The Broken Promise

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Author: midoyotvxq

  They met at their first year on college. Do Kyungsoo stopped by the library to borrow a book for his assignment. That was where he met Kim Jongin.

Jongin tapped him on his shoulder, smiling widely and asking him, "We are in the same music history class, right?"

That was when Kyungsoo knew more about Jongin.

He found out that the boy liked to dance, and he liked to sing, and he had a dream to entertain people with his skills. And that he dreamed of standing on the stage where people would be cheering for his name and supporting him.

They became friend and Kyungsoo realized that he liked Jongin for more than friends would. He fell for him.

Jongin kissed him first when they were doing their assignment, out of the blue. Kyungsoo blinked his eyes after Jongin had leaned back, eyes darting away from Kyungsoo's questioning ones. He whispered the words, soft but sincere, "Do you want to be my boyfriend?"

Kyungsoo grabbed Jongin by the collar of his shirt, pressing their lips for another kiss. Jongin laughed at the way he answered his confession and embraced him close.

They were attached to the hips; everyone knew just how so in love they were with each other. You would find Kim Jongin when you found Do Kyungsoo.

They met some new friends along the time. Jongin would be like a puppy to him. He trailed after him everywhere he went, holding onto his hand tightly when a male or female got too close to Kyungsoo. Jongin answered him with 'I'm just trying to show them who you are belong to' when Kyungsoo asked him about it. They laughed it away after that.

Jongin spent his time in the dance studio and he met a friend who loved dance just as much as he did. Kyungsoo grinned when Jongin told him about his time in the studio, dancing to his heart content and until his legs felt like falling off.

Kyungsoo often stopped by the dance studio after he finished with his vocal class, watching Jongin danced with a wide smile on his face. They would walk out from the studio after that, fingers entwined together while telling their day.

They cuddled close in bed and then Jongin would press kisses after kisses on his lips, stealing Kyungsoo's breathe away. They would lock their eyes together before finally Kyungsoo leaned forward to capture Jongin's lips with his. Jongin dragged him close and they made love passionately, whispering each other's name and the melodic confessions of their love.

It was that first time when Kyungsoo felt insecure hitting him like a ton of bricks. Jongin's eyes caught the sight of someone who was just as happy as him on the dancing and singing part. And it was a girl.

Kyungsoo brushed it off at first, thinking that it might be only his silly thought and how it was groundless. Jongin greeted him with a passionate kiss on the lips after that. It made Kyungsoo smiled and erased all the doubt in his heart.

Jongin forgot to tell him that he was having a late dance practice schedule that day. Kyungsoo waited in front of the studio, all frozen and shivering from the cold night wind. It made him wondered; what was Jongin doing inside there? He would want to enter the place but the non-member was no longer allowed to get in there.

It was at nine when Kyungsoo heard Jongin's laughing voice coming out from the glass door. He smiled despite his frozen lips and called for Jongin's name. The male spun around with wide eyes, all surprised and questioning about his presence there. That girl was also there.

Jongin snapped at him once they got back to their apartment, telling him how stupid he was to wait for four hours out there. Kyungsoo snapped back, telling him that he wouldn't be that stupid if he happened to tell him. Jongin stopped and sighed, as he realized that Kyungsoo was talking the truth.

He ended up cuddling Kyungsoo close to him, trying to warm him up with kisses and apologizes. Kyungsoo forgave him.

Jongin came home late for the next weeks. Kyungsoo had these suspicions in his head and he kept on telling himself that, no, Jongin would never do that to him. But the evil part in his brain won over him and told him to just walk there to the dance studio and prove it to himself.

Kyungsoo sat on the same spot he waited for Jongin about a month ago, calling his phone endlessly but none of his calls were answered.

Jongin walked out of the dance studio after an hour, a smile on his lips and a girl hanging on his arm. Kyungsoo watched his breathe fogged, blurring the sight of the girl who leaned forward and placed a peck on Jongin's cheek.

Kyungsoo walked away and sighed, a hand holding over his chest. He barely heard Jongin calling after him from behind and he locked himself in their room. Jongin could knock the door repeatedly; he wouldn't be getting in anytime soon.

