Chapter 31:

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11 Days Later

"Maxon, wake up!"

I shook my husband awake and he groggily rolled over and gave me a kiss.

"Good morning, dear." he said, smiling. "What's on the agenda for today?"

"More visiting kids!" I said excitedly. Maxon looked a little disappointed, and I almost felt sorry for him. But then I thought of the amazing party I was throwing him that night.

"We'd better get ready. Don't want to be late!" I got up out of bed and Maxon got up too. We changed into our day clothes and ate breakfast.

We got into the car that was taking us to the Kent Hospital, and I got even more excited for the surprise party every minute. The chauffeur opened the door, letting us out to the parking lot and we got out.

"Race you to the doors!" I said, and started sprinting. Maxon ran right behind me and almost passed me, but I made it to the doors first.

"I can't believe you beat me!" Maxon laughed as he tried to catch his breath. "And you're wearing heels!" He gestured down to my feet.

"It's the shoes." I said, pretending to tell Maxon a secret. "They give me super-speed. You can try them if you want." I reached for my baby blue heels on my feet.

Maxon shook his head and put his hands up. "I'm fine, actually. I'll beat you next time without any super speed shoes." He started to tickle me, right in front of the hospital doors.

"Maxon, stop!" I laughed. He pulled his hands away and I grabbed his arm and we walked into the hospital doors. The lady at the desk curtseyed.

"Hello, Your Majesties." she said. "The children you can visit are on floor three. We'd prefer if you leave by seven o'clock; that's when visiting hours are done."

"Sounds good." Maxon said, nodding to the lady. We walked up three flights of stairs and entered the childrens' cancer ward. We visited all of the kids that we could until I had to start the plan for Maxon's party. The nurse came in, as scheduled, and delivered her news.

"An emergency?" Maxon asked the nurse after she'd explained what had happened.

"Yes. You both need to return to the palace immediately. There is a plane ready for you." She gestured for us to come with her. We quickly said goodbye to the child we were talking with and booked it down the hall and to the car.

We went to our house and packed our things, then drove to the airport.

"How long is this flight going to take?" Maxon asked, fidgeting in his seat. "If there's an emergency, it could be-"

"Maxon, calm down. We both don't know what happened. We'll just have to deal with it when we get there. But for now, just take a deep breath and relax." I said.

Maxon took a deep breath and let out a sigh. He relaxed in his chair and leaned back. He lifted his hand and ran it along my cheek and over my lips. His fingers lingered there for a while, then he cupped my cheek and pressed his lips against mine. I let out a sigh between the tiny, delicate kisses and Maxon chuckled.

I pulled away. "You never cease to make me melt, Maxon Schreave." I said.

He put his forehead to mine. "And you never cease to make me love you even more." I smiled and kissed him, just like that last kiss; soft and delicate. He pulled away and smiled. We held hands and talked, and it seemed that Maxon had almost forgotten about the "emergency". But I could tell that a little part of him was unsettled and ready to solve the issue, and I smiled to myself.

"What are you smiling about?" he asked me.

"You." I replied, laughing.

He raised his eyebrows. "What about me?"

"I love you so much." I whispered.

"I live you more." he whispered back, coming closer to my face. He kissed me and I broke the kiss after a while, laughing.

"We can't be that couple." I joked. Maxon laughed and sat back.
The plane landed and it was time to start the party plan. I told Maxon I had to use the bathroom and called Silvia with my emergency cell phone.

"Are you at the palace?" she asked after I'd said hello.

"No, we're at the landing strip. We'll be at the palace in about thirty minutes."

"That's perfect. We're just putting the finishing touches on the party." she replied.

"Great. Thank you so much for this. You've done a lot." I said. I was so thankful for Silvia.

"Anything for you, America." she said. We said goodbye and I hung up. I got to where Maxon was waiting and we got into the car. 
We slowed to a stop at the palace doors and I prayed that Silvia had everything ready. We walked in the doors and were greeted by guards, who quickly escorted us to the ballroom.

"We have to go, Your Majesties, this is an emergency." the guard named Smith said.

"What happened?" Maxon asked frantically.

"Well, Your Majesty," the second guard began. "I think we should just show you." We rushed down the halls and into the ballroom. It looked to be completely empty.

"It's just an empty ballroom." Maxon said, looking confused. "What's the-"

"SURPRISE!!" a whole bunch of people shouted as the jumped out from behind pillars and plants and things. Maxon beamed and hugged me.

"Did you plan this?" he asked.

"With the help of Silvia and the palace staff." I said. "They're the ones who should get the credit."

Maxon looked around the room at the people bringing out tables of food and drinks. The band started playing and Maxon pulled me out into the center of the ballroom to dance.

"I don't know this dance." I said, nervously taking my husband's hand.

"I don't either. Just follow my lead. I'll make something up."

I smiled and Maxon twirled my around the dance floor, and the guests at the party smiled as they watched us.

Once the song was done, we gestured for everyone to come dance, and the room was full of twirling skirts and chatter. Maxon looked like he was having the time of his life, and I was happy. The chef brought out a beautiful birthday cake, and put twenty candles into the two tiers. The band started playing "Happy Birthday", and some people sang along. Maxon took a deep breath and blew out all of his candles.

"Happy twentieth birthday, Maxon." I said, kissing my husband.

I AM REALLY SORRY. I've been super busy with school and stuff lately that I haven't been able to update my story! I'll try to update it more often and not leave you guys for a long period of time with no additions to the story. We got 7K!!!! I'm so happy! You guys are really awesome. Ok, our next goal is the big 1-0-0-0-0 (10 000)! I know we can do this. Thanks for reading and sharing this story! Peace out!✌️


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