Chapter 15:

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"Ugh!" I tried to find the snooze button on the alarm clock, but all I did was knock it of the nightstand. 

I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes. It took me a while to remember what happened last night, but when I did, I smiled and laughed. Maxon and I were going to be parents.

"Good morning!" Maxon said cheerfully. "Why are you laughing?" he started laughing too.

"Maxon, remember?" I asked him. "We're going to have a baby!" I couldn't contain the smile on my face. I felt like I could smile for the rest of my life. Maxon grinned too, and we laid in bed talking about the baby. Then it hit me.

"Maxon, what if we have another...." I trailed off. 

He could tell what I meant and grabbed my hand."America darling, I assure you, nothing will happen to this baby." he said. After his statement, he knocked on the wooden headboard for good luck.

"Why do you believe in that?" I laughed.

"Because it's true." Maxon said, completely serious. "I don't believe in any other superstitions but that one." he started tracing the lines on the palm of my hand. When he was done, he kissed it. His lips found mine, and I tangled my fingers through his hair.

"Maxon," I said between kisses. "Don't we have a plane to catch?" he didn't say anything for a while; he just kept kissing me.

"We're the King and Queen." he said. "We can leave any time we want."

 He pulled away from the kiss, smiling at me. His thumb was on my cheek, and he ran it across my face to my lips. He traced my lips, then kissed them lightly; like he thought I would break. We snuggled in bed until we were basically dragged out by a maid.

"Really, ma'am, we are perfectly capable of getting out of bed." Maxon said to the maid.

"If it were up to you, you would stay in bed the whole day!" the maid replied. She did have a point.

"We'll get out!" I exclaimed. "Just go away!" I didn't really want anyone else bugging me today. The maid left, and Maxon flopped back into bed.

"Maxon, if we don't leave in at least an hour, we won't get to our destination by late tonight or early tomorrow." I didn't know where we were going or how long it would take to get there, but it was worth a shot to get Maxon out of bed.

"And how do you know that?" Maxon said as he got up out of bed. "You don't even know where we're going!" he went over to the clothes he set out and put them on.

 I got cleaned up and we had a quick breakfast. As we were walking out of the palace, Nicoletta, her sisters, and the Italian King and Queen came to say goodbye.

"Thank you for letting us stay here." Maxon said to King Alessandro.

"Come anytime!" replied Queen Elenora.

"Goodbye, Amico!" Nicoletta waved us towards the plane waiting for us.

"Bye!" I gave the Italian royal family one last wave and turned towards the plane.

"Where are we going now?" I asked Maxon.

"I'm not telling you!" He teased.

"Maxon Schreave! I command you to tell me where we are going!" I said in fake anger.

"Ok, my Queen." he gestured for me to come closer to his face, so I did. Our noses were touching when he kissed me quickly and raced into the plane.

"You can't run, and you can't hide!" I warned him, giving my luggage to a maid and chasing my husband. 

I got into the plane, but he was nowhere to be found. I stood between the sitting area and the cockpit when Maxon jumped out of the cockpit and tickled me.

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