Chapter 21:

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"Maxon, I don't feel so well." I woke up, my insides churning. I sprinted to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet, holding my stomach. Good thing I slept with my hair in a ponytail.
"Are you ok, darling?" Maxon asked, putting a hand on my shoulder.
"Yes, I think so. It's just morning sickness. I'll be alright." I turned back to the toilet and threw up again. "Ok, maybe not." Maxon stayed with me I'm the bathroom until I was positive I was done puking, and carried me into bed. He got a big bowl so that if I had to throw up again, I didn't have to go to the bathroom. He gave me some medicine and made me a small breakfast. He was the best nurse I had ever had.
"Thanks Maxon." I said, eating my toast. "You're a very good nurse." I gave him a peck on the cheek.
"Well, I might have read a book or two on pregnancy. Or five." Maxon said sheepishly. He sat down beside me on the bed. "I hope this goes perfectly." He said.
"And hopefully, it will. You're doing a great job, Maxon. You'll be an excellent dad." I reassured him. He smiled weakly at me.
"But what if I turn into... him?" Maxon was worried he'd be a mini King Clarkson.
"Maxon, you will never be your dad. Your heart is too big, you're too smart, and you would never do anything like your dad." I said. He smiled at me and kissed me on the forehead.
"You should get some rest." Maxon said. "I think it's going to have to be a lazy day today." He stood up and made his way to the curtains to shut them.
"But that means we only have one more day of our honeymoon left! I'm alright now! Please?" I begged.
"I'm afraid not. The book said that it is recommended that you stay in bed today. So in bed you will stay." Maxon smiled. He shut the light off and shut the door and left me to silence.
"Maxon?" I called out.
"What is it?" Maxon said, rushing back into the room.
"Can you sleep with me?" I asked, remembering the first time I asked that. Maxon climbed into bed with me and gave me a kiss. I snuggled up to him and he put his arms around me. I dozed off in Maxon's arms.
I woke up to Maxon's lips on my cheek, kissing me awake. I smiled up at my husband, and kissed his lips.
"Maxon," I said, breaking the kiss. "Can I get up out of bed?" I asked.
"Nope. The book says you have to stay in bed, so you're staying." Maxon said. I could tell he wanted to go explore, like me.
"Please?" I whined. "It's such a beautiful day!" There was a light breeze gently lifting the curtains, and it was nice and hot out. Why couldn't I have gotten sick on a ugly day?
"Well, you did sleep for a long time." Maxon was thinking. "You're feeling fine now?" He asked me.
"I'm feeling better than fine." I said.
"Well, I guess if you take it easy." Maxon said, smiling. I got up out of bed, but flopped down right after I got up.
"I'm dizzy." I said. The room was spinning around and I couldn't tell my left from my right.
"You need your rest." Maxon said, tucking me under the covers.
"But Maxon-"
"No buts. America Schreave, you will stay in bed whether you like it or not." I gave up and snuggled back under the covers.
"I'm not tired. Can we watch a movie?" I asked. Maxon agreed, and he went to make me some tea while I found a movie. Maxon liked action movies, so I picked one called Kingsman: The Secret Service. It was awesome. Maxon and I both enjoyed it. It was almost time to eat when we finished our movie, so Maxon made fruit smoothies and popcorn. We talked for a while, munching our popcorn. I was feeling a better, so I convinced Maxon to carry me out onto the balcony.
"You know, I felt fine this afternoon after my bout of dizziness. We could have done something." I said.
"Well, better safe than sorry." Maxon said. I laughed and he kissed me, soft and slow. I sat on his lap and we kissed. He kissed the tips of my fingers, my nose, my forehead, and my lips.
"I love you." Maxon said between kisses. I felt like I was melting into his arms, melting more with each kiss. I couldn't explain in words how much I loved Maxon.
"Maxon. I love you so much." I said, breaking the kiss.
"I love you more. America, I don't know what I would do without you. You make my life complete." A single tear rolled down my cheek and Maxon brushed it away. "What's wrong, my dear?" Maxon looked worried. I smiled at him.
"Maxon, I'm so ready to make a life with you. To have children, to watch them grow, and to grow old together. I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Maxon kissed me softly.
"And you will. I'll never leave you. No matter what." Maxon said. I snuggled into the crook of his neck and we looked out at the ocean.
"And this has been, Corny Love Confessions with Maxon and America." I said in a TV announcer tone. Maxon chuckled and kissed my hair. He put his fingers through it, twirling the strands around.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Playing with your hair. Do you have a problem with that?" Maxon asked innocently.
"Yes, actually I do." I said, smiling up at Maxon. "The last time you were playing with my hair, it got all knotted up and it took me forever to get it out."
"That's true, but I'm not stopping." Maxon said. We sat on the balcony until the daylight went away and gazed at the stars.
"That one's Hercules." Maxon said, pointing to a constellation. "And that one is Sagittarius." They looked like plain old stars to me. Astrology didn't really interest me, but Maxon was totally into it, so I tried to listen.
"......zodiac sign?" Maxon asked. I didn't know what my zodiac sign was.
"I don't know. My birthday is February 26th." I said.
"Well, I think that would make you a Pisces." Maxon said.
"What's your zodiac sign?" I asked him. I knew his birthday was August 23, but I had no idea about his zodiac sign.
"I'm a Virgo." Maxon said. "Enough of this astrology stuff." He moved closer to me, grabbing my hand. "America, I love you. I will never be able to say that enough. I love you." He kissed me softly and I melted all over again. There were butterflies in my stomach, just like every time I kissed Maxon. He was my one true love.

Hey guys! Just a quick note here. I want to thank Mad_Kat_Hatter for all the shoutouts she's been giving me. And I wanted to thank you guys for being generally awesome. And just because I want to, I shall write a corny music joke below.
Why does Mozart hate chickens?
Because they always say Bach, Bach, Bach!!
Hahahaha!! Thanks again for being awesome!

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