Chapter 38:

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I rolled over in bed, trying to sleep. It was close to three in the morning, and I was used to being awake at this time; sleeping was uncomfortable. I looked at the bedroom ceiling, kicking the blankets away. Since I was carrying two babies, (we had found out we were having twins!) my body temperature was elevated and I was hot all the time. I closed my eyes, and tried to go back to sleep, getting as comfortable as possible.
"America dear, it's time to wake up." Maxon said, gently shaking me awake. I groggily got up and looked around, waiting for everything to focus.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked, smiling.

I shook my head, sighing. "No. I woke up again. These two keep me up all night." I said, patting my belly. Maxon moved closer to me and put a hand on my stomach, tickling it. He laughed as the tiny foot pulled away. Earlier, we had found out that our babies were ticklish, and it always put a smile to Maxon's face when we tickled them.

"It's incredible." he said quietly.

"It's painful." I said, pulling myself up. I waddled over to my closet and pulled out a dress. I had to have new dresses made for me every so often, I kept getting bigger and bigger.

"It'll be over very soon, my dear. Then we'll have two beautiful children to raise." I smiled at my husband, and changed into my dress.

I did my hair and makeup like I normally did, and then I walked down to have breakfast with Maxon, and we sat down at the dining table.

"You're right." I said. "It'll be over soon, and it will be worth it. I can't wait to start raising our children." I said. Maxon grabbed my hand across the table, and I smiled. We finished breakfast and went to the office to work. The province visits had ended in December, and they went very well. Now, we were putting most of our time into dissolving the castes. We were building schools and other facilities all through the country, and we were providing support to those who needed it.

We worked all day long, and we were just about to finish up when I felt something wet seep through my dress. Maxon looked at me funny, and it turned to him, slowly.

"Maxon, I think my water just broke." I said, trying to stay calm. Dr. Ashlar told us that if my water broke before we were at the hospital, we needed to get there.

"What?" he asked, stunned. "We have to go! Come on! Do you need me to carry you? Are you having contractions? Can you-"

"Maxon, calm down." I said, pulling myself up. Maxon helped me to the door and we went down the hallway as fast as we could. We got to the hospital wing, and nurses and doctors rushed me to a private room.

They got me out of my dress and into a hospital gown, and I lied down. The contractions began, and I lay there with Maxon. It didn't hurt so much yet, and it only lasted about 45 seconds, but Maxon was freaking out.

"Stay calm. Just stay calm. Everything is going to be fine. Are you in pain? Do you need anything? Water, some food, a pillow, maybe a-"

"Maxon." I said, smiling. "I'm fine. That last contraction didn't hurt very much. Everything is going to be fine." I smiled and grabbed his hand. He gripped mine tightly, and he nodded.
The contractions were getting closer and even more painful, but I was doing great. Maxon on the other hand, was still freaking out. Another contraction came, and I breathed heavily.

"Maybe if we do breathing exercises." Maxon said, nodding. "Come on, do them with me." He breathed in and out several times, and I joined with him until the contraction passed. They went on for a while after that, getting worse, and then a nurse came to my side.

"You're fully dilated now." the nurse said. "It's time to push."

I nodded and mentally prepared myself, feeling excited, but also very scared. I looked at Maxon, whose face was completely white.

"I guess it's time." he said, looking just as scared as I felt.

"I guess it is." I said, grabbing on to his hand.

I started pushing, and it was one of the most painful things in my life. I kept my eyes on Maxon, but he looked funny. He rocked back and forth, and then looked a little taken aback, and let go of my hand. He puked in a bin on the floor and looked down, horrified at what he'd just done, then came back to me.

"I-I..." he stuttered, and I smiled a little.

"It's ok." I said between breaths. I concentrated on pushing, and Maxon grabbed my hand again.
I lay back in bed, exhausted. Maxon cuddled beside me, grinning from ear to ear. I put my head in the crook of his neck, and he smiled, kissing me on the forehead.

"You were amazing." he said, turning to face me. "So strong and brave. I could never have done that. I love you for that."

I smiled. "I love you too. Even though you threw up." I teased. Maxon gave a little laugh, but was silent when the door opened and Dr. Ashlar walked in with two bundles of blankets in his arms, one pink, one blue. I beamed even wider when he approached me, and put them both in my arms.

"Two little babies, happy and healthy, right here." he said, smiling. I could feel the tears of joy welling in my eyes as I cradled the two babies.

"Eadlyn," I said quietly, tears on my face. "and Ahren." Maxon was crying too, and he kissed them both on the forehead. He went digging in a bag and brought out a camera and pointed it at the babies and I.

"Smile." he said quietly, smiling wide." He took the picture.

"I love you, Eadlyn. I love you,  Ahren." I looked up at my husband. "I love you, Maxon."

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