Jongin explained on the next day when Kyungsoo had opened the door. He explained that he indeed practiced harder and that was the cause he was getting home late for these weeks. But he also admitted that the girl was flirting with him and he might have returned her flirt as much as she did.

Kyungsoo scoffed in disbelief, shaking his head and glancing away. Jongin hugged him close, telling him that he only loved him and that he was the only one for him. Kyungsoo wanted to push him away and to scream on his face, telling him the story of those sleepless nights. But he loved him too much to do that.

They got to the good term again and Kyungsoo tried to forget it. Jongin promised to him that he would be his only one forever and Kyungsoo promised to believe in Jongin.

After they were graduating from the college, Kyungsoo found a job at the local singing class for kids. He loved singing more that everything and he loved kids, he was glad to find the job.

Jongin escaped to the auditions for the entertainment companies, getting into there with wide smile and a happy kiss to Kyungsoo's lips when he told him the news. Kyungsoo was happy for Jongin because he was a step closer to his dream.

He was trained for only a year and got debuted soon. Jongin was soon famous.

And left him alone for that glamour world.

Kyungsoo called Jongin, asking about his schedules and meals. Jongin muttered how it felt so lonely here to live alone in the dorm, without someone to hug close when he slept at night. Kyungsoo smiled at that, telling Jongin to come back home when he had time. Jongin promised him to come back soon and whispered the breathless 'I love you' through the line.

Jongin came back home in a few months and as soon as Kyungsoo unlocked the door, Jongin enveloped him in a tight hug and peppered kisses along his face. Kyungsoo laughed, palms cradling Jongin's face and commented on how thin he got. Jongin pressed a kiss on his palm and ignored the statement, confessing that he missed his homemade cooking.

Kyungsoo cooked him food and Jongin hummed in happiness, telling him that none other foods could be compared to his cooking. He pressed a passionate kiss to Kyungsoo's lips, gazes locked together before he dragged Kyungsoo to their shared bedroom.

He made love to him for hours, whispering how much he loved him through breathless gasps. Kyungsoo moaned underneath him, fingers gripping onto Jongin's face and smiling at him. Jongin pressed their lips together in a hungry kiss and told him just how much he had longed to be able to hold him in his arms like this.

Jongin cuddled him on the bed on his last day, showing Kyungsoo a book containing his schedule for the next months. Kyungsoo bit down his bottom lip, staring at the endless working schedule and disappointed at the lack of free time. Jongin told him that he would make it up for him. Kyungsoo cooked him a full course dinner for him.

With a passionate kiss and another whisper of 'I love you', Jongin closed the door behind him and went back to his dorm.

Baekhyun came up to him at one fine day, grabbing his arm to talk in a private place. Kyungsoo asked him what was the matter and Baekhyun stared into his eyes, telling him to judge this carefully before taking a decision.

He shoved the magazine into his hands, telling him to read it carefully. Kyungsoo read the article, eyes failing him and brain refusing to work. It was Jongin there. He should be happy and screamed around, telling the world that his boyfriend got featured in a magazine again.

But, it was not really the news Kyungsoo would like.

It was a dating news.

He barely heard Baekhyun's soft voice asking him whether he was okay. Kyungsoo shoved the magazine back to him, telling him that he should never believe this kind of news. He should believe in Jongin, just like what he had promised him before.

Kyungsoo locked himself after his work was done for that day. He was a hypocrite. He knew that.

He told himself to believe in Jongin, but his mind kept on reasoning with him.

What about those missed phone calls? What about those unanswered messages?

The last time Jongin visited him was five months ago. Kyungsoo should have known the risk of dating a famous idol; this would happen. He should be a better lover for Jongin. Supporting him on his carrier and to not believe in trivial things.

Kyungsoo glanced at his phone and decided to give it a try. A call wouldn't hurt, right?

It was connected for about a few seconds before the line got busy and he was directed to the voicemail. Kyungsoo sighed. It had happened for a few times and Kyungsoo began to feel doubts rising in his brain. It felt like someone did it purposely.

The image of the magazine from earlier flashed in his mind and Kyungsoo grabbed his phone again.

The call was directed to the voicemail again. Kyungsoo glanced away, throwing his phone to his bed and heard it landed with a soft thud. This was not working, not anymore. Jongin was so busy that he barely spared him a glance; he didn't even reply to his message.

And there was that rumor going around; where the newest girl group's member was rumored to be hitting on Jongin. The evidences were there and Kyungsoo didn't know who he should believe.

He promised to believe in Jongin.

But it seemed so hard to do for these few months. With the way Jongin was not answering his calls and messages, Kyungsoo was left in this uneasy feeling.

Jongin replied his message three days later, saying that he was fine and busy. Done.

Kyungsoo gripped onto his phone, chest heavy from burdens. This was getting ridiculous. Jongin was acting suspicious and he didn't know whether to believe the magazine or to believe in Jongin.

Baekhyun dropped by his apartment, bringing a pack of beers and chickens.

At that night, Kyungsoo cuddled close to Baekhyun, muttering how much he loved Jongin and how much he missed him. But Jongin didn't show any act of still loving him and it led him to doubt Jongin. Baekhyun hummed softly, patting his head.

Kyungsoo cried for the first time at that night.

Baekhyun smiled bitterly, rubbing his back up and down to calm him. Kyungsoo ended up sleeping in his friend's embrace, dried tears still visible on his cheeks. Baekhyun told him to be strong and think over the problem, and to go make a decision if he really wanted a closure.

Jongin had replied his message a week later, telling him that he was coming back home in a week. Kyungsoo smiled bitterly. When was the last time he heard Jongin's voice? It had been too long, he could no longer remember.

Kyungsoo waited on the couch, TV buzzing lowly while his mind wandered around. Jongin told him that he would be bringing food and he should not bother himself to cook. He waited and waited. Jongin should be arrived by now, but he couldn't find him knocking on the door yet.

Jongin arrived two hours later than what he had told him before. Kyungsoo greeted him, a small smile on his lips as he watched Jongin slipping out of his shoes. His boyfriend smiled at him, still with that crinkled eyes and toothy grin, all which made Kyungsoo loved him so much. Jongin enveloped him in a brief hug, before dragging him to the kitchen to eat. He bought lots of food.

Kyungsoo stared at his face, listening to Jongin telling him stories about what happened around the company. He complained about his busy schedule and his lack of sleep but nevertheless he loved his job.

Jongin stopped talking altogether when he saw that Kyungsoo was not saying anything. He dropped the chopsticks when he saw a faint trail of tears on Kyungsoo's cheeks. He scrambled up from his seat to Kyungsoo's side, asking him what the matter was. Kyungsoo let out a low chuckle and shook his head, telling him that he was just so happy to see him again.

They sat close on the bed, with Jongin sighing in content for being able to relax once in a while. Kyungsoo sat silently, hugging the comforter around his body. Jongin seemed to notice his lack of response and he asked him about that.

Kyungsoo needed an answer, so it was okay, right?

He questioned Jongin about the rumor of him dating a member of the newcomer girl group. Jongin's smile dropped off his face and he paled. Kyungsoo caught that sight.

Jongin cradled his face, thumbs wiping the unshed tears from his lids. Kyungsoo sighed heavily, glancing away from him. Jongin explained to him that it was nothing; he swore that he had nothing with that girl. They were caught up chatting in one of the practice room and some people talked about how they looked together.

Kyungsoo didn't know what to believe but he blindly trusted Jongin and nodded his head at his explanation. Jongin hugged him and told him that he was sorry, that he should have showed him more affection. He was busy and he should have, at least, called him once in a while. Kyungsoo remained silent and let Jongin cuddled him close.

Jongin whispered the sentence 'I love you' before hugging him close. Kyungsoo stared at Jongin's sleeping face for hours, engraving the image into his mind because it had been so long to be able to see him in this state.

Kyungsoo was woken up by the gentle shake from Jongin. He told him that he prepared breakfast and that he wanted to shower him with affection today. Kyungsoo sent him a small smile and let Jongin piggybacked him from the bedroom all the way towards the kitchen. Jongin sat him down on the chair and presented him with the well-done breakfast. Jongin told him that he often didn't know what to eat at the dorm so he ended up cooking for himself.

