Chapter 14:

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"What are you doing, Maxon?" I asked him. I tried to sit up in bed, but he tackled me down. 

What had gotten into him?

"Go back to sleep!" he said, frantically trying to hold me down. "I'm not ready!" 

He was hiding something from me.

"Ok! Calm down!" I was perfectly happy to stay in bed. We stayed up until 3:00 last night, and I was really tired. I fell asleep for a couple more hours, and Maxon woke me up.

"My dear, wake up!" 

So now he wanted me to get up. I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes. I was still tired, so I flopped back into bed.

"I'm not your dear." I said. "And why are you acting so strange?" he was almost in a hurry.

"Strange? I'm not acting strange! You're acting strange!" he said.

 Oh, what had gotten into him? I sat up in bed to see a big banner that said, "Happy Anniversary!" There was also balloons everywhere and a huge gift.

"I really appreciate this, Maxon." I said. "But our anniversary doesn't come for 5 months."

 We had gotten married 7 months ago. It felt like a very short time, but when I said it out loud, it sounded like a long time ago.

"I know. It's the anniversary of when we met. In the gardens." Maxon said with a smile.

"Awwww!" I exclaimed, kissing Maxon. "Wow, it's been a year since the Selection started!" 

He pulled me close, our eyes locked. He kissed me on the forehead, and all the way down my face to my lips. They lingered there for a while until he broke the kiss.

"A year ago right now, I was pacing in my room, terrified of having to choose a wife." Maxon whispered. "I was even thinking of calling the Selection off. I'm so, so glad I didn't. Then I would have never met you." He started kissing me again, this time along my collarbone.

"Maxon, a year ago, I was convinced you were a stuck-up snob." I confessed. "I didn't want to be Selected." I brought his face level with mine. "Boy, was I wrong." Maxon smiled at me and I smiled back. 

We kissed for a long time, and when it ended, I wanted more. I could never get enough of Maxon. We got ready and went down to the dining room to eat. As Maxon walked in, Nicoletta giggled. So did everyone else.

"What's so funny?" Maxon asked them.

 As he turned around, I saw that there was a rip in his shorts and everyone could see his polka dot underwear. I laughed too.

"Maxon, your shorts." I whispered, trying to contain my laughter. He looked into a mirror on the wall and saw the rip. His face instantly went red and he went up to our room to get new ones. 

When he walked in again, Nicoletta was silently laughing and so were her sisters. We sat down and had biscuits and coffee for breakfast. When we were finished, Maxon and I went back to our room.

"Today is your free day." Maxon said once we got to our room. "You can pick whatever we do today. Then tomorrow, we're flying to our next destination." Maxon said, raising his eyebrows.

"Can we go for a walk in the town?" I asked. I just wanted a low-key day.

"Of course, darling." Maxon said. 

We got our stuff and headed out to the street. It was like we traveled back in time. There were little shops lining the streets, and there was an old cobblestone road.

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