Chapter 2- Video Pals

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Chapter 2- Video Pals



"Let's call ourselves 'Video Pals' and make a YouTube hit!" I proposed, and they were grinning and thinking about it. That's a good idea, right? I thought.

"Yeah! But.. what are we supposed to do? Oh, no, sister! Not the 'Leslie the Red-Nosed Reindeer'!" Leslie protested.

"No, that's already canceled. And it's not called 'Leslie the Red-Nosed Reindeer"! Just a parody of Bruno Mars' 'Just The Way You Are'. That's all." I replied, scratching a part of my head using my index finger.

"Now I know! Let's video JM playing with dolls!" Leslie suggested, and we all laughed except for JM.

"What?!! Why me?" JM hesitated, and added, "Hmm.. What about aliens? And.."

"Aliens are dumb!" Kerby commented, and we all agreed. Except for JM. Again.

"If I'm gonna be one of your movies' characters, main or back-up, I should be the one whose role is to eat a lot and a lot." I imagine Justin saying that, and that would tickle my ribs.

"How about headless women?" Kerby asked.

"Hmm.. that's scary." Leslie shook her head.

Since, we don't know what to do about the video thing, I decided, "Fine. All of the things you wanted to be is going to be included. Dolls. Aliens. Headless women. And whatever it is."

All of them were happy. I guess. And someone would say "That's a great idea, Ysabel!" and something like that.

"Of course it will." Leslie agreed, winking at me. "Now this is going to be exciting!"

"Let's vid JM being eaten by a humongous dinosaur named Justin!" Kerby suggested, and we broke into laughter. Except for JM and Justin. They seemed fine about it.

"Justin will be a big, purple dinosaur. Like Barney." Kerby added, and we stopped laughing and sang (no wonder Justin didn't know this song),

"I hate you.

You hate me.

Let's be friends and kill Barney.

With a big shotgun, oh, and then he's dead.

There would be no gay dinosaur!"

..with a tune of a Barney song.

Actually, we began to change the end of the line. So we came up with "There would be no purple dinosaur!" instead of "There would be no gay dinosaur." I don't want any wars here!

"And then Kerby's the soldier," I added. "and then Leslie will be the headless woman!" 

"Cool idea!" Kerby agreed, and we high fived.

Leslie just sighed and walked behind Kerby acting like a headless woman.

"And then I.. will be the final boss, and I will defeat Kerby once and for all!" I laughed evillishly. "Of course! Evil will rule because good is dumb!"

All of them were shocked at my evil personality. They never knew that, anyway. So, I just blushed like a tomato and laughed.

"So.. what's next?" I said. 

"Next? Let's do this!" Justin replied, acting like a superman. DUH! "Get the camera, dude." He demanded Kerby, and Kerby acted like a slave. And before he did those, he actually protested.

KERBY: "Me?" 

JUSTIN: "Yeah, you." 

KERBY: "Just as always."

JUSTIN: "What did you said?"

KERBY: "Nothing, BOSS!"

JUSTIN: "Good."

KERBY: "Whatever."

And let the video-ing begin! 


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