Chapter 3- Truth or Deadly Dare?

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Chapter 3- Truth or Deadly Dare?



It's really fun calling Justin "a purple dinosaur who's not very please with his chosen gender". It's nice having Justin as our purple "dummy". But after 5 minutes, we're starting to get "bored-a-fest". Kerby started poking me in my very "fragile" ribs, like always. JM started singing the teletubby theme song. He used to be cool, but now, I'm starting to wonder if, maybe, the Aliens were super jealous of him, and kidnapped the real JM and replaced him with a "You-have-got-to-be-kidding-me" idiot.

Well, as usual, Justin started picking Cheetos out of his pocket. And I thought a while ago, that big stuff or shape on his side was his giant flubber or fatness. Ysabel just stared on her palms, waiting for a huge storm to happen. 

"Let's play 'Truth or Dare'!" I announced, and expected them to say "Yes".

But JM protested, "No way! I'm gonna play girly games." He sticked out his tongue at us like we're losers.

"Dude, says the guy, who thought if he do some random hand gestures, he could fly?" I said, "The last time you did that, your face was smushed like you were hit by a truckload full of horse radish!"

JM looked offended, and still said the yes to me. Everyone else followed him. And we started.

"Hey Kerby!" Ysabel said. "You first."

"Fine. Can I choose a dare? I'm not comfortable in sharing my secrets. Thank you very much." Kerby said.

"I dare you to go horsey with Justin." Ysabel said, and Kerby smiled and replied, "Oohh! I like it!".

Kerby did his evil laugh at Justin. Justin just frozed there, and shivered.

"Oh, no, Kerby, you see.. you're the horse." Ysabel said, and she was pleased with herself.

"Oh, peanuts." Kerby cursed, and positioned himself. Justin smiled and jumped in.

"Dude!" Kerby complained. "Do thee words 'low-carb diet' mean anything to you?"

Guess Justin wasn't listening well.

"Sorry, pony. Didn't mean to feed yah too much." Justin said.

Just then, JM interrupted.

"Hey, Kerby, Extreme Wrestlers are on! 2 o'clock!" JM said.

Kerby looked away and his focus is really starting to go away. Then, Justin kicked his ribs so Kerby could start walking. Like a horse.

"Youch!! I think I broke my left ribs!" Kerby said.

"Ha! That's what yah get for poking my ribs!" I said happily.

"Goodness, we should get him to the hospital or something!" Ysabel said worriedly.

"It's Justin's fault." JM said, while pointing at Justin.

"Me? It's not my fault he acts like a chair!" Justin protested.

"Hey Purpy Dino! You, the guy with peanut brain. Let's not fight." I tried to make them stop bickering before Justin could have the chance to body slam JM. 

When they stopped, I announced the game is over and sat silently.

You know, I like my friends. But if brains were bananas, I wouldn't hold my breath to join in. 

FRiENDS: A Story Of FriendshipTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon