The first bell rang and a swarm of students hurried around the halls, shouting and calling to each other.  People started crowding into the classroom and Dean didn’t open his eyes once. It was all the same every day; class would start in about five minutes, he would wake up then.

“Good morning class.” His teacher announced her presence.

Dean jerked awake and raised his head to stare at the front of the class. Mrs. Jonson walked to her desk, sat down and began to take attendance. Dean raised his hand when she got down to the bottom of the list and called his name. She seemed mildly surprised that he was there. He supposed that shouldn’t be a shocker. His record for attendance was anything but spotless.

The class was another yawn jerker and Dean fought to stay awake and present. He made sure to take notes down so that he could show to Cas that he was really trying. It was hard but he managed.


Sam POV:

Not far down the hall Sam was sitting in his first period class with Jason. Their teacher, Mr. Perez, was trying to explain to them the difference between simile and metaphor. Of course Sam already knew this from the year before but the teachers insisted on re-teaching them. He didn’t quite understand why but who was he to question teaching methods?

He supposed that some kids had trouble remembering. Jason sure seemed enthralled and was nodding his head along with the lesson. Sam could see he was jotting down copious amounts of notes. He heaved a sigh and wrote down what was being written on the board. If anything they would be a good reminder for when he had to study for a test.

Sam always put academics ahead of everything else. He was determined to get into a good college, university if he was lucky! He wanted to make a change in the world. Prove to himself that he wasn’t just a shadow next to his athletic brother.

Of course, he supposed he wasn’t really living in Dean’s shadow. He shined around his brother in other ways. Academically he was the better son.

He sat there silently, taking notes and trying not to stand out too much. Sam wasn’t the most social person in his classes. Not that anyone took any notice, they all just saw him as his Dean’s little brother. Someone they didn’t want to mess around with. He was pretty much protected for life.

“Sam?” Jason whispered, poking him lightly in the harm,

Sam looked over “Yeah?”

“Do you... Do you have extra money for lunch?” He looked embarrassed to be asking but Sam knew why he was. Unlike him Jason was a target for bullies. They took his money all the time, leaving him with nothing for lunch. He could bring a lunch but his family hardly had money to buy them food for dinner and to keep a roof over their heads. It hurt Sam to know that his friend was suffering so much, he slowly nodded and reached into his pocket.

“Here, I have a lunch.” Sam handed him a ten dollar bill that would be more than enough for his lunch and maybe even his lunch tomorrow.

Jason stared at his friend and a grin broke across his face “Thanks Sam, you really are the best friend a guy could have!”

Sam smiled at him shyly. He didn’t do complements. Besides, he was just doing what anyone should do! What was so special about that? But he couldn’t deny the look of complete gratefulness that was displayed on Jason’s face. He didn’t see that look very often and when he did it made his heart break every time.

“It’s no problem Jason, really.” Sam said shrugging it off, figuring he really should say something to him. He deserved at least that.

His friend’s face broke into a grin again and he sat back in his seat. Class was almost over; Sam couldn’t wait for the day to be over. He’d had another rough night. Dreams that kept him tossing back and forth, dreams that made him shiver in fear; they were of a life that could easily become his.

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