10 seconds, with a black bottle and three little plastic squares in his hands.

Jongin swallows again, this is happening.

They like spending nights together, they like kissing and touching, they like teasing and playing with each other – but in the three months they have shared everything, they have never actually had sex. Is not that they haven't wanted it, is more of a "they don't need it", not yet at least.

"Lay down" – Jongin tells him, taking the objects in his hands and placing them on the bed. Kyungsoo is nervous, he can't hide it, so Jongin tries to look as if he really knows what he's doing. The older rests in the stack of pillows, not really sure of what to do with his hands, so he places them over his chest; the other opens Kyungsoo's legs once again, caressing the inside of his thighs. The older closes his eyes and gets himself being carried away, having his dick rise and touch his belly. Jongin doesn't want to be rough or quick, so he takes his time stroking Kyungsoo's member, slowly reaching down his ass – Kyungsoo trembles.

Moan after moan, Jongin preps Kyungsoo, he delicately wets his fingers on his boyfriend's mouth per request; focused, he exchanges kisses and touches. Kyungsoo's face shows the prettiest blush, he bites so hard on his bottom lip when Jongin teases his hole with his tongue for the first time, crying for his name once he has licked it six times in a row.

"Jongin-please-just-" – each word is cut down, his throat clenches and unclenches, he feels drops of sweat form on his forehead, even though is probably under 13° outside – "Oh god, Jongin"

Having clear view of his boyfriend's wide back isn't helping at all, aching to reach down and touch his body as well.

"Please, Jongin" – he cries once again, grabbing a handful of his hair – "do it"

Jongin smirks while he licks his lips, he gets up and grabs the bottle, his hands are shaking. He lets a transparent liquid run through his index finger, and takes a look at Kyungsoo, damped messy hair decorating his features, red cheeks and abused lips, his eyes are wide as always. He rushes for a kiss right before he introduces a finger, the slowest he can, the softest he can, Kyungsoo groans while squeezing his eyes shut – Jongin waits for another signal but his partner remains still, eyes closed, his nails push through a bed sheet that has been wet for a while now.

"Is it okay?" – Jongin asks with caution; he doesn't move his hand nor does he try to insert another finger just yet. Kyungsoo nods, his head pushed back, he doesn't move anymore than that.

Jongin turns his wrist just a little bit, inspecting a warm inside he never dreamt he could reach, he pulls out slightly, letting Kyungsoo adjust to everything he's feeling; minutes pass and Jongin gets more lube around Kyungsoo's pink hole, he introduces a second finger and the sound of Kyungsoo's groans fill the room, he smirks and twists his wrist – more groans come.

"Jong.In" – Kyungsoo's mouth is semi opened and his eyes are closed, his belly is clenched, his ass cheeks are tensed up. Jongin pulls out and repeats everything, this time introducing three fingers and speeding the motion. Kyungsoo shakes and cries for Jongin's name, having white knuckles because of how hard he holds onto the bed sheets - "Do it, for fuck's sake"

The younger releases his hand, reaching for a condom, never separating himself from Kyungsoo. He rips the little package open with his mouth, placing it quickly over his member while the other strokes himself.

"I'm going to-" – Jongin says as he opens his legs, supporting on his knees and holding Kyungsoo's waist above the mattress, placing himself right outside of Kyungsoo's entrance, he counts to three and feels the most satisfying pressure around his cock, it sends hot waves to his belly, his ears are about to burn. Kyungsoo moans on the low, his eyes still closed, Jongin comes close to kiss him, resting hands on each side of his face – Kyungsoo returns the kiss lazily. Jongin thrust his hips then, and everything is ten times better, Kyungsoo groans and opens his legs even farther, Jongin is deep inside of him, their chests just millimeters apart – the older lets go of the bed sheets and intertwines his fingers behind Jongin's neck.

"Kyung, look at me" – Jongin's breath interrupts, Kyungsoo takes a moment to open his eyes, big circles pierce Jongin's soul, having his chest take a jump as he thrust once again – "I love you"

Kyungsoo smirks and rolls his hips; he pulls Jongin to share tongues, biting on his bottom lip. Jongin thrusts again and again, he speeds up, Kyungsoo moans louder and louder, the bed starts crashing with the wall, their breaths intensify.

"Deeper" – Kyungsoo begs and pushes his hips up, making it very easy to Jongin to touch that spot. Kyungsoo groans loudly, his face showing complete pleasure. The bed is creaking with each thrust Jongin gives; they don't pay attention to it, though.

The younger kisses Kyungsoo's exposed neck, crazily leaving teeth marks as his thrusts get harder – the older gives a groan to each thrust, he accompanies each move with one of his own, he kisses back Jongin's forehead once he looks down to grab Kyungsoo's dick with his hand, stroking it fast and hard.

"Shit" – he mutters and holds tight on the back of his neck, Jongin pushes harder and quicker, getting closer to an orgasm, he feels Kyungsoo's walls tightening, he feels an explosion coming, he thrust so quickly he only hears the bed hitting the wall over and over – "Jongin..."

Kyungsoo calls for his name and he looks at him, releasing white liquid as their eyes meet, he strokes three times and Kyungsoo comes stuttering his name once again, eyes closed and cheeks flushing.

They breathe deeply and steadily, Jongin takes out his dick, Kyungsoo stays still, staring at the ceiling, caressing the skin around Jongin's biceps.

"Jongin..." – he says with a bit of a hoarse voice – "...look at me"

The younger supports on his knees, even though his legs feel like jelly, shaky and weak – like he just practiced his brisé for 6 hours straight. Kyungsoo looks at him and smiles, warm and innocent.

"I love you more"

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