He smiled, listening to Jongin's light jokes and the sweet kisses on his lips from Jongin. He was true to his words; Jongin showed him affection, a lot of it. He hugged Kyungsoo close to his chest, murmuring his love, and then he brought him to the bedroom, peppering kisses down his face. Kyungsoo laughed for the first time in a while.

Jongin traced his body with wet kisses on the night, telling him that he had gotten more beautiful from the last time he saw him fully bare. Kyungsoo stared through his lidded eyes, mouth gasping for air as Jongin continued his ministration. Jongin dragged his mouth, tracing every inch of his skin with his lips and leaving occasional marks here and there.

Kyungsoo held Jongin close to him while being drilled into the bed with steady thrusts. Jongin breathed against his ear, murmuring his name over and over and growling low in his throat when Kyungsoo moved along with him. He pressed his nose against the side of Kyungsoo's neck, sniffing his scent and imprinting it into his mind.

Jongin left him with promises of taking him out for dates when he could find another free time. He had his coat on and his scarf, along with mask and shades. His bag was by the door, waiting to be picked. Kyungsoo grabbed him around his neck and pressed a long kiss on his lips, telling him to quickly come home soon. Jongin smiled and nodded, making another promise to him.

Kyungsoo called Baekhyun to tell him that he had confronted about the rumor with Jongin and that everything was just gossips. Baekhyun sighed in relief, telling him that he should rest and stop thinking weird things in his mind. Kyungsoo thanked him before glancing at his now-empty apartment, ears getting deaf from the shrilling silence.

Jongin was featured in another fashion magazine again and Kyungsoo watched Baekhyun muttering about how much Jongin had changed over the time. Yeah, of course. He could still remember the first time they met at the library and the first time they had gone out for a date. And also their first kiss.

Kyungsoo followed Jongin's schedule through the fan sites, smiling at the photos taken by the fans. He felt happy to know just how many people loved Jongin and admired him, but also felt a bit sorry because Jongin was all his.

Jongin left messages for him, telling him that he was done with his schedule at that day and he was currently going back to his dorm. Kyungsoo wanted to hear his voice.

He sent him a simple message of: can I call you?

Jongin did the move and Kyungsoo yelped in surprise at the sudden incoming call. Jongin's voice greeted him softly, he could hear the strain in his voice and Kyungsoo sighed at the tiredness. He muttered that he missed Kyungsoo and he was so sleepy and he had a late schedule for tomorrow so he could at least sleep a bit more.

Kyungsoo told him to stay healthy, to never forget his meals, and to always consume the vitamins he got him the last time. Jongin's low chuckle rumbled through the line and Kyungsoo found himself curling under his comforter, enjoying Jongin's voice. It always calmed him down. Jongin apologized to him for not being able to talk loger than this because he really needed sleep. Kyungsoo whispered a soft 'sleep well' before ending the call.

At the morning, Jongin sent him a message containing: I need more of this, attached with an old selca of Kyungsoo from a year ago. Kyungsoo smiled and glanced at the clock; he still had time before his job started. He ran up to the bedroom and rearranging his hair and all, turning the light off and took the cutest selca he could do.

Jongin called him right after he had sent the photo, voice all dreamy and breathless while muttering, "You are so cute."

Kyungsoo went to work with a wide smile for that day.

Jongin went into that busy time again and Kyungsoo had found out the way to relief his stress from it. He busied himself with taking selcas to send to Jongin (much to the other's delight) and he also took another part time job at the café across his apartment.

Everything went well. He got a raise in his salary, he got his happy mood back, the atmosphere at his workplaces is nice, and he got new friends around him.

Except for one thing.

Kyungsoo found his long-lost rival again.

He remembered the clingy girl from the dance studio, the one who openly flirted with Jongin, and the one who made his insecurity rose up in such a short time.

She came to the entertainment business, getting into the same company as Jongin, and she acted. She was beautiful, she had nice smile, she took good selcas, she was pretty, and everyone adored him. Even Jongin.

Rumor spread too quickly about how they used to learn at the same dance studio and how much of a good friend they were. Paparazzi took pictures of them together, hanging around with friends from the same company and having fun.

