Chapter 18- Ramos Fever

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Sorry for the long time of waiting :) 

Blame JM for that ;) he didn't write the upcoming chapter, so I decided I have to continue this epic story :) Pleaseeee enjoy. 

This may be long, and I guess it's worth it :)

I'm also gonna write for chapter nineteen :) woo hoo.


Chapter 18

Ramos Fever



There was basically this thing that keeps on spreading widly than bacteria: RAMOS FEVER. This is a sickness, and this is no joke. Having the what-you-called "Ramos Fever" is very contagious, and I almost got one. Let me tell you the symptoms.

FIRST. You will like all about Justin. Looks, talents, and blah blah blah. Everything about him. 

SECOND. Laugh on his dumb jokes.

THIRD. Hanging out with him.

FOURTH. Talking about him or with him all the time.

FIFTH. You will get to be his, what-you-called "fan" or "admirer."

And do you have one of these symptoms? Then go away and consult your doctor. Because when you have the fifth stage of this sickness, you will either fall in love with him or become a die-hard fan. 

Before I could get the sickness, I already consulted a very special doctor named, Dr. Leslie and got my vaccined before I could even say, "JUSTIN."

(And yes, Dr. Leslie is Leslie.)

And yay. I have a unique protection against what-you-called "RAMOS FEVER."

Gosh, it's Ice Cream Day here at school, and we get to have free ice creams. Justin got the chocolate ice cream, which some of his "fans" noticed and then also went for chocolate. The craziest thing about that is, Justin eats ice creams differently. He never minds if somebody notices some chocolate spots on his face, and he always eats an ice cream in different ways.

In the meantime, Justin accidentally became the "Chocolate Monster." It was because his face was full of chocolate, and his white uniform too, got collided with chocolate. And the funniest part was, Justin has chocolate under his butt. And so, Kerby, JM, Leslie and I laughed off our heads.

It looked like his "fans" adored that and put some chocolate on their lips (like a lipstick) and ended up looking like they kissed Justin's butt.

Justin never noticed that, and so he got confused why we all laugh at him. We were so dying that we have to answer his question after five minutes of hearty laughter. 

He was really confused at that time, and by the time we told him the answer, he ran away, looking embarrassed. He went to the boys' C.R frantically, and he never came out of there.

"Oh gosh." I said, releasing a tear. A break for all the laughter. Nice.

"Yeah," Leslie said, chuckling.

"I never knew I would still live!" JM laughed. "I thought I would be buried in the graveyard or cemetery laughing!"

"I really thought Justin pooped!" Kerby explained. I agreed, nodding my head. "Well, I guess it's kind of.. right." Then we broke into laughter again.


I forgot to tell you. 

Today is the contest Justin's gonna be attending and looking hope for winning.

Justin looked cool in dressing up. Plaid shirt (unbuttoned), plain jeans.. but he simply looked cool. And no wonder why he felt soooo charming of himself. 

Okay, guess why his plaid shirt's unbottoned?


*broke into laughter again*

Okay, okay..

His "fans" were already there, and it seems they were the most excited persons who attended this event of a life time. Haha. 

He's getting ready on the backstage, and he prepared his piano, and he definitely looked like so calm that he's gonna win all of the prizes and.. yeah.

We were at the bleachers, when we saw Justin peeked at the curtains, and saw him winking and smiling at his boy friends. He also smiled at us too.

"Good luck, Justin!" Jasper Agbanglo cried. He waved at Justin, cheering for him.

"Thanks!" Justin shouted back.

"Go, Justin!" some of our classmates yelled.

"Yeah right." I moaned to Leslie. She looked at me, and grinned. 

"This guy may win," Leslie said. "but I just don't know."


The contest began as soon as the crowd filled the gymanasium. I was filled with excitement, since, I'm gonna watch Justin perform for the first time! Hahahaha! He might win, who knows? 

Leslie and I giggled as the contestants ramped the stage like fashion models. I liked the first contestant, who seemed photogenic. She's beautiful, and her name stands as Michelle David. 

I think Justin appeared as the third contestant. And when he did, the crowd was filled with tumultuous applauses and cheers. 

After of all the ramping and modelling, it was getting more exciting and exciting. But it's still not the time for the talent portion thing. 


"Oh, heck," I squeaked at Leslie. "this is it!"

"Yeah!" Leslie said, excitedly. "I'm so darn excited." 

"Look!" I pointed at the stage. 

-to be continued...-



-The piano part something is true and the contest. :)

-The Ice Cream Day is one of my desires, and I guess it wouldn't come true :'(

-The ice cream part where Justin gets chocolate.. and bla bla bla is true, but it occasionally happened on a lunch break in our recollection (some sort of reunion or something in our school before we end up our school year).

-What I meant of his "boy friends" is his friends that are boys. Not.. you know what my point is.

-Jasper Agbanglo is one of our classmates. He's not a fictional character.

-Justin really don't have "fans" in our school, but he gets "fans" after this contest, since they discovered Justin as the most talented.. and they all think Justin is "cute."

FRiENDS: A Story Of FriendshipOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz