"What is wrong with Niall?"

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"What is wrong with Niall?"

That question was currently in each of the boys mind's as they sat on the couch, silently wracking their minds for an explanation as to why Niall had been acting the way he has, Looking for the simple reason that would have them laughing in the end because to the think they had been so worried about something so simple,"He's just not himself" Liam stated as he ran a hand through his hair, "I mean since when does Niall work out!?" He added, Harry nodded "Its not even an average workout I mean I had to take him off the equipment" he muttered recalling the events of the day previous, "Something is wrong" Zayn started, "He's always been thin but he's so skinny now he's just-" Zayn said struggling to find the right words to describe his friends sudden weight loss, "He's too skinny" he said after a moment of thought, "I should've said something when I saw it- I shouldn't of- Fuck!" Louis said angrily as he ran a hand through his hair, "What are you talking about?" Harry asked, trepidation evident In his voice, Louis sighed "I didn't know! I just thought it was a one off-" He ranted, only stopping when Zayn interrupted "Louis just spit it out!" He snapped, Louis swallowed nervously as he rubbed his hands over his face before continuing, "Awhile back I saw Niall on his phone-I don't usually check his phone I swear! It's just I was worried and then I picked it up and saw he'd been reading through his hate on Twitter" Louis stated nervously, the boys quickly silenced as they starred at Louis with matching expressions of shock before Liam's changed in to one of anger, "What the hell are you talking about Louis!?"Liam yelled as he shot up from the couch, Louis shifted uncomfortably under Liam's angry glare, "He was reading through his hate, Liam, I don't know what you want me to say!" He yelled, Liam starred "I don't want you to say anything now Louis, you should of told us this weeks ago!" He yelled as he stepped closer towards the older boy, "I told him not to look at that shit and that it was all rubbish, I thought he'd listen to me!" Louis yelled, guilt heavy in his chest because if his idiocy is the reason behind Niall's behavior he will never forgive himself, "You told him not to and you thought he'd listen!?" Liam scoffed, "Liam!" Zayn yelled as he grabbed hold of the younger boy, "Stop yelling at Louis! I know he should of said something but he didn't and it's no use yelling at him, It isn't Louis' fault, We don't even know if this has anything to do with it, alright?" He said calmly, Liam didn't say anything but let Zayn push him back down to the couch.

Niall woke up the following morning fully intending on heading to the gym like every day, but as soon as he stepped out of his room and into the kitchen he noticed something different, he wasn't the only one up, Louis was standing against the counter top with a look of concern on his face, "Louis? What you doing up?" Niall questioned as he made a grab for the cupboard and pulled out a glass, "Couldn't sleep" Louis replied shortly, Niall simply starred,you could every other morning he thought bitterly as he held the glass under the cold water with shaky hands, "Right I'm off to the gym now, so I'll talk to you later, Lou" Niall muttered as he turned to leave, Louis reached out and grabbed on to Niall's arm, "Your not going to the gym today" he stated calmly, Niall frowned "Why's that?" He questioned, "You can miss one day Niall" Louis stated as way of explanation, Niall starred about to protest but Louis spoke up first, "Would you like some breakfast, I could make you something?" He offered, Niall frowned Since when does Louis offer to make others breakfast? Realizing Louis was waiting for an answer he muttered a quiet "I'm not hungry" hoping to pass of as convincing only to be proven wrong when Louis continued to press the subject, "I could you make you some toast instead?" He asked as he turned to grab some bread, If niall wasn't confused before he certainly was now because what did he mean by instead that implied Louis was planning on making him something other then toast, What the fuck? "I'm honestly good!" Niall said, putting a hand up as if to convince him further, Louis simply nodded slowly, clearly not convinced, "I'll make you some toast" he concluded, leaving no room for a debate.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2016 ⏰

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