Kyungsoo was, once again, forgotten.

He stopped sending photos to Jongin in the morning, he stopped trying to call Jongin, and he stopped trying to ask his condition with messages. At least he tried. Kyungsoo still found himself doing so when his mind had no control over his body.

But what do you say, Jongin had a world tour and he was so busy that he barely could glance at his phone. And he had his friend there. Her.

Jongin finally sent him a message one day, telling him sorry because he was so busy in his world tour and the preparation for a repackage album. He also told him he missed his photos and sent Kyungsoo one of himself. Kyungsoo felt a bit of hope was rising in his chest and he set the photo of Jongin smiling childishly into the camera as his phone background.

She came. Coming through the stairs, through the lift, or through whatever. Bursting into his life and knocking on the door of his apartment like she owned it. Kyungsoo opened the door, only to be greeted with her fuming face.

She spat into his face; telling him to stop clinging to Jongin like a leech and to stop sending pictures of his gay self to Jongin because she didn't like it. Shedidn't like it.

Kyungsoo told her to leave his apartment right away. She scoffed and towered over him with her high-heels, telling him just how low he was and how Jongin would never want him. She spoke: you should have seen Jongin's face when you sent messages or when he ignored your phone calls, it was epic. I'm telling you, bitch. Jongin loves me and not you. You are just some kind of fun time for him. So drop it, you useless prick.

He screamed into her face, telling her to stop talking or he was going to kick her out himself. She gripped onto his wrist with her long nails digging into his skin, eyes glaring in anger before she slapped him across his cheek. Kyungsoo barely had any time to react; his neck was twisted and he felt the skin on his lips broke, with the metallic taste of blood.

She cursed him, kicking his gut with her heels before leaving his apartment.

Kyungsoo felt rage swimming in him and he locked the door, not wanting any other people to disturb him in this kind of condition.

Jongin had really ignored his calls for two weeks. Kyungsoo tried to call him before, trying to reach him but none of his calls was answered. His text messages were not even replied. Jongin could be simply busy or he was simply ignoring him for being such a clingy lover.

Kyungsoo couldn't help but to feel insecure. With that girl into the picture, ready to snatch Jongin away from him at any time, he felt the insecurities hit him directly to his face, along with the ugly voices inside his head.

And the newest dating rumor from yesterday of Jongin and her.

He felt the blood trickled down the side of his chin; she hit him quite hard. There were nails marks on the inner side of his wrist and Kyungsoo could still feel the dull pain on his torso from her heels. She acted so violent.

Kyungsoo scrambled to his bedroom, grabbing a few sheets of tissues to wipe the blood away. It hurt so much. His cheek throbbed with dull pain, and he was sure it would give him nasty bruise.

He stole a glance at his phone, placed still on the nightstand. His trembling fingers grabbed the said item, opening the locked screen and he was greeted with Jongin's smiling face. It hurt now to see this. It used to bring him happiness and warmth to his chest, but now, Kyungsoo felt numb to it.

His fingers took control over his body and he found himself curling into his stomach, phone pressed to his ear. The call was cut and being directed to voicemail.

The first drop of tears fell to the carpet, staining the color. Kyungsoo dropped his phone, teeth digging into his lip to prevent any sob. He didn't like crying, it was not his nature. And he remembered Jongin said that smiling was his best friend. He had promised to Jongin to keep smiling. And Jongin had promised him to always make him smile.

He groaned, one hand pressed against his eye. Kyungsoo felt the cut on his lips broke and the blood trailed down along with his tears, but he could care less. The pain in his chest was so hurting he didn't even know what to do.

Kyungsoo thought meeting Jongin was the best chance in his life. Kyungsoo thought loving Jongin was the best thing he could so. It didn't sound right anymore. If loving Jongin could make him hurting this bad, Kyungsoo would choose to stop the pain.

So he grabbed his phone, trying to dial Jongin's numbers again but to no avail, it was not answered.

It was really ending, didn't it?

Kyungsoo heard the soft beep, and he knew just how this was directed to the voicemail again. But this time, instead of hanging up, Kyungsoo opened his mouth and said:

"Let's stop everything, Jongin-ah."

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