Chapter six: transition

Start from the beginning

                It was sad that I was leaving home but I was hoping for a new beginning at Canada. My mom and Jim played corny car games and sang songs while I had my ear phones on to my songs. We were on the highway and after eight hours of driving, we crossed the border. We had to show our passports to the minutes when we crossed over. It was a thirty minute drive into Toronto, we passed by the city and it was beautiful, it was kind of like being in New York. We went through the tunnel and into commercial drive where we were going to live. We moved into the house and it was big. Jim parked the car, had us enter in the house where we were going to live. When I went into my room, it was large. Taylor shouted, “Come look at my room. “I entered into Taylor’s room and saw his room and it was spacious. “Are we like, rich or something?” I asked rictoricelly. Jim came behind me from surprise and said, “No just fortunate.”

                Jim told me that even though I will be living with the family, it is required for high school students to live on campus. They wanted me to live on campus because of the experience and maturity that I will be receiving before I head to college, but I felt that it was just an excuse for them to get more money from families. I went to the truck and unloaded some of my stuff and put them into my room. Jim told me that I had to go to the campus today to check it out. My mom stayed with Taylor in the house while I went with Jim. Jim and I went into the car and drove off to the campus. As I was riding with him I had my feet up on the dash board. “Jayden, can you please put your feet down.” He asked, and I put them down. When we arrived to the school there were two fancy tall black gates in front of the campus. The security guards asked us our names. “Jim Daley and my step-daughter Jayden Ivory where here for open house.” The doors opened and we drove inside.

                 The campus was completely huge. The school was divided, the middle schoolers in one side while the High schoolers were in another. These kids looked so disciplined, proper, and wealthy, at that moment I felt more out of place.

                The vice principal from Oakland Academy and is speaking to a student, Isabella Swan Mcalle also known as Izzy by everyone. She is described to be aggressive, a rebel and a “bad ass” She usually dyes her hair in different colors, spice up her own style with her school uniform and wears long leather biker boots. She has two lip rings, five helix piercings on her ear one industual piercing, a belly button piercing, tongue ring, dark eye liner light grey eyes, and a bull ring nose piercing and is friends with kids from the opposite side of Toronto, which is the “ghetto side” they go to a rough high school there where Izzy formally attended school in that area in Middle school but because of violence they transferred her to Oakland. She has received over ten demeraties mainly from the dress code. She is an individual who believes that freedom of expression should be in Oakland.

                “Ms. Mcalle, your outfit is highly inapproiate for the school attire how many time do me and you need to sit here to discuss your outfit.” She said, “Until you allow me along with the ten thousand other students at this school become a uniform free institution, Sir I believe that we as teenagers deserve to wear our own clothing we shouldn’t have to be oppressed were not a third world country.”  He replied to her comment, “ Isabella”…. She inturupted, “My name’s Izzy.” He continued to finsh, “ If your parents named you Isabella and on your registration your name is Isabella.. I’m calling you Isabella.”  She stated, “but if it’s my name and if I want to be called Izzy because I don’t like the name Izabella then there you go.” Principal perkins said, “forget about your name, he writes on his note pad, rips the paper off the note pad and hands it to Izzy. “ Congratulation your awarded detention for a month please go.” Izzy got up from her seat and stormed out of the office and slams the door behind her.

                She goes into the hallway where she encounters Logan. Logan Garcia, also known as being the class clown. Many people see Logan as Izzy’s “puppet” He wears his hair in spikes and normally jells it up. He considers himself to be Izzy’s good friends. “so what did he say…” Logan asked. “ That old fart gave me a month worth of detention come on lets get out of here.”

                Three boys are walking outside on a narrow brick road to the library. Talking about the Hockey game last night. The three boys are Nelson, Wyatt and Christian. Nelson Thomas is the guy that every girl wants to date. He is popular, athletic, but also has a kind side. He was raised Christian and he believes his religion inspired him to become a better person. He has dark brown hair almond shaped eyes, dark brown eyes, and is built muscular. He is a friend to everyone and tries to do the right thing. Wyatt Anderson, was born and raised in Kingston, Jamaca. His living situation was not a fairy tale. His dad was not involved in his life and his mother died when he was a baby. An American family traveled to Jamaica and then adopted him he later on moved to Toronto at the age of five. His passion is mainly for music and he plays the guitar. Christian Bailey, a youngest brother of Chad and Michael Bailey who were legends in this school. He is always compared to his older brothers. He is described to be awkward clumsy and “dorky”                                                                                                                                                                    

       As Nelson, Christian, and Wyatt were walking towards the library, Nelson looks at the new girl Jayden. He smiles at her but she doesn’t see him. She walks with Jim into the Highschool building. “you checking her out…?” Wyatt ask. Nelson stammers, “n…no I don’t even know her…” He whispers under his breathe. “But she is cute” Wyatt and Christian laughs, “maybe you will.” Said Christian. They all walk into the library.  Jayden meets with the Vice principal and have a campus tour.

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