Chapter 24:

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"Hello, Illéà!" Gavril shouted. "On tonight's Report, you're in for a treat! King Maxon and Queen America are back from their honeymoon! Tonight, they'll tell you all about their trip! Come on up!" I walked nervously to the couch beside Gavril.
"It's great to be back." Maxon said, putting an arm around me and squeezing lightly.
"I'm sure it is." Gavril said with a chuckle.
"Before we tell you all about out trip, we have a special announcement to make." Maxon said. I got ready for the big reveal.
"Maxon and I," I started, hands shaking. "We-we're pregnant." I said, letting out a breath. It was all over. I smiled to myself but it was wiped away by the crowds. They were rioting.
"No royal baby! Boo!" Maxon tried to pull me away safely but the crowd got a hold of me and pulled me offstage. I screamed for Maxon, but all I could hear was the people angrily chanting my name. "America! America! America..........."
"America! America, wake up!" I woke up and sat bolt upright in bed, knocking Maxon over, who was leaning over me while I was sleeping. He held his nose and backed away. I couldn't help laughing a little.
"Are you ok? I'm sorry!" I said.
"It's ok. You need to get up. We have to get to breakfast, and then there's a meeting we have to get to, and there's paperwork. So much paperwork." He paced the room, running his hands through his hair.
"Maxon, calm down." I got up and put my hands on his shoulders, stopping his pacing. "We'll take it one thing at a time. We don't have to get all the paperwork done today. Now, let's go have breakfast." He smiled at me and we went down to breakfast.
"Hi Ames!" May chirped. "How did you sleep?" She seemed to be in a good mood.
"Very well, thanks." I smiled. We ate breakfast, making small talk, and then Maxon and I went to get ready for the meeting. I had a creme day dress with a pastel green ribbon at the waist. We walked to the meeting room, where we had spent hours and hours planning to eliminate the castes. We walked in and were greeted by Silvan; Maxon's adviser.
"Hello, Your Majesties." He said with a bow. We walked to our seats and sat down.
"Hi, Silvan." Maxon and I said at the same time. Once everyone got in, the meeting started. Maxon stood up.
"Hello, everyone. The last castes we eliminated were Fives and Fours. The Threes and Twos should be fairly easy to eliminate, but there could be some protests. I think that we should........" It went on and on for hours. When it finally ended, I almost skipped out of the meeting room.
"Why so happy?" Maxon asked, smiling too.
"The meeting is over!" I kissed Maxon on the nose and ran down the halls.
"America, we have a whole bunch of paperwork to do." Maxon said. I stopped running and made a pouty-face.
"Do we have to?" I pleaded. Maxon caught up with me and kissed my forehead.
"I'm afraid we do." Maxon said. "C'mon, I'll race you to the office. He started sprinting and I ran after him. I tripped and fell and gave a little yelp. Maxon must have heard it because he looked over his shoulder and when he saw me, he ran towards me.
"Stupid heels." I muttered and Maxon knew I was ok. I got up and we both walked to the office, holding hands. We started working and were interrupted by a butler coming in.
"Your Hignesses, there's someone to see you." He said. We gestured for them to come in and the Emperor of New Asia came in, followed by some guards.
"Hello. It's a surprise to see you here." Maxon said, taking a step so he was in front of me.
"Hello. May I sit down?" He said, gesturing to a sofa. "I have business to discuss." We sat down on the seat opposite him and he pulled out a piece of paper.
"You sent me this." He said. I read the paper and it was the peace treaty we had sent a while ago. Maxon's father had only sent more troops when he was in power. We took a different approach.
"Yes, we did. Are you-" Maxon started, but the Emperor put his hand up to silence him. He took a pen out of his pocket and signed the treaty. The war was done.
"Thank you!" Maxon and I exclaimed. The Emperor smiled and put the pen back in his pocket.
"Your father just kept the war going. When you sent me that treaty, I knew you were different from Clarkson. Thank you." He got up and left Maxon and I in silence. I turned to Maxon and he grinned.
"We did it!" He yelled, kissing me. "America, we ended the war!" He tackled me onto the couch and kissed me. I giggled and kissed him back.
"We have to spread the word." I said when Maxon broke the kiss. "We can talk about it on the Report!" I said. We got to work and figured out what we were going to say. When we were done, I got up from my chair and the room was spinning.
"Woah." I said. The dizziness went away and Maxon told me I needed to see the doctor.
"You should go." He said. "Just to make sure everything is ok." I agreed and he took me to the hospital wing. Everything was ok, so we left to get ready for the Report.
"Hello Illéà!" Gavril said, smiling at the crowd. "Tonight, the King and Queen are back!" The whole crowd cheered. Gavril talked some more and soon enough, we got called up to the couch at the front of the stage.
"Hello, Gavril." I said in the most calm tone I could manage. "We have a special announcement to make." I said, smiling. I nudged Maxon and he pulled the treaty out from under the chair.
"New Asia has signed a peace treaty with Illéà!" Maxon said, holding up the paper. "The war is over!" The crowd cheered loudly and we smiled. Once Gavril calmed them down, we told Illéà about our honeymoon.
"That sounds amazing." Gavril said after we were done. I looked over at Maxon and he gave a slight nod.
"And we have one more announcement to make." Maxon said, putting a protective arm around me.
"Well, say it then!" Gavril said excitedly.
"Maxon and I are going to have a baby." I said. Whew! Gavril smiled and the crowd cheered.
"Congratulations!" He said. The Report ended and we walked backstage, and May almost tackled me in a hug.
"Ames! Why didn't you tell us? You're going to have a baby!" I hugged her and Mom came and hugged us too. Maxon joined in and May started jumping up and down.
"Oh, I hope it's a girl. But a boy would be fine too. Ames, I'm so excited for you!"
"Thanks, May." Maxon and I headed to our room and got into our pyjamas. We got into bed and fell asleep. I woke up at about 2:00 am, and tried to get back to sleep. Just as I was drifting off, I heard a loud noise come from somewhere in the castle. Then, the rebel sirens went off. We were under attack.

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